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Martin Milan edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 2 revisions
    1  git push
    2  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
    3  cd
    4  cd OneDrive/a,complangs-215-hyperpoly/hyperpolyglot-CSV/
    5  git add hyperpolyglot-CSV\ -\ scripting-paste.csv
    6  git commit -v -a -m scripting
    7  git push
    8  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
    9  cd OneDrive/hpmor/
   10  git clone
   11  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   12  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   13  history
   14  cd OneDrive/
   15  git commit -v -a -m warning-chsh-radeji-nesudo
   16  git push
   17  which bash
   18  cmd
   19  git add wsl-dotfiles/.bash_history
   20  git add -f -vvv wsl-dotfiles/.bash_history
   21  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   22  ls /c
   23  ls /wsl
   24  ls /wsl$
   25  ls /proc/
   26  ls /proc/cygdrive/
   27  mount
   28  mount
   29  ls /w
   30  ls /w/home/
   31  ls /w/home/martin/
   32  ls /w/home/martin/.node_repl_history
   33  ls -l /w/home/martin/.node_repl_history
   34  cd /w/home/martin/
   35  ls
   36  ls .git
   37  history |grep git
   38  history |grep git|grep -v -E 'comm|push'
   39  history |grep git|grep -v -E -i 'onedr|comm|push'
   40  git status
   41  git add -f -vvv .node_repl_history
   42  history |grep git|grep -v -E -i 'onedr|comm|push'
   43  git remote
   44  git checkout -b wsl
   45  git commit -v -a -m 'wsl node'
   46  git push -u origin wsl
   47  cd
   48  ls
   49  git add -f -vvv .node_repl_history
   50  git commit -v -a -m 'node warniing crlf'
   51  git push -u
   52  cd OneDrive/
   53  git commit -v -a -m bkup
   54  git push -u
   55  cd /w/home/martin/
   56  git push -u
   57  git push -u origin wsl
   58  git push -u origin wsl
   59  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   60  git ls-files
   61  git add -f -vvv AppData/Local/Microsoft/PowerToys/settings.json
   62  git add -f -vvv AppData/Local/Microsoft/PowerToys/Keyboard\ Manager/default.json
   63  git add -f -vvv AppData/Local/Microsoft/PowerToys/Keyboard\ Manager/settings.json
   64  git ls-files
   65  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   66  git commit -v -a -m bkup-keyb
   67  git push -u
   68  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   69  while read -N 1 x ;do echo "$x"|od -x ; done
   70  while read -N 1 x ;do echo "$x"|od -x ; done
   71  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   72  cd OneDrive/
   73  git clone
   74  cd us-qwerty-programmer-shiftless/
   75  git add -f -vvv 2021-09-05\ \(1\).png shiftless-bracketpairs-leftarrow.ahk
   76  git commit -v -a -m bkup
   77  git push -u
   78  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   79  cd /
   80  cd c
   81  ls */MSKLC
   82  ls */*/MSKLC
   83  ls -d */*/MSKLC
   84  ls -d */*/*/MSKLC
   85  cd ..
   86  git commit -v -a -m bkup
   87  git push -u
   88  cd docker-214/root
   89  git init
   90  git checkout -b ubudock
   91  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
   92  git remote add origin
   93  git add --dry-run *.ipynb
   94  git add --dry-run *
   95  ls .*
   96  git add -f -vvv .bash_history .bashrc .config/mc/ini .gitconfig .inputrc .profile jup.bash_history
   97  git commit -v -a -m bkup
   98  git push -u origin ubudock
   99  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
  100  pwd
  101  du -m|sort -n
  102  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history
  103  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du
  104  du -m >du-m.txt
  105  ls -l AppData/Roaming/Zoom/
  106  ls -l AppData/Roaming/Zoom/bin/
  107  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du
  108  sort -n du-m.txt >du-m-mar.sort
  109  grep -i tmp du-m-mar.sort
  110  grep -i temp du-m-mar.sort
  111  grep -i temp du-m-mar.sort |less
  112  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du
  113  /e
  114  cd /e
  115  ls
  116  cd A,SMAZAT-V-NOUZI/
  117  ls
  118  ll
  119  cat carat-context-factors-percom.csv |tr A-Z a-z|head
  120  cat carat-context-factors-percom.csv |tr A-Z a-z|cut -f 2-4 -d ';'|head
  121  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du
  122  hgfgfhfhgfhhfh
  123  ls
  124  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du
  125  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep
  126  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep e
  127  cd /e/A,SMAZAT-V-NOUZI/
  128  cat carat-context-factors-percom.csv |tr A-Z a-z|cut -f 2-4 -d ';'|head
  129  cat carat-context-factors-percom.csv |tr A-Z a-z|cut -f 2-4 -d ';' >f234-carat.csv
  130  ll
  131  tail f234-carat.csv
  132  grep -vi good f234-carat.csv|wc
  133  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep e
  134  grep -vi good f234-carat.csv|wc
  135  grep -vi good f234-carat.csv >nongood-carat.csv
  136  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep e
  137  cut --h
  138  cut -f 1 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c
  139  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep e
  140  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  141  grep --h -vi good f234-carat.csv
  142  grep --count '[^a-zA-Z0-9.;]' f234-carat.csv
  143  grep --count '[^a-zA-Z0-9.; ]' f234-carat.csv
  144  grep --count '[^-a-zA-Z0-9.; ]' f234-carat.csv
  145  grep --count '[^-a-zA-Z0-9.;]' f234-carat.csv
  146  grep --count '[^-good0-9.;]' f234-carat.csv
  147  grep --count '[^-good0-9.; ]' f234-carat.csv
  148  grep --count '[^good0-9.; ]' f234-carat.csv
  149  grep --count '[^good0-9.;]' f234-carat.csv
  150  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  151  tail f234-carat.csv
  152  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1|sort|uniq -c
  153  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-2 |sort|uniq -c
  154  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-3 |sort|uniq -c
  155  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-4 |sort|uniq -c
  156  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-4 |sort|uniq -c|less
  157  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-5 |sort|uniq -c|less
  158  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-5 |sort|uniq -c|wc
  159  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c|wc
  160  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -v '[.]' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  161  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -v '[.]' |sort|uniq -c|less
  162  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -v '[.]' |sort|uniq -c|less
  163  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c|less
  164  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -v '[.]' |sort|uniq -c|less
  165  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c|less
  166  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '[^\d{3}]' |sort|uniq -c|less
  167  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '^[\d{3}]' |sort|uniq -c|less
  168  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  169  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '^\d{3}' |sort|uniq -c|less
  170  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '^\d{3}' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  171  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '^(\d){3}' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  172  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '^(\d)' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  173  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E '^[0-9]' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  174  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E -v '^[0-9]' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  175  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E -v '^[0-9]{3}' |sort|uniq -c|wc
  176  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E -v '^[0-9]{3}' |sort|uniq -c|less
  177  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E  '^[0-9]{3}' |sort|uniq -c|less
  178  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  179  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E -v '^[0-9]{3}' |sort|uniq -c|less
  180  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  181  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv|grep -E -v '^[0-9]{3}' |sort|uniq -c|less
  182  cd /d/A,SMAZAT-V-NOUZI/
  183  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c >f3-of-f234.csv
  184  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  185  cut -f 1 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c >f1-of-f234.csv
  186  cut -f 2 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c >f2-of-f234.csv
  187  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  188  od -c 1  f3-of-f234.csv |sort|uniq -c
  189  grep ';od [-]' fish-history.txt
  190  grep -f ';od [-]' fish-history.txt
  191  grep -f '[;]od [-]' fish-history.txt
  192  grep -F '[;]od [-]' fish-history.txt
  193  grep -F 'od [-]' fish-history.txt
  194  grep -F 'od ' fish-history.txt
  195  grep  ' od [-]' fish-history.txt
  196  od --output-duplicates  --format=c --width=1  --address-radix=n opc |sort|uniq -c
  197  od --output-duplicates  --format=c --width=1  --address-radix=n f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c
  198  od --output-duplicates  --format=c --width=1  --address-radix=n f234-carat.csv |sort|uniq -c >od-c &
  199  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  200  cut -f 2 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1 |sort|uniq -c
  201  cut -f 2 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-2 |sort|uniq -c
  202  cut -f 2 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -f 1 -d '.' |sort|uniq -c
  203  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-3 |sort|uniq -c
  204  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  205  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-3 |sort|uniq -c
  206  paste --h
  207  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  208  ll
  209  cut -f 1 -d ';' f234-carat.csv >1
  210  cut -f 2 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -f 1 -d '.' >2
  211  cut -f 3 -d ';' f234-carat.csv |cut -c 1-3 >3
  212  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  213  paste -d ',' 1 2 3
  214  paste -d ',' 1 2 3 >4
  215  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  216  sort -u 4 >5
  217  ll
  218  cp -i 5 f234-carat-uniq.csv
  219  echo batteryHealth,batteryTemperature,batteryVoltage
  220  echo batteryHealth,batteryTemperature,batteryVoltage >nongood-carat-sch.csv
  221  tr ';' ',' <nongood-carat.csv >>nongood-carat-sch.csv
  222  head -n 25 nongood-carat-sch.csv
  223  ll
  224  sort -u nongood-carat.csv |wc
  225  sort -u f234-carat.csv |wc
  226  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  227  shuf --h
  228  shuf --help
  229  shuf -n 60000 -o file f234-carat.csv
  230  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  231  echo batteryHealth,batteryTemperature,batteryVoltage >shuf-sch.csv
  232  tr ';' ',' <file >>shuf-sch.csv
  233  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  234  multiline multiline
  235  multiline
  236  echo <<prase
  237  multiline
  238  multiline
  239  prase
  240  cat <<prase
  241  multiline
  242  multiline
  243  prase
  244  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  245  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  246  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep clon
  247  cd OneDrive/
  248  git clone �
  249  git clone �
  250  dir
  251  cd /
  252  ls
  253  cd c
  254  cd /h
  255  ll
  256  cd /h/version-pack-data/community/
  257  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep clon
  258  pwd
  259  find . -type f -size +100M -ls
  260  find . -type f -size +100M
  261  find . -type f -size +100M 2>/c/u/find100M-tee-221s-2
  262  find . -type f -size +100M -ls 2>/c/u/find100M-tee-221s-2
  263  cd /h/version-pack-data/community/
  264  find . -type f -size +100M -ls 2>/c/u/find100M-tee-221s-2
  265  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  266  git push -u
  267  cd OneDrive/
  268  ll
  269  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  270  git push -u
  271  cd docker-214/
  272  ll
  273  git clone
  274  ll
  275  git init
  276  git remote add origin
  277  git pull -v
  278  git branch --help
  279  git branch -v
  280  git branch --list
  281  git branch --list  --all
  282  git branch --list  --all -vv
  283  echo "# docker-214" >>
  284  git add --dry-run *.md
  285  git add --dry-run -v *.md
  286  git add  -v *.md
  287  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  288  git branch -M main
  289  git branch --list  --all -vv
  290  git pull -v
  291  git pull -v origin main
  292  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep clon
  293  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  294  git init
  295  git remote add origin
  296  git pull -v origin main
  297  git pull -v origin main
  298  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  299  ll
  300  git add  -v  --dry-run  ijulia/*
  301  git add  -v  --dry-run  ijulia
  302  git add  -v  --dry-run  ijulia
  303  git add  -v  --dry-run  ijulia
  304  git add  -v   ijulia
  305  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  306  git push -u
  307  git push -u origin main
  308  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  309  cd /d
  310  cd GIT-bk04/
  311  ll
  312  git clone
  313  cd helmhurts/
  314  git add  -v   INSTALL.jl
  315  git add  -v   figs/pltest.png
  316  git add  -v -f  figs/pltest.png
  317  git add  -v examples/
  318  git info
  319  git ls
  320  git ls-files
  321  git add  -v examples
  322  git add  -v examples/*
  323  git add  -v -f examples/*
  324  git add  -v -f resources/*
  325  git commit -v -a -m tweaks
  326  git push -u
  327  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  328  cd
  329  #git commit -v -a -m bkup
  330  cd OneDrive/
  331  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  332  git push -u
  333  cd docker-214/
  334  git add  -v  --dry-run  jup-notebook-mn
  335  git add  -v    jup-notebook-mn
  336  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  337  git push -u
  338  #git add  -v  --dry-run  jup-notebook-mn
  339  cd homedockw/
  340  git add  -v  --dry-run  .bash_logout .bashrc .profile
  341  git add  -v    .bash_logout .bashrc .profile
  342  git commit -v -a -m 'skel dotfiles 3'
  343  git commit -v -a -m 'wsl dotfiles 1'
  344  git push -u
  345  git commit -v -a -m 'jovy dotfiles 1'
  346  git push -u
  347  git add  -v  --dry-run  jovyan
  348  git add  -v  --dry-run  jo.tar
  349  git add  -vv   jo.tar
  350  cd ..
