Releases: moffatman/chan
Major Features
- Add and remove additional imageboard sites in-app via links within the dev news board
- Multiple named themes that can be imported and exported
- Redesigned the post form
- One-tap access to pick an image
- Drag the top of the form into the keyboard to close the form
- Shortcut buttons for syntax like [spoiler], [code], [math]
- Name field is remembered per-site
- Options field and selected file are remembered in per-thread draft
- Pasting an image moved to the cut/copy/paste text editing menu
New configuration options
- Choose URLs to always open in external apps instead of browser (YouTube is included by default)
- Increase catalog maximum row height
- Show catalog counters in their own row instead of in the corner
- Always start videos muted
- Disable swiping between pages in gallery
- Long-press action on the Settings icon (could be used to switch theme, toggle blurred thumbnails, and more)
General Improvements
- Captcha solver is faster
- Add "Share Text" option to post menu
- Moved "Select Text" to after "Reply" in post menu
- Matching search text is highlighted in catalog and in-thread search
- Suggest running an archive search when searching the catalog
- Moved the "current page" indicator/button in the catalog to the bottom-right, so it could be more easily reached
- Handoff current thread between iPhone, iPad, and Mac
- Remember the previous number of captcha letters while the app is open
- Long-press the History icon to toggle history
- Added a clear-history menu in the history tab
- Added quote-all button to post text selection pop-up
- Captcha will be submitted when pressing "Done" on the keyboard
- Gallery grid thumbnails scale based on the general thumbnail size
- Text rendering was weird
- Captcha letter pickers didn't use the full width
- Thread-open animation was playing when restoring previous tabs
- Android back button was closing threads in the wrong tab
- Weird layout glitch when opening the gallery on MIUI 13
- Spoiler text could show when not supposed-to depending on theme colors
- Long thread names had poor layout in the top bar
- Tapping the status bar to scroll-to-top didn't work in the dev news board
- Watched threads disappeared immediately upon going 404
- Image transcoder wasn't able to shrink the size of some screenshots
- Sometimes when updating a thread it would end up slowly coasting backwards
Regressions/Known Issues
- Removed system drag-and-drop support on iOS and Android, it caused a lot of problems and I don't think anyone used it.
Feature: Option for maximum text lines in catalog grid layout
Feature: Option for showing the thumbnail behind the text in catalog grid layout
Improvement: Capcode display on posts (Moderator, Admin, etc)
Improvement: Backspace works within captcha entry
Improvement: Captcha solver is ~10% smarter
Improvement: Catalog grid layout shows more thumbnail content if possible
Improvement: Number of captcha letters can be changed while the solver is thinking
Improvement: Android videos can play simultaneously with other audio
Improvement: Captcha letter pickers have more friction / less momentum
Improvement: Captcha letter pickers can be reordered after holding on them
Bugfix: Images didn't open within dev board
Bugfix: Push notifications weren't properly disabled in some circumstances
Bugfix: App quite unusable after opening from a push notification
Bugfix: Archived posts could fail to load if there were ghost posts
Bugfix: Image MD5 filter did not apply when not within the Browse tab
Bugfix: The text-scaling feature didn't apply to all interface elements
Bugfix: Some bold text within posts was not showing as bold
Bugfix: The vertically-scrolling images page sometimes didn't open
Bugfix: Search field was missing from History tab
Bugfix: Sometimes text cursor was missing
Bugfix: The web image picker sometimes didn't work
Bugfix: Favorite boards could not be added to
Bugfix: Sometimes created threads did not have notifications automatically enabled
Bugfix: Enabling and disabling history wouldn't update the relevant icons
Bugfix: A URL followed by punctuation would not open properly
Bugfix: When switching the number of letters in the captcha solver, focus wasn't preserved
Bugfix: Pinching-to-zoom too quickly would instantly close the image
Bugfix: Video controls were too low on the screen when gallery thumbnails were disabled
Bugfix: The "Ask" setting of "Use internal web browser" was forgotten upon relaunch
Bugfix: The loading spinner jumped around a little during launch
Bugfix: Loading several VP9 WEBMs on Android would cause an error
