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Improved off of the newest QBCore hud. Written in Vue.js
Runs at ~ 0.04 to 0.09 ms if you have more optimization suggestions feel free to reach out
- IMPORTANT: If you're using lj-fuel you NEED to change LegacyFuel exports
- find "qb-smallresources/client/seatbelt.lua"
- find "seatbelt:client:UseHarness" event then add snippet below under "harnessData = ItemData"
TriggerEvent('hud:client:UpdateHarness', harnessHp)
- Compass was made standalone to reduce (ms) on hud
- Toggle engine on and off
- Harness mode (harness radial shows when you have the harness item and checks for uses left which updates on the radial)
- Armed mode (weapons specifically whitelisted to not show armed mode)
- Switch between square and circle map with in-game /circle or square
- Cinematic mode (fully hides hud)
- Nitro when actived icon turns light red
- When dead heath radial turns red
- Dev mode radial when permission to do so (if you want dev mode working must follow instructions below)
- Headset icon appears when connected to radio channel
- Voice proximity and radio proximity highlighted
- Radial icons realign
- Seat belt equipped icon indicator
- Oxygen and Stamina radial indicator
- Engine health orange and red icon indicator
- Fuel low alert
- Fuel gauge color changes
- Parachute equipped radial indicator
- Cruise control radial dependent on vehicle speed
- Revised radials added more spacing
- Separated icons from radials
- CSS changes on money and colors
- CSS changes on stress and parachute
- Added dynamic armor
- Fixed map not displaying while idle in vehicle
- Added border option found in config.lua
- Added more optimization
- Initial release
- GhzGarage for original qb-hud original version
Please use the GitHub issues system to report issues or make suggestions, when making suggestion, please keep [Suggestion] in the title to make it clear that it is a suggestion.