  351  git add  -v  --dry-run  wsl-jup-notebook-mn
  352  git add  -v   wsl-jup-notebook-mn
  353  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  354  git push -u
  355  git add  -v   homedockw/jovyan/.bash_history
  356  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  357  git push -u
  358  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  359  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  360  git push -u
  361  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  362  cd ~/OneDrive/docker-214/
  363  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  364  git push -u
  365  cd ..
  366  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  367  git push -u
  368  cd ~/OneDrive/docker-214/
  369  git commit -v -a -m bkup-vsc
  370  git push -u
  371  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  372  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  373  git push -u
  374  cd OneDrive/
  375  git add  -v   wsl-dotfiles/.condarc
  376  git add  -v -f  wsl-dotfiles/.condarc
  377  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  378  git push -u
  379  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  380  set|grep -i hist
  381  set|grep -i opt
  382  set|grep -i opts
  383  set|grep -i hist
  384  set|less
  385  set|grep -i marti
  386  which bash
  387  bash -v
  388  bash -v|less
  389  bash -v 2>&1|less
  390  bash -v
  391  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  392  set|grep -i bas
  393  set|grep -i bash
  394  set|grep -i git
  395  env|grep -i git
  396  cd OneDrive/
  397  git ls-files
  398  cd OneDrive/
  399  git add acro-sett/
  400  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  401  git add acro-sett/
  402  git add -f -vv acro-sett/
  403  git commit -v -a -m acro0
  404  git push -u
  405  cd
  406  pwd
  407  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  408  git push -u
  409  cd OneDrive/
  410  git commit -v -a -m acro222
  411  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  412  ll git add -f -vv acro-sett/
  413  ll  acro-sett/
  414  git push -u
  415  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  416  cd OneDrive/
  417  #git commit -v -a -m wsl.conf
  418  git add  -v  wsl-dotfiles/wsl.conf
  419  git add  -v -f  wsl-dotfiles/wsl.conf
  420  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  421  echo $PATH
  422  set
  423  env
  424  mount
  425  id
  426  dd
  427  dd
  428  dd --h
  429  mount --h
  430  cat /etc/fstab
  431  df
  432  echo $PATH
  433  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep . #clon
  434  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep find #clon
  435  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du #clon
  436  pwd
  437  man du
  438  du -ak /c /d
  439  #du -ak /c /d >du-ak-
  440  du -ak /c /d >/d/umarti/du-ak--c-d
  441  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du #clon
  442  gpg --version
  443  gpg --list-sigs -vvv
  444  gpg --export --armor -vvv --output 3
  445  gpg --keyid-format long --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 843938DF228D22F7B3742BC0D94AA3F0EFE21092
  446  gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS
  447  cd OneDrive/GPG/182liveserv
  448  cd OneDrive/GPG/182liveserv
  449  gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS
  450  gpg --list-sigs -vvv
  451  gpg --keyid-format long --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 843938DF228D22F7B3742BC0D94AA3F0EFE21092
  452  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep gpg #clon
  453  ll
  454  gpg --export --armor -vvv --output 4
  455  gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS
  456  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep gpg #clon
  457  cd OneDrive/
  458  git commit -v -a -m bkup
  459  git push -u
  460  cd docker-214/
  461  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  462  git push -u
  463  cd
  464  cd OneDrive/
  465  cd docker-214/
  466  git ls-files
  467  cd
  468  cd OneDrive/
  469  git add -vv docker-214/homedockw/jovyan/.bash_history
  470  git add -f -vv docker-214/homedockw/jovyan/.bash_history
  471  git add -f -vv docker-214/wsl-jup-notebook-mn22/docker-compose.yml
  472  git ls-files
  473  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  474  git add -f -vv docker-214/wsl-jup-notebook-mn22/docker-compose.yml
  475  git add  -vv docker-214/wsl-jup-notebook-mn22/docker-compose.yml
  476  git add  -vv -f docker-214/wsl-jup-notebook-mn22/docker-compose.yml
  477  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  478  cd OneDrive/
  479  git add  -vv -f docker-214/wsl-jup-notebook-mn22/docker-compose.yml
  480  git add -f -vv docker-214/homedockw/jovyan/.bash_history
  481  git ls-files
  482  git add -f -vv docker-214/homedockw/jovyan/.bash_history
  483  git add  -vv -f docker-214/wsl-jup-notebook-mn22/docker-compose.yml
  484  git ls-files
  485  git commit -vvv -a -m zarem-dock.git
  486  git push -u
  487  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep gpg #clon
  488  cd OneDrive/
  489  git add  -vv -f mila/CHost_history.txt
  490  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep gpg #clon
  491  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  492  git push -u
  493  mkdir OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  494  cd OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  495  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  496  cd OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  497  ll
  498  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  499  mkdir /d/GIT-bk04/mylen-ila-git-mirmir.git
  500  git init --separate-git-dir=/d/GIT-bk04/mylen-ila-git-mirmir.git
  501  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  502  git remote -vvv add dee  /d/Users/milanlocal/AAA-mylen-ila-git-mirror/
  503  git pull -vv dee main
  504  git pull -vv dee main
  505  du
  506  du |sort -n
  507  du -a |sort -n
  508  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  509  git add -vv --dry-run .
  510  git add -vv --dry-run .|less
  511  git add -vv  .
  512  cd ..
  513  git commit -vvv -a -m  'mylen-ila-git-mirmir'
  514  git push -u
  515  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  516  git commit -vvv -a -m  bkup
  517  git push -u
  518  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  519  meld
  520  cd OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  521  git pull -v
  522  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  523  ll
  524  cd /d/umarti/
  525  ll
  526  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  527  sexp-conv.exe --h
  528  sexp-conv.exe --he
  529  iconv.exe --h
  530  iconv.exe -l
  531  iconv.exe -l|grep 16
  532  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  533  cd docker-214big/qemu/
  534  du
  535  du -am
  536  cd
  537  cd OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  538  git add -vv  OneDrive/223c09/
  539  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  540  cd OneDrive/
  541  git clone
  542  cd Acronis-SystemReport/
  543  git add -vv --dry-run .
  544  git add -vv  .
  545  git commit -vvv -a -m 206
  546  git commit -vvv -a -m 210
  547  git gui
  548  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  549  git commit -vvv -a -m 223c
  550  git push -u
  551  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  552  cd ~/OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  553  git add -vv --dry-run .
  554  pwd
  555  git ls-files
  556  git ls-files|grep -i gpg
  557  cd OneDrive/
  558  git ls-files|grep -i gpg
  559  git ls-files
  560  git status
  561  git status|grep -i gpg
  562  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  563  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  564  git add -vv --dry-run .
  565  cd AAABKUP-sums20/
  566  git add -vv --dry-run .
  567  git add -vv --dry-run
  568  git add -vv -f --dry-run
  569  cd ..
  570  git add -vv -f --dry-run .
  571  cd ..
  572  git add -vv -f --dry-run .
  573  cd -
  574  cd AAABKUP-sums20/
  575  git add -vv -f --dry-run .
  576  git add -vv -f  .
  577  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  578  git commit -vvv -a -m sums
  579  git push -u
  580  cd ..
  581  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  582  git add -vv -f --dry-run .
  583  git add -vv -f --dry-run .
  584  git add -vv -f  .
  585  git commit -vvv -a -m 4q
  586  git push -u
  587  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  588  which isoburn
  589  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
  590  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep grep
  591  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du
  592  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  593  grep -i vhdx /d/umarti/du-ak--c-d-renamed.txt
  594  grep -i vhdx /d/umarti/du-ak--c-d-renamed.txt |less
  595  grep -i vhd /d/umarti/du-ak--c-d-renamed.txt |less
  596  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  597  grep -i vhd /d/umarti/du-ak--c-d-renamed.txt |less
  598  git add --dry-run -vv -f  .
  599  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  600  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  601  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  602  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  603  git add --dry-run -vv   ini
  604  git add  -vv   ini
  605  cd ..
  606  cd ..
  607  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  608  git add --dry-run -vv   *
  609  git add  -vv   ini
  610  git add --dry-run -vv   .*his*
  611  git add  -vv   .*his*
  612  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  613  git add --dry-run -vv   .*rc
  614  git add  -vv   .*rc
  615  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  616  git ls-files
  617  git add  -vv   grub.cfg wincmd.ini
  618  git ls-files
  619  git commit -vvv -a -m hyperv
  620  git push -u
  621  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  622  git commit -vvv -a -m gitign
  623  git push -u
  624  cd OneDrive/
  625  git status
  626  git add -vv -f  .gitignore
  627  cd ..
  628  git ls-files
  629  cd -
  630  git status
  631  git commit -vvv -a -m gitign
  632  git push -u
  633  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  634  cd OneDrive/
  635  cd hyperv-ubu-serv-20/
  636  ll
  637  git status
  638  git show
  639  git add -vv -f
  640  ll
  641  git add -vv -f  casper-new1.tibx
  642  git commit -vvv -a -m casper-new
  643  git push -u
  644  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  645  cd ..
  646  cd ~/OneDrive/mylen-ila-git-mirmir
  647  cd OneDrive/
  648  cd 223c7/
  649  git add --dry-run -vv   .
  650  git add  -vv   .