Bugfix: Typing very quickly after opening the board switcher wasn't recognized
Feature: Action to translate post
Feature: Option to hide default names on posts
Feature: Option to hide thumbnails in gallery
Feature: Option to ask about browser every time a link is tapped
Feature: Catalog sorting methods can be set as default for board, or used temporarily
Feature: 6-letter captcha support
Feature: More configurability on thread notifications by tapping the bell icon
Feature: Option to auto-close tab switcher after use
Feature: Option to adjust font size within Appearance Settings
Improvement: Lots of behind-the-scenes refactoring to prepare for upcoming multi-site browsing
Improvement: Sorting options for watched threads
Improvement: Shortcut to the search field within the thread navigation menu
Bugfix: Background tab unseen counts were not updated until the tab was opened once
Bugfix: Text layout was incorrect on long toast messages
Bugfix: Captcha slider was disabled when using old captcha interface
Bugfix: Notifications were not cleared when opening a thread after it had been archived
Bugfix: .jpeg files were asking to be converted to .jpg
Bugfix: Keyboard could cover the thread composition form
Bugfix: Videos could start in the wrong aspect ratio on some devices
Bugfix: Images will not ask to be loaded again after re-opening the gallery when auto-load is disabled
Bugfix: Framedrop opening Data Settings
Bugfix: Various minor issues with the unread posts indicator
Bugfix: Search results would close on phone after selecting a result
Bugfix: Status bar was invisible after viewing a saved attachment
Bugfix: "Post successful" shown but post not made on /g/
Bugfix: PNG files were forced to be converted to JPG before posting
Bugfix: Grey/errored posts within search results when query contained special characters
Bugfix: Opening threads in new tabs sometimes put the new tab in an unexpected position
Feature: Image search using SauceNAO
Feature: Option to reorder post fields (like time and filename)
Feature: Option to set a maximum image upload size in pixels
Feature: Long-press on "new tab" button to close all other tabs
Improvement: Better performance when switching tabs or closing threads
Improvement: TeX can be scrolled horizontally if wider than the post area
Improvement: Text matches are highlighted in search query results page
Improvement: Tapping image thumbnail in catalog grid mode will open gallery
Improvement: Ability to reset the pass usage on cellular preference
Improvement: Notifications open under the Saved tab instead of opening a new Browse tab
Improvement: New startup error screen for unrecoverable errors to aid in support
Bugfix: "Chance pasted" notification whenever picking a file (Android)
Bugfix: The file picker sometimes didn't open (Android)
Bugfix: TeX font was too large relative to other text
Bugfix: Sometimes notifications cleared without opening the thread they were about
Bugfix: The OP post behind a list of replies was the wrong size when using interface scaling
Bugfix: Highlighted catalog grid items were not laid out correctly
Bugfix: Scrollbar was not interactive
Bugfix: History search caused major lag upon first usage
Bugfix: Spoilered videos showed the spoiler thumbnail behind while playing
Bugfix: Opening the app by tapping a notification didn't open the corresponding thread
Bugfix: Sometimes tapping a notification didn't do anything
Bugfix: Sometimes tapping a notification would cause bugged scrolling
Bugfix: Using the file picker with a lot of saved attachments caused lag and crashes
Bugfix: Tapping the button for the current section had missing behavior on tablets
Feature: Choosing meme-flag when posting
Feature: Push notifications shown in-app
Improvement: Touch interactions should feel more responsive
Improvement: Scroll stops on a tap
Improvement: Web image picker works with GIFs
Improvement: Web image picker doesn't show as many irrelevant images
Improvement: Added divider between replies
Improvement: Changed the parent reply ID color to make it more distinct
Improvement: Actions to copy link and open in browser when sharing
Improvement: Reduced startup time by cleaning up files in the background
Bugfix: Extreme lag after 8 seconds in captcha solver
Bugfix: Filters with a list of boards separated by a comma didn't work correctly
Bugfix: Unseen notification indicator could get stuck when removing the last watched thread
Bugfix: Not possible to long-press on posts with huge filters
Bugfix: Long filenames were partially cut-off in the gallery
Feature: Server-side push notifications for new replies
Feature: Split thread watching and saved threads into separate functionality