  651  #git commit -vvv -a -m 223c7
  652  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  653  git commit -vvv -a -m 223c7
  654  git push -u
  655  #git commit -vvv -a -m 223c7
  656  git status
  657  git show
  658  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup33
  659  cd ~/OneDrive/
  660  git add -vv -f  .gitignore
  661  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  662  git push -u
  663  cd Acronis-SystemReport/
  664  git add -vv -f  .gitignore
  665  git ls-files
  666  git commit -vvv -a -m gitign
  667  git push -u
  668  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  669  cd ~/OneDrive/
  670  cd Acronis-SystemReport/
  671  git commit -vvv -a -m gitign
  672  git push -u
  673  cd -
  674  git commit -vvv -a -m gitign
  675  git show
  676  git push -u
  677  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  678  cd ~/OneDrive/
  679  git commit -vvv -a -m wmic
  680  git show
  681  git push -u
  682  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  683  cd ~/OneDrive/hyperv-ubu-serv-20/
  684  ll
  685  git add -vv -f
  686  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  687  git push -u
  688  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  689  cd /d/umarti/down21/extract-vmlinux/
  690  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  691  dd bs=1 count=8998912 if=ldiag/linux.efi of=vmlinuz skip=48128
  692  #dd bs=256 count=35152 if=ldiag/linux.efi of=vmlinuz skip=188
  693  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  694  #dd bs=256 count=35152 if=ldiag/linux.efi of=vmlinuz skip=188
  695  dd bs=256 count=35152 if=ldiag/linux.efi of=vmlinuz skip=188
  696  dd bs=256 count=150180 if=ldiag/linux.efi of=ldiag/initrd skip=35340
  697  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  698  cd /d/umarti/down21/extract-vmlinux/
  699  cd acrolnx/
  700  ll
  701  cpio -tv <ramdisk_merged64.dat.cpio
  702  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  703  git show
  704  git status
  705  git commit -vvv -a -m opt2
  706  git show
  707  git push -u
  708  cd OneDrive/
  709  #git commit -vvv -a -m opt2
  710  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
  711  git push -u
  712  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  713  grep -i replace for\ x\ of\ this._modules2\ console.log
  714  grep -i replace for\ x\ of\ this._modules2\ console.log >replac
  715  cd
  716  cd /d/umarti/down21/
  717  zgrep -i activetext
  718  zipgrep -i activetext
  719  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  720  git push -u
  721  git ls-files
  722  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
  723  git push -u
  724  ls \c
  725  ls \\c
  726  cygpath
  727  set
  728  echo $PATH
  729  echo $file
  730  set
  731  git clone
  732  git show
  733  cd scriptbox
  734  git show
  735  git status
  736  git commit -vvv -a -m 'add mycmd01'
  737  git push -u
  738  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep du-a
  739  git commit -vvv -a -m 'move scriptdir'
  740  git push -u
  741  cd
  742  cd OneDrive/
  743  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
  744  git push -u
  745  cd scriptbox-scripts--all/
  746  git init
  747  git remote add origin
  748  git pull -v
  749  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep init
  750  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  751  git pull -v origin main
  752  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  753  git add -vv -f oldgithub/attempt1.js
  754  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  755  git push -u
  756  git push -u origin main
  757  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  758  git ls-files
  759  git status
  760  git show
  761  git ls-files
  762  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
  763  git ls-files
  764  git push -u
  765  git ls-files
  766  git add -vv -f C:\Users\marti\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets\javascript.json
  767  git add -vv -f `cygpath C:\Users\marti\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets\javascript.json`
  768  #git add -vv -f `cygpath 'C:\Users\marti\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets\javascript.json'`
  769  git add -vv -f 'C:\Users\marti\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets\javascript.json'
  770  git ls-files
  771  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  772  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snpp
  773  git push -u
  774  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  775  pwd
  776  git clone
  777  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snipp
  778  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snipp
  779  git push -u
  780  git clone
  781  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  782  ls -l /
  783  ls -l /c
  784  git ls-files
  785  cat
  786  cat .history
  787  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snipp--junction
  788  git show
  789  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snipp--junction
  790  git show
  791  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  792  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snipp--junction
  793  git show
  794  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-snipp--junction
  795  git show
  796  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  797  tar -h
  798  tar --help
  799  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  800  tar -c -v    -T wslutf8.txt     --interactive -f a.tar
  801  tar -c -v    -T wslutf8.txt     --interactive -f a.tar
  802  cd /d/umarti/tar-exe/
  803  ll
  804  tar -c -v    -T wslutf8.txt     --interactive -f a.tar
  805  tar -c -v    -T utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt     --interactive -f a.tar
  806  tar -c -v    -T utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt     --interactive -f a.tar
  807  tar -c -v    -T utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt     --interactive -f a.tar
  808  cygpath --he
  809  cygpath -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt
  810  cygpath -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt >a.cygpa
  811  tar -c -v   --files-from a.cygpa     --interactive -f a.tar
  812  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  813  cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt|  tar -c -v   --files-from -     --interactive -f a.tar
  814  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  815  cp --h
  816  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 init
  817  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=. --verbose `cat wslutf8.txt   `
  818  cp --h|less
  819  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=. --verbose `cat wslutf8.txt   `
  820  cd OneDrive/tar-exe/
  821  ll
  822  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d --verbose `cygpath.exe -f wslutf8.txt   `
  823  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d --verbose `cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  824  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d/umarti/ --verbose `cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  825  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  826  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=. --verbose `cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  827  cp  --archive --backup=numbered --interactive --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=. --verbose `cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  828  cp  --archive --backup=numbered  --one-file-system  --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=. --verbose `cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  829  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  830  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=. --verbose `cygpath.exe -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  831  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  832  git add -vv -f utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt
  833  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
  834  git push -u
  835  cd
  836  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
  837  git show
  838  git push -u
  839  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  840  cp --h|less
  841  tar --help
  842  tar --help|less
  843  tar --ver
  844  tar --versi
  845  tar --help|less
  846  cp --h|less
  847  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  848  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=~/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  849  pwd
  850  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  `
  851  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -v
  852  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  853  echo $home
  854  echo $HOME
  855  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  856  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  857  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d/umarti/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  858  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d/umarti/c --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  859  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d/umarti/c --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  860  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d/umarti/c --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  861  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=/d/umarti/c --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  862  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
  863  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  864  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
  865  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  866  set -x
  867  #run -it \
  868   # -p 8888:8888    \
  869    #--name JUP \
  870  docker                               --help
  871  #  jupyter/minimal-notebook \
  872  # --NotebookApp.dlkgmdflgkdg=1111111111111
  873  # -d  jupyter/base-notebook
  874  set -x
  875  #run -it \
  876   # -p 8888:8888    \
  877    #--name JUP \
  878  #docker \
  879  cp                               --help
  880  #  jupyter/minimal-notebook \
  881  # --NotebookApp.dlkgmdflgkdg=1111111111111
  882  # -d  jupyter/base-notebook
  883  set -x
  884  #run -it \
  885   # -p 8888:8888    \
  886    #--name JUP \
  887  #docker \
  888  cp                               --help
  889  #  jupyter/minimal-notebook \
  890  # --NotebookApp.dlkgmdflgkdg=1111111111111
  891  # -d  jupyter/base-notebook
  892  echo press enter
  893  read x
  894  set -x
  895  #run -it \
  896   # -p 8888:8888    \
  897    #--name JUP \
  898  #docker \
  899  cp                               --help
  900  #  jupyter/minimal-notebook \
  901  # --NotebookApp.dlkgmdflgkdg=1111111111111
  902  # -d  jupyter/base-notebook
  903  echo press enter
  904  read x
  905  set -x
  906  echo '.sh'
  907  while  true; do    date;    sleep 10s;  done
  908  env
  909  echo snad mi ten skript uz nepise do his
  910  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  911  echo $PS1
  912  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  913  echo $PS1
  914  set
  915  set|less
  916  alias
  917  git
  918  git status
  919  git info
  920  set -x
  921  ls
  922  set +x
  923  set |grep __git
  924  set |grep __git|less
  925  set |grep __git|grep dir
  926  set |grep __git|grep dir|less
  927  set |grep __git|grep dir
  928  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  929  set |grep wine
  930  set |grep -i wine
  931  git --exec-path
  932  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  933  cd OneDrive/
  934  cd OneDrive/
  935  cd OneDrive/
  936  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  937  �git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
  938  �git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
  939  git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
  940  cd ..
  941  git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
  942  cd /d/GIT-bk04/marti-onedrive.git/
  943  git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
  944  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep --context 3 cp
  945  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail
  946  bash --h
  947  bash --help
  948  bash -c "help set"
  949  bash -c help set
  950  bash -c "help set"
  951  bash -c help set
  952  select x in *
  953  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail
  954  help set
  955  bash -c help set
  956  bash -c "help set"
  957  bash -c help set
  958  bash -c help
  959  help
  960  bash -c help
  961  bash -c help set
  962  bash -c ps -ef
  963  bash -c ps
  964  bash -c 'ps -ef'
  965  ps
  966  ps -ef
  967  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail
  968  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep 'bash -c'
  969  set|grep -i path
  970  set|grep -i path|less
  971  set|grep -i originalpath|less
  972  set|grep -i original_path|less
  973  set|grep -i original_path|tr ';' ' '
  974  set|grep -i original_path|tr ';' '\n'
  975  set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'
  976  set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i git
  977  ls `set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i git`
  978  ll `set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i git`
  979  echo `set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i git`/*
  980  cat `set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i git`/*
  981  set|grep -i sou
  982  set|grep -i sourc
  983  set|grep -i original_path|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i sour
  984  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail
  985  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
  986  cd OneDrive/
  987  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
  988  git push -u
  989  cd
  990  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
  991  git push -u
  992  cd OneDrive/
  993  git ls-files
  994  git ls-files|grep '[.]js'
  995  git ls-files|grep '[.]ts'
  996  cd
  997  git ls-files|grep '[.]ts'
  998  git ls-files|grep '[.]js'
  999  git ls-files|grep 'poku'
 1000  cd OneDrive/
 1001  git ls-files|grep 'poku'
 1002  cd scriptbox-scripts--all/
 1003  git ls-files|grep '[.]js'
 1004  git ls-files|grep '[.]ts'
 1005  git ls-files|grep '[.]ts'
 1006  cd ..
 1007  git ls-files|grep '[.]ts'
 1008  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
 1009  cd
 1010  cd scriptbox
 1011  ll
 1012  ls -la
 1013  ll src
 1014  cd
 1015  cd OneDrive/
 1016  git commit -vvv -a -m bku
 1017  cd
 1018  cd scriptbox
 1019  git status
 1020  git commit -vvv -a -m experim
 1021  git show
 1022  cd
 1023  git ls-files
 1024  tig
 1025  tig
 1026  cd ../milan_rxtipwr/
 1027  tig
 1028  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1029  cd OneDrive/
 1030  git ls-files|grep ps1
 1031  git ls-files|grep ps1
 1032  cd
 1033  cd OneDrive/
 1034  git ls-files|grep ps1
 1035  git status
 1036  git status|less
 1037  git commit -vvv -a -m ps1
 1038  git ls-files|grep sh
 1039  git ls-files|grep [.]sh
 1040  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1041  git ls-files
 1042  cd ..
 1043  git ls-files
 1044  file `git ls-files`
 1045  cd OneDrive/
 1046  file `git ls-files`
 1047  file `git ls-files`|grep --context 1 -i utf-16
 1048  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1049  dirs
 1050  dir
 1051  dir --h
 1052  dir --hel
 1053  cd OneDrive/
 1054  git push -u
 1055  cd .config/
 1056  touch.exe this-DIR-IS-TARGET-OF-mklink
 1057  git add -vv -f this-DIR-IS-TARGET-OF-mklink
 1058  cd ..
 1059  cd scriptbox
 1060  cd scriptbox-scripts--selected/
 1061  ll
 1062  touch.exe this-DIR-IS-TARGET-OF-mklink
 1063  git add -vv -f this-DIR-IS-TARGET-OF-mklink
 1064  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1065  git commit -vvv -a -m mklink
 1066  git push -u
 1067  git diigo
 1068  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1069  cd
 1070  git commit -vvv -a -m bk8
 1071  git push -u
 1072  git diigo
 1073  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1074  diigo
 1075  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1076  #diigo
 1077  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1078  pwd
 1079  file /bin/sh
 1080  file /bin/git
 1081  file /cmd/git
 1082  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1083  recode-sr-latin.exe --h
 1084  locale.exe --h
 1085  iconv.exe --h
 1086  locale.exe
 1087  file 1
 1088  file 2
 1089  cat 1
 1090  cat 1|grep DIR
 1091  cat 1|grep DIR|cut -c 25,
 1092  cat 1|grep DIR|cut -c 25-
 1093  cat 1|grep DIR|cut -c 35-
 1094  cat 1|grep DIR|cut -c 37-
 1095  cat 1|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|sort -u
 1096  cat 1|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|sort -u|wc
 1097  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1098  uco
 1099  uconv
 1100  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1101  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|sort -u|wc
 1102  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|sort |uniq -c|sort -n
 1103  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep 'f\r'
 1104  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -E 'f\r'
 1105  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -EP 'f\r'
 1106  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r'
 1107  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r'|less
 1108  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r'|sort|uniq -c
 1109  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -r
 1110  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1111  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1112  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'f\r' --context 3 |less
 1113  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P '^f\r' --context 3 |less
 1114  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P '^lib\r' --context 3 |less
 1115  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'dir\r' --context 3 |less
 1116  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'x-dir\r' --context 3 |less
 1117  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'bin\r' --context 3 |less
 1118  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'emp\r' --context 3 |less
 1119  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'aths\r' --context 3 |less
 1120  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1121  cat dir-ad|grep DIR|cut -c 37-|sort |uniq -c|sort -n
 1122  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'Data\r' --context 3 |less
 1123  cat dir-ad|cut -c 37-|grep -P 'ppData\r' --context 3 |less
 1124  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1125  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|sort |uniq -c|sort -n
 1126  cat dir-c-d.txt|grep -i loda
 1127  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|grep -i loda
 1128  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|grep -i loda|sort|uniq -c
 1129  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|grep -i loda|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1130  cat dir-ad dir-addd >dir-ad-c-d
 1131  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1132  cat dir-ad-c-d|cut -c 37-|grep -i loda|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1133  cat dir-ad-c-d|cut -c 37-|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|less
 1134  cat dir-ad-c-d|cut -c 37-|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|grep -i git
 1135  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1136  cat dir-ad-c-d|cut -c 37-|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|less
 1137  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1138  cat dir-b|grep -P 'ps1\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1139  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '\w*.ps1\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1140  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.ps1\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1141  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.cmd\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1142  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.bat\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1143  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.sh\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1144  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1145  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1146  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1147  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.ps1\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1148  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.cmd\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1149  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.bat\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1150  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.sh\r'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1151  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1152  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|grep -i loda|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1153  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
 1154  cat dir-c-d.txt|cut -c 37-|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|grep -i dll
 1155  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1156  cat dir-b|grep -P 'github\r'|less
 1157  cat dir-b|grep -P '[.]git\r'|less
 1158  cat dir-b|grep -P '[.]aaa\r'|less
 1159  cat dir-b|grep -P 'aaa\r'|less
 1160  cat dir-b|grep -P 'w-w64\r'|less
 1161  cat dir-b|grep -P 'w_w64\r'|less
 1162  cat dir-b|grep -P 'w.w64\r'|less
 1163  cat dir-b|grep -i mingw|grep -P 'w64\r'|less
 1164  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1165  cat dir-b|grep -P -o '.ps1\r'|less
 1166  cat dir-b|grep -P  '.ps1\r'|less
 1167  cat dir-b|grep -P  '[.]sh\r'|less
 1168  cat dir-b|grep -P  '[.]cmd\r'|less
 1169  cat dir-b|grep -P  '[.]bat\r'|less
 1170  cat dir-b|grep -P  '[.]bat\r'|less
 1171  cat dir-b|grep -P  '[.]cmd\r'|less
 1172  cat dir-b|grep -P  '[.]sh\r'|less
 1173  cat dir-b|grep -P  '.ps1\r'|less
 1174  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1175  pwsh
 1176  cat env
 1177  cat env2
 1178  cat >env
 1179  env
 1180  ./env
 1181  file 17
 1182  file 17
 1183  file 17
 1184  file 17c
 1185  file 15
 1186  file 15c
 1187  file 11
 1188  du -ak OneDrive/tar-exe/
 1189  ls -lR OneDrive/tar-exe/
 1190  ls -lR OneDrive/tar-exe/
 1191  ls -lR OneDrive/tar-exe/c/Users/marti/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/PowerShell/PSReadLine/
 1192  ls -lR OneDrive/tar-exe/c/Users/marti/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/PowerShell/PSReadLine/Visual~1.txt
 1193  cat OneDrive/tar-exe/c/Users/marti/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/PowerShell/PSReadLine/Visual~1.txt
 1194  file c15
 1195  file 15
 1196  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1197  echo $PATH
 1198  ll bin
 1199  which --all git
 1200  which --all bash
 1201  which --all git.exe
 1202  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1203  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'
 1204  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1205  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'
 1206  ls /usr/lo
 1207  ls /usr/local
 1208  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'
 1209  ls /bin/
 1210  ls /usr/bin
 1211  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'
 1212  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1213  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'
 1214  set|grep -i bashr
 1215  set|grep -i bash
 1216  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |tail -n 30
 1217  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep git
 1218  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep 'git '
 1219  cd OneDrive/dictionary-search-on-word-selection/
 1220  git init
 1221  git remote add origin
 1222  git pull
 1223  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep 'git '|grep pul
 1224  git pull -v origin main
 1225  git clone
 1226  git ls-files
 1227  git add -vv -f *
 1228  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1229  git pull -v -u -f origin main
 1230  git push -v -u -f origin main
 1231  git commit -vvv -a -m 'if(x)'
 1232  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1233  cd OneDrive/
 1234  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1235  git push -u
 1236  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1237  git clone
 1238  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1239  cd OneDrive/dictionary-search-on-word-selection/
 1240  git push -u
 1241  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1242  cd OneDrive/a,complangs-215-hyperpoly/Hyperpolyglot-CSV
 1243  ll
 1244  git add -vv -f Hyperpolyglot-CSV\ -\ shell.csv
 1245  git ls-files
 1246  ls -la
 1247  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1248  git push -u
 1249  git pull -v -u  origin main
 1250  git pull -v   origin main
 1251  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1252  git push -u
 1253  git add -vv -f Hyperpolyglot-CSV\ -\ scripting1\,2.csv
 1254  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1255  git push -u
 1256  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1257  cygpath --help
 1258  cygpath '\\wsl$\'
 1259  ls '\\wsl$\'
 1260  ls `cygpath '\\wsl$\' `
 1261  ls //wsl$/U*
 1262  ls //wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04
 1263  ls `cygpath '\\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04' `
 1264  cygpath '\\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04'
 1265  mount
 1266  ls //
 1267  ls '//'
 1268  ls -la //wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04
 1269  ls -la //wsl\$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/martin/.*gu*
 1270  ls -la //wsl\$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/martin/.*hi*
 1271  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1272  ls //wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04
 1273  ls //wsl$/Ubuntu-20.0*
 1274  ls //wsl\$/Ubuntu-20.0*
 1275  ls //wsl\$/
 1276  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1277  ls -1 //wsl\$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/martin/.*hi*
 1278  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep cp
 1279  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
 1280  ls -1 //wsl\$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/martin/.*hi*
 1281  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
 1282  cygpath '//wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04'
 1283  cygpath '//wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04'
 1284  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
 1285  cd //wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04
 1286  ls
 1287  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update -vv home/martin/.bash_history
 1288  cd //wsl$/
 1289  cd //wsl.local/Ubuntu-20.04
 1290  cd //wsl.localhost/Ubuntu-20.04
 1291  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
 1292  cp  --archive --backup=numbered    --parents --strip-trailing-slashes --target-directory=$HOME/OneDrive/tar-exe/ --update --verbose `cygpath.exe -f ~/OneDrive/tar-exe/utf8-LF-tc-clip-vsc.txt  ` -vv
 1293  cd //wsl.localhost/
 1294  cd /w
 1295  ls
 1296  ls -1 /w/home/martin/.*hi*
 1297  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep c
 1298  cd /d/umarti/
 1299  ll
 1300  ll */git*
 1301  ll */GIT*
 1302  cd dowNLOADS--SYMLINKED/
 1303  cd reflog-pokus/
 1304  git show
 1305  git status
 1306  git reflog
 1307  git reflog
 1308  git reflog
 1309  git log
 1310  git reflog show
 1311  git reflog show FETCH_HEAD
 1312  git reflog show HEAD
 1313  git reflog show ORIG_HEAD
 1314  git reflog show main2
 1315  git reflog show origin/main
 1316  git reflog show origin/main1
 1317  git reflog show origin/main2
 1318  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1319  git log --merges
 1320  git log --all
 1321  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1322  git reflog show --all
 1323  git reflog show --merges
 1324  git log --all
 1325  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1326  mkdir github-pr-experim
 1327  git clone
 1328  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1329  cd git-pr-experim-mmorg-hyperpolyglot/
 1330  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1331  ll
 1332  git branch --list  --all -vv
 1333  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep remote
 1334  git remote add upstream
 1335  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep fetc
 1336  #git fetch upstream pull/<pull-request-id>/head:<local-branch-name>
 1337  git fetch upstream pull/34/head:master-pr-34
 1338  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep fetc
 1339  git fetch upstream pull/27/head:master-pr-27
 1340  git fetch upstream pull/66/head:master-pr-66
 1341  git push
 1342  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep f
 1343  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1344  cd
 1345  git clone
 1346  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep fghfg
 1347  cd hyperpolyglot/
 1348  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1349  git remote add upstream
 1350  git fetch upstream pull/27/head:upstream-pull-request-27
 1351  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1352  git push -u origin master
 1353  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1354  git fetch upstream pull/66/head:upstream-pull-request-66
 1355  git push -u origin master
 1356  git fetch upstream pull/34/head:upstream-pull-request-34
 1357  history -a
 1358  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1359  cd hyperpolyglot/
 1360  git mergetool --help
 1361  git gui
 1362  git merge --help
 1363  git merge --dry-run
 1364  gitq
 1365  gitk
 1366  code .
 1367  git mergetool --gui
 1368  git merge --abort
 1369  git merge --help
 1370  git merge -vvv upstream-pull-request-34
 1371  history -a
 1372  #git merge --strategy=resolve -vvv
 1373  git merge --abort
 1374  git merge --strategy=resolve -vvv upstream-pull-request-34
 1375  git diff
 1376  git diff
 1377  git diff
 1378  git merge --abort
 1379  history -a
 1380  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1381  git gui
 1382  git merge --abort
 1383  history -a
 1384  git rebase --help
 1385  history -a
 1386  git gui
 1387  git gui
 1388  history -a
 1389  mv -iv hyperpolyglot fujhyperpolyglot
 1390  git clone
 1391  du -m hyperpolyglot/
 1392  git fetch upstream pull/34/head:upstream-pull-request-34
 1393  git remote add upstream
 1394  git fetch upstream pull/34/head:upstream-pull-request-34
 1395  git branch --list  --all -vv
 1396  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep git
 1397  git gui
 1398  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1399  pwd
 1400  git branch --list  --all -vv
 1401  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1402  git push -u origin mylen-mar
 1403  cd hyperpolyglot/
 1404  cd
 1405  git branch --list  --all -vv
 1406  git gui
 1407  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup
 1408  cd hyperpolyglot/
 1409  git remote add upstream
 1410  git branch --list  --all -vv
 1411  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1412  git fetch upstream pull/34/head:upstream-pull-request-34
 1413  git gui
 1414  wsl
 1415  which wsl
 1416  cd
 1417  cd OneDrive/
 1418  git commit -vvv -a -m hyperpoly-make
 1419  git push
 1420  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1421  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1422  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1423  git push
 1424  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyper/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history
 1425  cp -iv ~/hyperpoly.zsh_history ~/acloudSUBDIR
 1426  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyper/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history
 1427  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyper/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|wc
 1428  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperp/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|wc
 1429  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperp/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1430  cat ~/.bash_history |nl  | sed -n '/hyperp/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1431  cat ~/.bash_history |nl  | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^[^;]*[;]/\t\t/'    | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1432  cat ~/.bash_history |nl  | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1433  cat ~/.bash_history |nl  | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1434  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t/'   | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1435  cp -iv ~/hyperpoly.history ~/acloudSUBDIR
 1436  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1437  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t/'   | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1438  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t/'   | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1439  cp -iv ~/hyperpoly.history ~/acloudSUBDIR
 1440  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1441  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t/'   | tee ~/hyperpoly.history|less
 1442  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1443  cd OneDrive/
 1444  git add -vv -f wsl-dotfiles/hyperpoly.zsh_history
 1445  git add -vv -f ps-mylen-mar/hyperpoly.history
 1446  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1447  git push
 1448  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1449  git commit -vvv -a -m edit-hist
 1450  git push
 1451  git commit -vvv -a -m edit-hyperpoly.hist
 1452  git push
 1453  history -a
 1454  echo '======= part 225s4 ======='
 1455  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1456  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t/# '   | tee ~/1.history|less
 1457  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t/# '   | tee ~/1.history|less
 1458  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t# /'   | tee ~/1.history|less
 1459  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1460  echo '======= part 225s5 ======='
 1461  cat ~/.bash_history   | sed -n '/hyperpolyglot[.]/,$p'  |sed   --regexp-extended                    's/^/\t\t# /'   | tee ~/1.history|less
 1462  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1463  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1464  git push
 1465  cd
 1466  cd hyperpolyglot/
 1467  cd wikidot-to-html/
 1468  git gui
 1469  cd -
 1470  git gui
 1471  git gui
 1472  git ls-files
 1473  git ls-files
 1474  git gui
 1475  cd
 1476  git commit -vvv -a -m git-gui-config
 1477  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1478  wsl
 1479  cmd
 1480  cd OneDrive/
 1481  cd ps-mylen-mar
 1482  git add -vv -f mymycron.ps1 mymyrsync.ps1
 1483  cd -
 1484  cd git-bash-dotfiles
 1485  git add -vv -f
 1486  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1487  ls
 1488  git commit -vvv -a -m bkup-scripts
 1489  git ls-files
 1490  ll .git
 1491  cd ..