Feature: Uploading images from the clipboard
Feature: Send images to Chance from other apps
Feature: Drag-and-drop images onto "select file" button
Feature: Open 4chan links in Chance (Android)
Feature: Option to disable embedded thumbnails (YouTube etc)
Feature: Option to disable built-in web browser
Feature: Configurable automatic cache cleanup
Feature: Option to disable automatic loading full-resolution of tapped images
Improvement: Thread navigation menu closes when an action is tapped
Improvement: Long-press thread position indicator to scroll-to-bottom
Improvement: Fortune on /s4s/ is displayed correctly
Improvement: EXIF Data on /p/ is parsed and available as a popup
Improvement: Back button closes the reply form (Android)
Improvement: Added icon to make it clear when the full-res image is not being shown in the gallery
Bugfix: Catalog and threads would break when searching when there were no results
Bugfix: Threads could scroll-in from the bottom on opening unintentionally
Bugfix: Errors were not reported when attempting to delete a post
Bugfix: Scrolling to the bottom of a thread with hidden posts could glitch out
Bugfix: TeX rendering ([math] tags) was not working
Bugfix: Closing a tab could cause the previous tab to break
Bugfix: Frame drop when muting and unmuting
Bugfix: Tablet new-thread form was being hidden by the on-screen keyboard
Feature: Bottom-right button (posts counter) opens a new menu to navigate within a thread
Feature: New page to vertically-scroll all images and videos within a thread (access it within the new menu)
Feature: Hold on submit button to force-post (bypass timer)
Feature: Added sorting method to sort by image count
Feature: Action to hide post as well as its replies
Feature: Action to hide posts from the same user ID
Feature: Option to randomize filenames of uploaded images
Feature: Option to customize the information shown with each post (date, filename, etc)
Feature: Configurable thumbnail size
Improvement: Composing a new thread will use the full width when in two-pane layout
Improvement: Added a description to the "two-pane breakpoint" setting
Improvement: Improved performance when opening a deep reply tree
Improvement: Better error messages when loading a dead post from archives
Improvement: Numeric input type used for pass login when appropriate
Improvement: Video mute setting is remembered for other videos
Improvement: Added a mute and unmute button when needed without opening the full gallery interface
Bugfix: Some GIFs played at the wrong speed
Bugfix: Captcha input could freeze the app
Bugfix: Image conversion could fail under certain conditions
Bugfix: Hiding a post could cause the app to freeze
Bugfix: A URL within a spoiler would activate instead of revealing the spoiler on tap
Bugfix: Android devices sometimes mistakenly used the mouse layout when set to automatic switching
Bugfix: Loading a dead post when within a reply popup could get stuck
Bugfix: Peeking on an image could get stuck, leaving a blurred rectangle in the centre of the screen
Feature: New captcha input scheme with automatic guesser
Feature: Added button in the history page to temporarily stop recording history
Feature: Action on threads in Saved and History pages to open into a Browse tab
Feature: Option to disable scrollbars
Feature: Add method to sort by last reply time (without respecting bump rules)
Improvement: Pass login will be cached and reauthorized when needed (need to re-login after update)
Improvement: Show "Pass since..." if the post was made with since4pass
Improvement: App startup time reduced
Bugfix: Saved posts didn't show new replies
Feature: Search filter for only deleted posts or only non-deleted posts
Feature: Option to sort catalog by posts per minute
Improvement: Added buttons to adjust grid item size by +/- 1 pixel
Improvement: Tap bottom icon when in Saved, History, etc to close current thread
Improvement: Better text layout for attachment picker on smaller displays
Improvement: Better animation when tapping footer to refresh thread
Improvement: Post ID is quoted when quoting text in the "select text" mode
Improvement: Allow zooming in upload preview viewer
Bugfix: Captchas with no slider could not be submitted
Bugfix: Error message was shown when captcha was not required
Bugfix: Grey background behind replies if display was rotated
Bugfix: Boards were not shown in alphabetical order
Bugfix: Selecting image files with spaces in filename could cause issues
Bugfix: Threads were closing when reordering tabs
Bugfix: Reducing the size of a JPEG did not reliably succeed
Bugfix: Erroneous page indicator was showing while catalog was refreshing