 1492  git ls-files
 1493  cd ps-mylen-mar
 1494  git ls-files
 1495  git push
 1496  history -a
 1497  cd OneDrive/
 1498  git add -vv -f AAAAps-jilen/ConsoleHost_history.txt
 1499  git add -vv -f AAAAps-jilen/icacls2.txt
 1500  git commit -vvv -a -m ps-jilen-icacls
 1501  history -a
 1502  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1503  git commit -vvv -a -m icacls-deny
 1504  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep .
 1505  echo '=================---------------bash_eternal_history'
 1506  echo '=================---------------bash_eternal_history'
 1507  echo '=================---------------bash_eternal_history'
 1508  echo '=================---------------bash_eternal_history'
 1509  cd OneDrive/
 1510  git add -vv -f mymycron.ps1 mymyrsync.ps1
 1511  cd git-bash-dotfiles
 1512  git add -vv -f .bash_eternal_history 
 1513  git commit -vvv -a -m eternal-hist
 1514  git push
 1515  cd ..
 1516  cd Documents
 1517  cd Dokumenty/
 1518  git ls-files
 1519  cd PowerShell
 1520  git add -vv -f profile.ps1 
 1521  cd
 1522  cd OneDrive/
 1523  cd tar-exe
 1524  git add -vv -f d/umarti/powershell_eternal_history.txt 
 1525  git commit -vvv -a -m ps-eternal-hist
 1526  git push
 1527  history -a;   history |grep .
 1528  history -a;   history |grep .
 1529  git commit -vvv -a -m hist
 1530  git push
 1531  git clone �
 1532  cd OneDrive/
 1533  git commit -vvv -a -m hist
 1534  git push
 1535  git clone
 1536  cd
 1537  cd boilerplate-mochachai/
 1538  git commit -vvv -a -m first4
 1539  git push
 1540  history -a;   history |grep .
 1541  git commit -vvv -a -m py-indent
 1542  git push
 1543  cd OneDrive/
 1544  cd ps-mylen-mar
 1545  git add -vv -f myconda-code.ps1 
 1546  git commit -vvv -a -m conda
 1547  git push
 1548  git commit -vvv -a -m conda
 1549  git push
 1550  cd OneDrive/
 1551  git commit -vvv -a -m sett.json
 1552  git push
 1553  cd
 1554  pwd
 1555  git commit -vvv -a -m 'sett.json--juncti?'
 1556  git push
 1557  cd
 1558  git ls-files
 1559  git add -vv -f .bash_eternal_history 
 1560  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1561  git push
 1562  cd OneDrive/codewars/
 1563  git add -vv -f f*
 1564  git add -vv -f package-lock.json 
 1565  git commit -vvv -a -m codewa
 1566  git push
 1567  cd ../roam-ms-wi-sta-p-startup
 1568  git add -vv -f *.lnk
 1569  git commit -vvv -a -m lnk
 1570  git push
 1571  history -a;   history |grep .
 1572  cd ../mmon1/
 1573  ll
 1574  #git commit -vvv -a -m langu
 1575  git add -vv -f *.json
 1576  git commit -vvv -a -m langu
 1577  git push
 1578  cd ../experim-new-langu-supp/
 1579  git add -vv -f *.json
 1580  git commit -vvv -a -m langu
 1581  git push
 1582  history -a;   history |grep .
 1583  cd OneDrive/
 1584  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1585  git push
 1586  git status
 1587  git status|less
 1588  git status|wc
 1589  git status|wc
 1590  history -a;   history |grep .
 1591  git status|wc
 1592  git status --ignored
 1593  git status --ignored|wc
 1594  git status --ignored|less
 1595  git status|wc
 1596  git status --ignored|wc
 1597  find .|less
 1598  git status --ignored|wc
 1599  git status|wc
 1600  git config --list --show-origin 
 1601  find . -name .gitignore|less
 1602  find . -name .gitignore
 1603  history -a;   history |grep .
 1604  git config --list --show-origin 
 1605  git config --list --show-origin |grep excl
 1606  git config --list --show-origin |grep -i  excl
 1607  git status|wc
 1608  git status --ignored|wc
 1609  find .|less
 1610  du -ak OneDrive
 1611  du -ak 
 1612  du -k 
 1613  du -k |sort -n
 1614  git status|wc
 1615  git status|wc
 1616  git status|wc
 1617  git status|wc
 1618  git status|wc
 1619  cd OneDrive/
 1620  git status|wc
 1621  git status --ignored|wc
 1622  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1623  git push
 1624  history -a;   history |grep .
 1625  cd OneDrive/codewars/
 1626  cd
 1627  cd OneDrive/codewars/
 1628  git add -vv f*
 1629  git ls-files
 1630  cd
 1631  cd OneDrive/
 1632  git ls-files
 1633  git ls-files|grep f8
 1634  git commit -vvv -a -m f8
 1635  git commit -vvv -a -m f8-safety
 1636  history -a;   history |grep .
 1637  cd OneDrive/
 1638  git ls-files|grep eter
 1639  ls -l `git ls-files|grep eter`
 1640  history -a;   history |grep .
 1641  git ls-files|grep eter
 1642  git ls-files|grep tar
 1643  history -a;   history |grep .
 1644  cd OneDrive/hyperpolyglot--html-backup/
 1645  cd ..
 1646  git clone
 1647  git add -vv *.md *.html
 1648  git ls-files|wc
 1649  git reset -vvv
 1650  git reset --soft 
 1651  git ls-files|wc
 1652  git reset --mixed
 1653  git ls-files|wc
 1654  history -a;   history |grep .
 1655  git stat
 1656  git status|wc
 1657  git status
 1658  git status -vvvv
 1659  q
 1660  git status -v
 1661  git status -vv
 1662  git status >git-status
 1663  git show
 1664  git commit -vvv -a -m git-reset-mixed
 1665  git push
 1666  git add -vv --dry-run a\,complangs-215-hyperpoly/git\ add\ byl\ jsem\ jinde.txt 
 1667  git add -vv  a\,complangs-215-hyperpoly/git\ add\ byl\ jsem\ jinde.txt 
 1668  git add -vv --dry-run a\,complangs-215-hyperpoly/git\ add\ byl\ jsem\ jinde.txt 
 1669  git commit -vvv -a -m git-reset-mixed--2
 1670  git push
 1671  history -a;   history |grep .
 1672  history -a;   history |grep .
 1673  free
 1674  top
 1675  pwd
 1676  free
 1677  top
 1678  cd
 1679  pwd
 1680  set|grep -i his
 1681  cd OneDrive/hyperpolyglot--html-backup/
 1682  git add -vv --dry-run  *.md *.html
 1683  git add -vv   *.md *.html
 1684  git add -vv --dry-run  *.md *.html
 1685  git commit -vvv -a -m rest
 1686  git push
 1687  cd 
 1688  cd OneDrive/jupyter-notebooks/
 1689  git add -vv --dry-run  *.ipynb
 1690  git ls-files|wc
 1691  git ls-files|wc
 1692  git add -vv  *.ipynb
 1693  git add -vv --dry-run  *.ipynb
 1694  git ls-files|wc
 1695  git commit -vvv -a -m ipynb
 1696  git push
 1697  history -a;   history |grep .
 1698  cd
 1699  cd OneDrive/codewars/
 1700  git ls-files|wc
 1701  git ls-files
 1702  git add -vv --dry-run f7,f8-wisp-rosetta-mnovy.w 
 1703  git add -vv  f7,f8-wisp-rosetta-mnovy.w 
 1704  git add -vv --dry-run f7,f8-wisp-rosetta-mnovy.w 
 1705  history -a;   history |grep .
 1706  df -m
 1707  history -a;   history |grep symb
 1708  cd OneDrive/
 1709  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1710  git add -vv --dry-run '*f7*'
 1711  git ls-files *f8*
 1712  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1713  git show
 1714  git status |less
 1715  history -a;   history |grep symb
 1716  git commit -vvv -a -m bk
 1717  git push
 1718  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1719  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1720  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1721  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1722  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1723  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1724  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1725  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1726  history -a;   history |grep symb
 1727  git commit -vvv -a -m f8
 1728  git push
 1729  history -a;   history |grep symb
 1730  git config --list --show-origin |grep -i  excl
 1731  git config --list --show-origin |wc
 1732  history -a;   history |grep symb
 1733  git commit -vvv -a -m bk-from-ps1
 1734  git push
 1735  #git commit -vvv -a -m bk-from-ps1
 1736  git commit -vvv -a -m test-icacls-c-pf
 1737  git push
 1738  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1739  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1740  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1741  git commit -v -a -m f8
 1742  git push
 1743  exit
 1744  git commit -v -a -m f8
 1745  git push
 1746  exit
 1747  git commit -vvv -a -m emacs-save
 1748  git push
 1749  git commit -v -a -m f8
 1750  git push
 1751  git push
 1752  ls
 1753  git commit -v -a -m f8
 1754  git push
 1755  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1756  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1757  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1758  exit
 1759  git ls-files
 1760  git ls-files|grep el
 1761  git ls-files|grep [.]el
 1762  git ls-files|grep f8[.]
 1763  git commit -v -a -m f8
 1764  git push
 1765  exit
 1766  git commit -v -a -m nelpa  # f8
 1767  git push
 1768  exit
 1769  git commit -v -a -m ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1770  git push
 1771  git commit -v -a -m ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1772  git push
 1773  git commit -v -a -m ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1774  git push
 1775  git commit -v -a -m ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1776  git commit -v -a -m  before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1777  exit
 1778  cpio
 1779  history -a;   history |grep .
 1780  git ls-files|wc
 1781  cd OneDrive/
 1782  git ls-files|wc
 1783  git ls-files|wc
 1784  git status|wc
 1785  git ls-files|wc
 1786  git ls-files|wc
 1787  git ls-files|wc
 1788  history -a;   history |grep .
 1789  git commit -v -a -m  cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1790  git push
 1791  cd tar-exe
 1792  git add -vv --interactive
 1793  git add -vv --dry-run --interactive *.css
 1794  git add -vv --interactive .*zsh_history*
 1795  git add -vv --interactive .*zsh_history*
 1796  git add -vv --interactive '.*zsh_history*'
 1797  git add -vv --dry-run  '.*zsh_history*'
 1798  find .
 1799  git add -vv --dry-run  '.*zsh_history*'
 1800  git add -vv --dry-run  '*zsh_history*'
 1801  git add -vv --interactive '*zsh_history*'
 1802  git commit -v -a -m  zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1803  git push
 1804  git commit -v -a -m  zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1805  git push
 1806  exit
 1807  history -a;   history |grep mocha
 1808  git commit -v -a -m sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1809  cd
 1810  exit
 1811  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1812  cd ..
 1813  cd ~/OneDrive
 1814  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1815  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1816  git commit -v -a -m chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1817  exit
 1818  git show
 1819  git show --summary 
 1820  git ls-files|grep [.]ipynb
 1821  git show --summary
 1822  git show --minimal 
 1823  git show --minimal 
 1824  git show --summary
 1825  git show --name-only 
 1826  git show --name-only git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1827  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1828  git show --name-only
 1829  git push
 1830  git show --name-only
 1831  git add -vv --interactive  '*.ipynb' # * # '*.ini' #'*.json' #'*zsh_history*'
 1832  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1833  git push
 1834  exit
 1835  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1836  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1837  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1838  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1839  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1840  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1841  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1842  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1843  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1844  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1845  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1846  exit
 1847  git push
 1848  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1849  git push
 1850  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1851  git push
 1852  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1853  git push
 1854  git gui
 1855  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1856  git push
 1857  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1858  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1859  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1860  git add -vv --dry-run 'sprea*' #    '*f8.*'
 1861  git add -vv --dry-run 'sprea*.*' #    '*f8.*'
 1862  git add -vv --dry-run 'spre*' #    '*f8.*'
 1863  git add -vv --dry-run 'spr*' #    '*f8.*'
 1864  git add -vv --dry-run 'sp*' #    '*f8.*'
 1865  git add -vv --dry-run 's*' #    '*f8.*'
 1866  git add -vv --dry-run 'sp*' #    '*f8.*'
 1867  git add -vv --dry-run '*sp*' #    '*f8.*'
 1868  git add -vv --dry-run '*spre*' #    '*f8.*'
 1869  git add -vv --dry-run '*sprea*' #    '*f8.*'
 1870  git add -vv --dry-run '*sprea*iss*' #    '*f8.*'
 1871  git add -vv --interactive  '*sprea*iss*' # '*.ipynb' # * # '*.ini' #'*.json' #'*zsh_history*'
 1872  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1873  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai  #sett #pandas # refactor  #bkup #zsh #missing cpio #before-refactor   #ivy #bkup #css #auto-save #nelpa  # f8
 1874  exit
 1875  git push
 1876  exit
 1877  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1878  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1879  git add -vv --dry-run '*f8.*'
 1880  git add -vv  '*f8.*'
 1881  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 1882  git commit -v -a -m bk #chai
 1883  git push
 1884  exit
 1885  git push
 1886  node
 1887  node
 1888  node
 1889  node --help|findstr await
 1890  node --experimental-repl-await
 1891  cd Jevko
 1892  exit
 1893  git add -vv --dry-run '*.f8.*'
 1894  git add -vv  '*.f8.*'
 1895  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 1896  git commit -v -a -m bk #vulnera #bk  # refactor #before-refactor
 1897  git push
 1898  git show --name-only
 1899  grep -R 'grep.*015'
 1900  grep -RE 'grep.*{0,20}015'
 1901  grep -REo 'grep.*{0,20}015'
 1902  grep -R -E -o 'grep.*{0,20}015'
 1903  grep -R -E -o 'grep.{0,20}015'
 1904  grep -REo 'grep.{0,20}015'
 1905  grep -REo '.{0,10}grep.{0,20}015.{0,10}'
 1906  grep -RE -l $'\015'
 1907  grep -RE -l $'\015' '*.sh'
 1908  exit
 1909  env
 1910  env node
 1911  exit
 1912  find . -type f 
 1913  find . -type f >find.txt
 1914  cd ../scroll-main
 1915  find . -type f #>find.tsv
 1916  find . -type f >find.tsv
 1917  cd ../jtree-main
 1918  find . -type f #>find.tsv
 1919  find . -type f >find.tsv
 1920  pwd
 1921  git clone
 1922  mv -iv ohayo ohayo-npm
 1923  git clone
 1924  cygpath '//wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04'
 1925  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'
 1926  echo $PATH|tr ':' '\n'|grep -i podm
 1927  git push
 1928  git commit -v -a -m  rename
 1929  git add -vv --dry-run '*.f8.*'
 1930  git add -vv  '*.f8.*'
 1931  git commit -v -a -m  rename
 1932  git push
 1933  git add -vv --dry-run '*.f8.*'
 1934  git add -vv  '*.f8.*'
 1935  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 1936  git commit -v -a -m  before-refactor
 1937  git push
 1938  git commit -v -a -m  refactor
 1939  git push
 1940  git ls-files
 1941  git add -vv  --dry-run   '*.sh'
 1942  git add -vv  --dry-run   'g*.sh'
 1943  git add -vv  --dry-run   'g*'
 1944  git add -vv    'g*'
 1945  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 1946  git commit -v -a -m  refactor
 1947  git push
 1948  which cpio
 1949  which bsdcpio
 1950  wsl
 1951  cat  D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt  | findstr  -i wsl
 1952  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl
 1953  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl | sort -u
 1954  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl | sort -u|less
 1955  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl | sort -u
 1956  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl | sort -u
 1957  wsl -- /bin/bash -c -vx 'sync'
 1958  wsl -- /bin/bash -c -vx 'sync'
 1959  which wsl
 1960  which wsl.exe
 1961  wsl.exe -- /bin/bash -c -vx 'sync'
 1962  wsl.exe -- /bin/bash -vx
 1963  wsl.exe -- /bin/bash
 1964  wsl.exe --help
 1965  wsl.exe --help|grep run
 1966  wsl.exe --help|grep -i run
 1967  wsl.exe --help|grep -i r.u.n
 1968  wsl.exe --help|grep -i e.x.e
 1969  wsl.exe --help|grep -i e.x.
 1970  wsl.exe --help|grep -i e.x
 1971  wsl.exe --help|grep -i e.
 1972  wsl.exe --help|grep -i e
 1973  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl | sort -u
 1974  wsl.exe  /bin/bash -c -vx 'sync'
 1975  cat  'D:\umarti\powershell_eternal_history.txt'  | findstr  -i wsl | sort -u
 1976  wsl --help|findstr -i u.s.e.r
 1977  exit
 1978  wsl.exe -- which cpio
 1979  wsl.exe -- cpio
 1980  wsl.exe -- pwd
 1981  wsl.exe -- id
 1982  wsl.exe -- which -a id
 1983  wsl.exe -- which -a cpio
 1984  wsl --help|findstr -i u.s.e.r
 1985  wsl --help|grep -i u.s.e.r
 1986  which -a bsdcpio
 1987  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 1988  git commit -v -a -m bk
 1989  git push
 1990  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 1991  git commit -v -a -m bk
 1992  git push
 1993  OLD_OLD_ZSHRC="${OLD_ZSHRC}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
 1994  echo OLD_OLD_ZSHRC="${OLD_ZSHRC}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
 1995  echo OLD_OLD_ZSHRC="${OLD_ZSHRC}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H)"
 1996  date -I
 1997  which -a cpio
 1998  which -a tar
 1999  ls -l `which -a tar`
 2000  c:\wind
 2001  tar --help
 2002  git ls-files
 2003  git ls-files|wc
 2004  git ls-files|grep ' '
 2005  git ls-files|grep ' '|grep f8
 2006  which -a bsdtar
 2007  bsdtar --help
 2008  which -a bsdtar
 2009  ls `which -a bsdtar`/..
 2010  ls /d/conda/Library/bin/
 2011  ls -l /d/conda/Library/bin/*.exe
 2012  ls -1 /d/conda/Library/bin/*.exe
 2013  ls -1 /d/conda/Library/bin/*.exebsdtar --help
 2014  ls -1 /d/conda/Library/bin/*.exebsdtar --help
 2015  bsdtar --help
 2016  which -a tar
 2017  tar --help
 2018  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 2019  cd ~/OneDrive
 2020  git ls-files
 2021  history 
 2022  tar --help
 2023  git ls-files|grep ' '|grep f8
 2024  git ls-files|grep ' - '
 2025  history 
 2026  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 2027  git commit -v -a -m bug-found
 2028  git show --name-only
 2029  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 2030  git commit -v -a -m acro-sett,22bb-turn-off-auto-cleanup
 2031  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 2032  git commit -v -a -m bk
 2033  git push
 2034  exit
 2035  /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/
 2036  git commit -v -a -m bk
 2037  git push
 2038  exit
 2039  git show --name-only
 2040  exit
 2041  git commit -v -a -m fix
 2042  git push
 2043  git add -vv --dry-run '*/*zsh_history*'
 2044  git add -vv --dry-run '*/*zsh_history*'
 2045  git add -vv    '*/*zsh_history*'
 2046  git commit -v -a -m add
 2047  git add -vv --dry-run '*/*sh_history*'
 2048  git add -vv --dry-run '*/*ish_history*'
 2049  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/*/*ish_history*'
 2050  git add -vv    'wasm*/*/*ish_history*'
 2051  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/**/*ish_history*'
 2052  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/*/*ish_history*'
 2053  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/*/*sh_history*'
 2054  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/**/*sh_history*'
 2055  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/*/*/*sh_history*'
 2056  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/**/*sh_history*'
 2057  git commit -v -a -m add
 2058  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/**/*sh_history*'
 2059  git add -vv --dry-run 'wasm*/**/*sh_history*'
 2060  git add -vv    'wasm*/*/*ish_history*'
 2061  git add -vv    'wasm*/*/*sh_history*'
 2062  git commit -v -a -m add
 2063  podman container ls --all
 2064  podman machine start
 2065  podman container ls --all
 2066  git add -vv  '*.f8.*'
 2067  git commit -v -a -m fix
 2068  git push
 2069  git add -vv  '*.f8.*'
 2070  git commit -v -a -m add
 2071  history -a;   history |grep sha
 2072  cd C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\nslash_home
 2073  cd 'C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\nslash_home'
 2074  cd 'C:\Users\marti\'
 2075  cd 'C:\Users\marti\'
 2076  cd 'C:\Users\marti\sbase.wasm\'
 2077  git add -vv  '*.f8.*'
 2078  git commit -v -a -m add
 2079  git push
 2080  git commit -v -a -m add
 2081  git push
 2082  git commit -v -a -m add
 2083  git push
 2084  history -a;  cp -v ~/.bash_history /c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/.bash_history; history |grep cp
 2085  pwsh
 2086  pwsh
 2087  pwsh
 2088  node --help
 2089  pwsh
 2090  head -n 15 oldpackage.json
 2091  exit
 2092  head -n 15 oldpackage.json
 2093  head -n 15 package.json
 2094  cat package.json
 2095  exit
 2096  ls '*robocopy*'
 2097  ls *robocopy*
 2098  ls -- *robocopy*
 2099  du -- *robocopy*
 2100  exit
 2101  du -- *robocopy*
 2102  du -- ../*robocopy*
 2103  exit
 2104  x="c:\\.*[.]exe"
 2105  grep  -R   -E -o "$x"    *.f8.*  |sort   |uniq -c|  sort -n
 2106  grep  -R   -E -o "$x"    '*.f8.*'  |sort   |uniq -c|  sort -n
 2107  x="c:\\.*[.]exe"
 2108  grep  -R   -E -o "$x"    '*.f8.*'  |sort   |uniq -c|  sort -n
 2109  grep  -R   -E -o "$x"   ` find . -name '*.f8.*' ` |sort   |uniq -c|  sort -n
 2110  x="c.:.\\..*[.].e.x.e"
 2111  grep  -R   -i -E -o "$x"   ` find . -name '*.f8.*' ` |sort   |uniq -c|  sort -n
 2112  grep  -R   -i -E -o "$x"   ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2113  find . -name '*.f8.*'
 2114  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2115  x="c.:."
 2116  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2117  x="c.:.\\..*[.]."
 2118  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2119  x="c.:.\\..*"
 2120  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2121  x="c.:.\\."
 2122  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2123  x="c.:.[\\/]."
 2124  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2125  x="c.:.[\\/].*"
 2126  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2127  x="c.:.[\\/].*e"
 2128  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2129  x="c.:.[\\/].*e.x"
 2130  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2131  x="c:[\\/].*ex"
 2132  grep    -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2133  grep  --no-filename  -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2134  x="c:[\\/].*exe"
 2135  grep  --no-filename  -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2136  x="c:[\\/].*[.]exe"
 2137  grep  --no-filename  -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `
 2138  grep  --no-filename  -i -E -o "$x"  ` find . -name '*.f8.*' `   |sort   |uniq -c|  sort -n
 2139  exit
 2140  exit
 2141  exit
 2142  ls *git*
 2143  ls *git*/*
 2144  ls -l *git*/*
 2145  ls -ld *git*/*
 2146  ls -ld *git*
 2147  ls *GIT*
 2148  ls -l *GIT*
 2149  exit
 2150  ls *mir*
 2151  ls -l *mir*
 2152  exit
 2153  python
 2154  exit
 2155  xxd
 2156  tclsh
 2157  ps
 2158  ps -ef
 2159  tclsh
 2160  ps -ef
 2161  read x
 2162  echo $x
 2163  read x
 2164  echo $x
 2165  echo $x
 2166  cat -
 2167  cut
 2168  cut -f 1
 2169  cut -f 1 -d ' '
 2170  cut -f 1 -d ' '
 2171  wc
 2172  xxd 
 2173  python --help | grep -c 3 intera
 2174  python --help | grep  intera
 2175  python --help | grep -C 3 intera
 2176  bash  --help
 2177  D:\instu\emacs-27.2-x86_64\bin\runemacs.exe --help
 2178  exit
 2179  exit
 2180  sha256sum wg*
 2181  sha256sum wg*exit
 2182  exit
 2183  exit
 2184  set
 2185  env
 2186  pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-mpv
 2187  pacman -Syy
 2188  pacman -Syy
 2189  D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64
 2190  exit
 2191  pacman -Syy
 2192  exit
 2193  sha256sum ms*
 2194  exit
 2195  sha256sum ms*
 2196  exit
 2197  exit
 2198  pacman -Syy
 2199  ls /var/lib/pacman
 2200  ls -la /var/lib/pacman
 2201  ls -la /var/lib/pacman/*
 2202  exit
 2203  pacman -Syy
 2204  read s
 2205  less
 2206  less bash-c-env 
 2207  pwd
 2208  pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-mpv
 2209  df -m
 2210  mpv --help
 2211  mpv  "C:\Users\marti\eev-wconfig\2022dragABC.mp4"
 2212  exit
 2213  ls -latr
 2214  ls -latr c:\Users\marti\OneDrive
 2215  ls -latr 'c:\Users\marti\OneDrive\'
 2216  exit
 2217  runemacs
 2218  runemacs
 2219  runemacs
 2220  emacs
 2221  history -a
 2222  D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -defterm
 2223  exit
 2224  ls -l `which -a runemacs`
 2225  file `which -a emacs`
 2226  file `which -a runemacs`
 2227  D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64   runemacs
 2228  exit
 2229  cmd
 2230  sh --help
 2231  sh -c "sh --help"
 2232  sh -c "emacs"
 2233  D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64  -defterm  -no-start         sh
 2234  exit
 2235  ls -l `which -a sh`
 2236  ls -l `which -a sh.exe`
 2237  file `which -a sh`
 2238  file `which -a mpv`
 2239  file `which -a cmd`
 2240  exit
 2241  exit
 2242  exit
 2243  exit
 2244  wget
 2245  which -a wget
 2246  D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64     -c  runemacs
 2247  exit
 2248  "D:\instu\emacs-28.2\emacs-28.2\bin\runemacs.exe"
 2249  OPENAI_API_KEY=$(cat ~/todo-file-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
 2250  OPENAI_API_KEY=$(  cat   ~/klic-oa.txt  )
 2251  echo $OPENAI_API_KEY
 2252  curl   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"
 2253  curl   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"   >1
 2254  curl   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"
 2255  curl   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"   -d '{
 2256      "model": "text-davinci-003",
 2257      "max_tokens": 97,
 2258      "temperature": 0.7,
 2259      "prompt": "
 2260  A Hello-world in the Lean Prover:
 2261  "    }'
 2262  echo   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"   -d '{
 2263      "model": "text-davinci-003",
 2264      "max_tokens": 97,
 2265      "temperature": 0.7,
 2266      "prompt": "\n''A Hello-world in the Lean Prover:\n''\n''"    }'
 2267  echo   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"   -d '{
 2268      "model": "text-davinci-003",
 2269      "max_tokens": 97,
 2270      "temperature": 0.7,
 2271      "prompt": ''"A Hello-world in the Lean Prover:\n''\n''"    }'
 2272  curl   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY"   -d '{
 2273      "model": "text-davinci-003",
 2274      "max_tokens": 97,
 2275      "temperature": 0.7,
 2276      "prompt": ''"A Hello-world in the Lean Prover:\n''\n''"    }'
 2277  fname
 2278  exit
 2279  top -h
 2280  vmstat -w 5
 2281  cat /proc/loadavg
 2282  exit
 2283  pip install   --dry-run   git+
 2284  conda search pytorch
 2285  exit
 2286  du -m     $( pip cache dir)
 2287  du -m     $( pip cache dir) |  sort -n
 2288  pip cache purge  --help
 2289  pip cache info
 2290  pip cache remove tensorflow_intel
 2291  pip cache list tensorflow
 2292  pip cache list "tensorflow*"
 2293  pip cache purge
 2294  pip cache info
 2295  bash -c 'df -m'
 2296  exit
 2297  #pip install   --dry-run   git+
 2298  pip install   --dry-run   git+
 2299  pip install      git+
 2300  bash -c 'df -m'
 2301  exit
 2302  pacman -Ss miniconda
 2303  pacman -Ss conda
 2304  pacman -Ss anaconda
 2305  pacman -Ss pip
 2306  pacman -Ss python-pip
 2307  exit
 2308  git add  --dry-run   '*/*/*png'
 2309  git add -f --dry-run   '*/*/*png'
 2310  git add -f --dry-run   'AI/*/*png'
 2311  git add -f --dry-run   'AI/*/*3.png'
 2312  exit
 2313  cat eev-f8/|  grep 'e$' |grep May| grep '[:]'
 2314  touch AI/
 2315  exit
 2316  touch AI/Karpathy/
 2317  exit
 2318  touch mmilanutil/
 2319  exit
 2320  ls __init__*
 2321  ls */__init__*
 2322  ls */*/__init__*
 2323  exit
 2324  ls ~/.*rc
 2325  ls -ld ~/.*rc
 2326  cat ~/.yarnrc
 2327  exit
 2328  ls -ld .*rc
 2329  grep -rl conda "*f8*"
 2330  find . -name  "*f8*"
 2331  find . -name  "*.f8.*"
 2332  find . -name  "*.f8.*" | xargs grep -l 'docker|podman'
 2333  find . -name  "*.f8.*" | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2334  find . -name  "*.f8.*" >1.f8.names.txt
 2335  cat 1.f8.names.txt  | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2336  cat 1.f8.names.txt | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'
 2337  cat 1.f8.names.txt | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'    | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2338  cat 1.f8.names.txt | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'    | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman'
 2339  cat 1.f8.names.txt  | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2340  cat 1.f8.names.txt | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'
 2341  cat 1.f8.names.txt  | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2342  cat 1.f8.names.txt | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'
 2343  find . -name  "*.f8.*"| tr ' ' '@' >1.f8.names.txt
 2344  cat 1.f8.names.txt| tr ' ' '@'  | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2345  cat 1.f8.names.txt| tr ' ' '@' | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'
 2346  cat 1.f8.names.txt |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip' | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman'
 2347  cat 1.f8.names.txt |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip' | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2348  cat 1.f8.names.txt| tr ' ' '@' | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'
 2349  cat 1.f8.names.txt |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip' | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2350  cat 1.f8.names.txt |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip' >2
 2351  cat 1.f8.names.txt |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip' >3
 2352  cat  | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2353  cat 3 | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2354  cat 3 | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2355  cat 3 | grep AI | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2356  cat 3 | grep AI | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2357  find . -name  "*.f8.*"| tr ' ' '@' >1 #1.f8.names.txt
 2358  cat 1| tr ' ' '@'  | xargs grep -lE 'docker|podman'
 2359  cat 1| tr ' ' '@' | xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip'
 2360  cat 1 |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda|pip' >3
 2361  cat 3 | grep AI | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -E 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2362  cat 3 | grep . | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker|podman' 2>2
 2363  cat 3 | grep . | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker|podman' 2>2 | grep pip
 2364  cat 3 | grep . | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker|podman' 2>2 | grep con
 2365  cat 3 | grep . | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker |podman ' 2>2 | grep pip
 2366  cat 1 |  tr ' ' '@'|xargs grep -lE 'conda |pip ' >3
 2367  cat 3 | grep . | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker |podman ' 2>2 | grep pip
 2368  cat 3 | grep . | tr ' ' '@'   | xargs grep -El 'docker |podman ' 2>2
 2369  bash'/c/Users/marti/OneDrive/git-bash-dotfiles/'
 2370  exit
 2371  ls
 2372  wc -l *
 2373  exit
 2374  wc -l *
 2375  cd D:\ai\gpt2-embedding-wte-10k\00000\default
 2376  exit
 2377  wc -l *
 2378  exit
 2379  wc -l *
 2380  cut -f 1 -d ' '   glove.6B.300d.txt >metadata.tsv
 2381  wc  *
 2382  cut -f 2- -d ' '  |  tr ' '   '\t'  >tensors.tsv
 2383  cut -f 2- -d ' '   glove.6B.300d.txt  |  tr ' '   '\t'  >tensors.tsv
 2384  wc  *
 2385  Start-Process tensorboard     "--logdir d:/ai"
 2386  exit
 2387  head -n 10000 .\metadata.tsv
 2388  head -n 10000 metadata.tsv
 2389  head -n 10000 metadata.tsv >../metadata.tsv
 2390  head -n 10000 tensors.tsv >../tensors.tsv
 2391  Start-Process tensorboard     "--logdir c:/Users/marti/.cache/my"
 2392  find . -name 'hy*.f8.*'
 2393  exit
 2394  tar tvf Math_3280_Lab1.sws.tar.bz2 
 2395  tar xvf Math_3280_Lab1.sws.tar.bz2 
 2396  wc -l 8089759_xml*.xml
 2397  cd 'C:\Program Files\Git'
 2398  diff etc/gitconfig  etc/gitconfig.0
 2399  gcc
 2400  g++
 2401  which g++
 2402  g++    --version
 2403  gcc  --version
 2404  gdb
 2405  : 1615208019:0;git config --get-all core.autocrlf
 2406  : 1615207796:0;git config --get-all core.autocrlf --global
 2407  : 1615207804:0;git config --get-all core.autocrlf --system
 2408  : 1615210740:0;git config --list --show-scope
 2409  : 1615210740:0;git config --list --show-scope | grep crlf
 2410  : 1615210727:0;git config --list --show-origin | grep crlf
 2411  cat ~/.gitcofig
 2412  cat ~/.gitconfig
 2413  cat ~/.gitconfig | grep crlf
 2414  : 1615210740:0;git config --list --show-scope | grep crlf
 2415  git config --list --show-origin | grep crlf
 2416  exit
 2417  du -sm
 2418  du -m
 2419  du -sm *
 2420  du -smc *
 2421  find . -name '*.exe'
 2422  find . -name '*.exe' |less
 2423  cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\"
 2424  exit
 2425  find . -name '*.exe'
 2426  cd Eda-f8
 2427  cd *programming\ stuff
 2428  file *.exe
 2429  file output/*.exe
 2430  exit
 2431  echo $x
 2432  x="nonsh"
 2433  z="a"
 2434  x="nonsh"
 2435  x=$z
 2436  echo $x
 2437  x="nonsh"
 2438  echo $x
 2439  ls ../*$x*
 2440  ls ../*/*$x*  |  findstr.exe $x
 2441  ls ../*/*/*$x*  |  findstr.exe $x
 2442  exit
 2443  x="nonsh"
 2444  echo $x
 2445  ls ../*$x*
 2446  ls ../*/*$x*
 2447  echo  ../*/*$x*
 2448  ls ../*/*$x*  |  findstr.exe $x
 2449  exit
 2450  x="nonsh"
 2451  echo $x
 2452  ls ../*$x*
 2453  echo  ../*/*$x*
 2454  ls ../*/*$x*
 2455  ls ../*/*$x*  |  findstr.exe $x
 2456  ls ../*/*/*$x*  |  findstr.exe $x
 2457  exit
 2458  ls  ../../.git
 2459  ls  -ld  ../../.git
 2460  exit
 2461  ls  -ld  .git
 2462  ls  -ld  ../.git
 2463  cmd /c dir  .git
 2464  exit
 2465  git ls-files|wc
 2466  exit
 2467  exit
 2468  exit
 2469  find -type f "C:\Users\marti\AppData\Local\Packages\"
 2470  find -type f 'C:\Users\marti\AppData\Local\Packages\'
 2471  exit
 2472  ""
 2473  "
 2474  find -type f 'C:\Users\marti\AppData\Local\Packages\'
 2475  find  'C:\Users\marti\AppData\Local\Packages\'  -type f
 2476  find  'C:\Users\marti\AppData\Local\Packages\'  -type f  |  grep -i localca
 2477  exit
 2478  grep     -i -R -E 'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive$'   .
 2479  grep    --count    -i -R -E 'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive$'   .
 2480  grep    --count  --no-filename  -i -R -E 'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive$'   .
 2481  grep      -i -R -E 'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive$'   .  |  wc
 2482  grep      -i -R -E -o 1 'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive(.)'   .  |  sort -u
 2483  grep --help
 2484  grep      -i -R -E -o  'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive(.)'   .  |  sort -u
 2485  grep     --no-filename   -i -R -E -o  'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]onedrive(.)'   .  |  sort -u
 2486  echo  'c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]''onedrive[\\/]'"[^\"' ]*"
 2487  echo $x
 2488  x='c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]''onedrive[\\/]'"[^\"' ]*"
 2489  echo $x
 2490  grep     --no-filename   -i -R -E -o  "$x"   .  |  sort -u
 2491  grep     --no-filename   -i -R -E -o  "$x"   .  |  sort -u   >1
 2492  grep     --no-filename   -i -R -E -o  "$x"   .    >2
 2493  mv -iv 1  ../1
 2494  mv -iv 2  ../2
 2495  grep     --no-filename   -i -R -E -o  "$x"   .    >../2
 2496  mv -iv ../2  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug.txt
 2497  sort -u  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug.txt  > vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--sorted-u.txt
 2498  grep     -i -R -E -o  "$x"   .    >../3
 2499  x='c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]''onedrive[\\/].{0,1}'"\w*"
 2500  echo $x
 2501  echo $x
 2502  grep     -i -R -E -o  "$x"   .    >../4
 2503  grep     -i -R -E -o --ascii  "$x"   .    >../4
 2504  grep --help
 2505  grep     -i -R -E -o  --text  "$x"   .    >../4
 2506  mv -iv ../4  vscode-f8/grep-o-word--debug--fnames.txt
 2507  [200~cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.][-\w]+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n~
 2508  cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.][-\w]+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n
 2509  cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.][-_a-z0-9]+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n
 2510  cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.][-_a-z0-9]+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n  |grep '[-]'
 2511  cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.][-_a-z0-9]+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n
 2512  cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.][-_a-z0-9]+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n |grep '[-]'
 2513  cut -d ':'   -f 1  vscode-f8/grep-o--debug--fnames.txt  |  sort -u  |   grep  -Eo  '([.]\w+)+$'  |sort |uniq -c  |  sort -n
 2514  find . -name  "*.ipynb"    -size +10m
 2515  find . -name  "*.ipynb"    -size +10M
 2516  find . -name  "*.ipynb"    -size +10M   -print
 2517  find . -name  "*.ipynb"    -size +10M   -ls
 2518  git ls-files|wc
 2519  git ls-files| grep   -o    '^.*[/]'
 2520  git ls-files| grep   -o    '^.*[/]'|sort -u   |wc
 2521  git ls-files|wc
 2522  x='c.{1,2}users.marti[\\/]''onedrive[\\/]'"[^:\"' ]*"
 2523  echo $x
 2524  grep     -i -R -E -o  --text  "$x"   .    >../5
 2525  grep    --no-filename   -i -R -E -o  --text  "$x"   .    >../5
 2526  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z
 2527  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[^-_\\/a-z0-9]'
 2528  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[^-,._\\/a-z0-9]'
 2529  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[^-,. _\\/a-z0-9]'
 2530  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[^-,. ()_\\/a-z0-9]'
 2531  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[^-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]'
 2532  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[^-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]'   |  sort -u
 2533  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]'
 2534  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]+'
 2535  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z a-z |  grep -o -E --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]+'
 2536  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z\\ a-z/ |  grep -o -E --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]+'
 2537  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z\\ a-z/ |  grep -o -E --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]+'   |   sort -u
 2538  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z\\ a-z/ |  grep -o -E --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]+'   |   sort -u   |  wc
 2539  cat    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  tr  A-Z\\ a-z/ |  grep -o -E --text  '[-,. (#)_\\/a-z0-9]+'   |   sort -u   >../7
 2540  code ../7
 2541  cat .849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b
 2542  cat ~/.849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b
 2543  cmd /c type ~/.849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b
 2544  wc   ../8
 2545  exit
 2546  wc   ../8
 2547  cat   ../8
 2548  cat  ../8    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'
 2549  cat  ../8    |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  sort|  uniq -c  |  sort -n
 2550  find .    -type d  |   grep  -i -E  -o  --text 'users.marti.onedrive.[^\\/]+'  |  sort|  uniq -c  |  sort -n
 2551  exit
 2552  ls -latr C:\u\busytex\dist
 2553  ls -latr 'C:\u\busytex\dist'
 2554  ls -latr 'C:\u\busytex\dist/'
 2555  exit
 2556  sort --help
 2557  sort --help|clip
 2558  sort.exe    /L C /R
 2559  sort.exe
 2560  sort.exe
 2561  sort.exe  --ignore-leading-blanks
 2562  sort.exe  --ignore-leading-blanks  --reverse
 2563  exit
 2564  sort.exe  --ignore-leading-blanks  --reverse
 2565  sort.exe  --ignore-leading-blanks  --reverse
 2566  [200~exit~
 2567  exit
 2568  ls [A-Z]*
 2569  ls  -d  [A-Z]*
 2570  exit
 2571  grep '^[A-Z]' <dirad
 2572  grep '^[A-Z]' <dirad  >2
 2573  exit
 2574  tail C:\Users\marti\log\onedr.log
 2575  tail "C:\Users\marti\log\onedr.log"
 2576  tail  -n 50  "C:\Users\marti\log\onedr.log"
 2577  [200~exit~
 2578  exit
 2579  where.exe bash
 2580  bash -c echo  okume
 2581  echo  okume
 2582  echo  'Dokumenty/*.md'
 2583  echo  Dokumenty/*.md
 2584  bash -c echo  "Dokumenty/*.md"
 2585  bash -c echo  "Dokumenty/*.md"
 2586  bash -c echo  "Dokumenty/*.md"
 2587  bash -c echo  "Dokumenty/*.md"
 2588  bash -c echo  "Dokumenty/*.md"
 2589  git add -vv --dry-run  'Dokumenty/*.md'
 2590  ls [0-9]*
 2591  ls -1 [0-9]*
 2592  ls -1d [0-9]*
 2593  find . -depth 1
 2594  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d
 2595  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '[0-9]*'
 2596  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '*wiki*'
 2597  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '[0-9]*'
 2598  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '.*'
 2599  mkdir .DOTDIRS
 2600  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '.*'
 2601  exit
 2602  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '.*'
 2603  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '.*'
 2604  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '[0-9]*'
 2605  find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  -iname '[.0-9]*'
 2606  find . |  grep -v '.git'  | grep -o -E '[0-9]{3,}'
 2607  find . |  grep -v '.git'
 2608  exit
 2609  grep -v '.git'  1
 2610  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{2,}'
 2611  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{3,}'  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
 2612  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{4,}'  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
 2613  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{6,}'  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
 2614  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{6,}'  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | grep -E  '\d[ ]......$'
 2615  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{6,}'  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | grep -E  '[0-9][ ]......$'
 2616  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{6,}'  | sort -u |   grep -E  '[0-9][ ][23].....$'
 2617  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{6,}'  | sort -u |   grep -E  '[0-9][ ][23]....$'
 2618  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{6,}'  | sort -u |   grep -E  '^[23].....$'
 2619  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{4,}'  | sort -u |   grep -E  '^[23]...$'
 2620  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -E 2400
 2621  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -E 2500
 2622  grep -v '.git'  1 | grep -o -E '[0-9]{4,}'  | sort -u |   grep -E  '^[23]...$'
 2623  Get-Process   -Name Robocopy
 2624  exit
 2625  ls /d/GIT-bk04/
 2626  cd /d/GIT-bk04
 2627  mv -iv
 2628  icacls
 2629  icacls .
 2630  exit
 2631  mkdir marti-onedrive.wiki2.git
 2632  cd /c/Users/marti/
 2633  cd /c/Users/marti/
 2634  ls *wiki*
 2635  export GIT_DIR=/d/GIT-bk04/marti-onedrive.wiki2.git
 2636  ls -l $GIT_DIR
 2637  ls -al $GIT_DIR
 2638  git clone
 2639  ls -al $GIT_DIR
 2640  ls
 2641  ls -al
 2642  cd OneDrive/2400-WIKI
 2643  cd ~/OneDrive/2400-WIKI
 2644  ls -al $GIT_DIR
 2645  git init
 2646  ls -al $GIT_DIR
 2647  ls ~/OneDrive/2400-WIKI/.git
 2648  cat .git
 2649  git remote -vvv add   origin
 2650  git pull -vv origin master
 2651  git pull -vv origin
 2652  ls -al $GIT_DIR
 2653  git pull -vv
 2654  ls -al
 2655  mkdir ~/OneDrive/foo
 2656  cd ~/OneDrive/foo
 2657  git checkout master
 2658  history | grep -i git
 2659  export GIT_DIR=D:/GIT-bk04/2400-WIKI.git
 2660  git show --name-only
 2661  git  status  -vv
 2662  export GIT_DIR=/d/GIT-bk04/marti-onedrive.wiki2.git
 2663  git show --name-only
 2664  git  status  -vv
 2665  git checkout master
 2666  export GIT_DIR=D:/GIT-bk04/2400-WIKI.git
 2667  cat .git
 2668  git remote -vvv add  wiki2
 2669  git remote
 2670  git remote -vvv
 2671  ls -al
 2672  git pull -vv
 2673  ls -al
 2674  git pull -vv wiki2
 2675  ls -al
 2676  git pull -vv wiki2 master
 2677  git remote -vvv
 2678  export GIT_DIR=/d/GIT-bk04/marti-onedrive.wiki2.git
 2679  git remote -vvv
 2680  exit
 2681  cd /d/GIT-bk04
 2682  mkdir marti-onedrive.wiki33.git
 2683  export GIT_DIR=/d/GIT-bk04/marti-onedrive.wiki33.git
 2684  ls -al $GIT_DIR
 2685  cd ~/OneDrive/2400-WIKI
 2686  ls ~/OneDrive/2400-WIKI/.git
 2687  git show --name-only
 2688  git  status  -vv
 2689  git init   -b master
 2690  git remote -vvv add   origin
 2691  cat .git
 2692  ls -al
 2693  git pull -vv
 2694  git pull -vv origin
 2695  git pull -vv origin master
 2696  export GIT_WORK_TREE=/c/Users/marti/OneDrive/2400-WIKI
 2697  git pull -vv
 2698  git pull -vv origin
 2699  git pull -vv origin master
 2700  git pull -vv origin master
 2701  ls -la
 2702  pwd
 2703  cat .git
 2704  git push -vv
 2705  git ls-files
 2706  ls
 2707  git add -vv --dry-run  '*.md'
 2708  git add -vv  '*.md'
 2709  git ls-files
 2710  du -a |sort -n
 2711  git push -vv
 2712  git commit -a -m 250129
 2713  git push -vv  origin master
 2714  history -a
 2715  history
 2716  history  >history.txt
 2717  history  >
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