4 commits
to release-1.15
since this release
1.15.0-rc2 (2020-08-21)
Get started
- #9283 Make loki and jaeger datasource configurable for grafana (@rakesh-garimella)
- #9282 Fix namespaces dropdown in core-ui (@akucharska)
Committers: 3
- Agata Kucharska (@akucharska)
- Benjamin Somhegyi (@ebensom)
- Rakesh Garimella (@rakesh-garimella)
1.15.0-rc1 (2020-08-18)
- #9246 Bump function-runtimes bases (@aerfio)
- #9245 Fix Nodejs10 Function install script (@aerfio)
- #9213 Extend function controller code coverage (@m00g3n)
- #9134 Support the gitops reference in the function-controller (@pPrecel)
- #9201 Add support for multiple lambda functions in one repository (@m00g3n)
- #9111 Enhance serverless' git repository auth support (@tgorgol)
- #9190 Add serverless-webhook-env test to cluster-users tests (@kfurgol)
- #9175 Show more informations about functions in the external-solution test (@pPrecel)
- #9116 Gitops serverless (@m00g3n)
- #9117 Add function runtime dockerfiles (@aerfio)
- #9160 Add Function Runtimes to codeowners (@aerfio)
- #9142 Fix serverless migration (@aerfio)
- #9095 Add GitRepository CRD (@tgorgol)
- #9136 Fix function view related permissions (@aerfio)
- #9125 Update Function CRD to support lambda code versioning (@m00g3n)
- #9100 Add notes about exposing function on Minikube (@kfurgol)
- #9108 Adding missing helm delete policy hooks for kyma helm charts (@hisarbalik)
- #9052 Upgrade tags for tests of the knative-serving and the function-controller (@pPrecel)
- #9064 Minor improvements in Serverless docs (@kazydek)
- #8945 Update Expose Function tutorial (@magicmatatjahu)
- #9045 Upgrade golang.org/x/text (@pPrecel)
- #8924 Prepare functionality for serverless gitops POC (@pPrecel)
- #8989 Enable setting max payload size for function (@aerfio)
Service Catalog
- #9092 Add documentation how Application Broker handles API Packages (@klaudiagrz)
- #9076 Bump ServiceCatalog image (@jasiu001)
- #9013 A way to have additional addons repositories configured (@a-thaler)
- #9071 Bump Helm Broker version (@mszostok)
- #9024 Upgrade Minikube version (@suleymanakbas91)
- #9108 Adding missing helm delete policy hooks for kyma helm charts (@hisarbalik)
- #9044 Move leftover crds to cluster-essentials (@magicmatatjahu)
- #9258 Bump event-source controller and adapter image (@nachtmaar)
- #9186 deploy event-source-adapter as apps/deployment instead of ksvc (@k15r)
- #9219 Remove the pre-upgrade hook from the knative-eventing-kafka chart (@marcobebway)
- #9143 Exlude unnecessary namespaces from knative-eventing webhook (@nachtmaar)
- #9174 Minor improvements in Istio (@colunira)
- #9168 Bump restrict namespaces query & SC fixes (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9167 Restrict Namespace list response (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9028 Bump oathkeeper-maester image (@colunira)
Service Mesh
- #9174 Minor improvements in Istio (@colunira)
- #9108 Adding missing helm delete policy hooks for kyma helm charts (@hisarbalik)
- #9097 switched kiali test to alpine-kubectl image (@a-thaler)
- #9169 Remove steps to install Kyma on IBM Cloud (@kazydek)
- #9147 kyma-operator image bump (@strekm)
- #9138 installer uses max history on upgrade (@strekm)
- #9108 Adding missing helm delete policy hooks for kyma helm charts (@hisarbalik)
- #9044 Move leftover crds to cluster-essentials (@magicmatatjahu)
- #9216 Update production profile for prometheus with required memory (@rakesh-garimella)
- #9236 Gatekeeper in front of Grafana (@a-thaler)
- #9212 refactor the assignment of global.alertTools.credentials.victorOps.sendResolved (@lauraanddola)
- #9205 aligned timezone and refresh rate across all grafana dashboards (@a-thaler)
- #9194 fixed resource settings for prometheus-operator and kube-state-mtrics (@a-thaler)
- #9108 Adding missing helm delete policy hooks for kyma helm charts (@hisarbalik)
- #9091 Fix the logging service monitor (@rakesh-garimella)
- #9046 send_resolved parameter is configurable in alertmanger config (@lauraanddola)
- #8952 switching some kiali/monitoring/tracing images to mirrored images (@a-thaler)
- #8978 Fix for AKS Kubelet Servicemonitor (@hisarbalik)
- #9009 Jaeger in Grafana and Grafana 7.0.6 update (@a-thaler)
- #9165 Make extraVolumeMounts and extraVolumes consumable via kyma operator (@nachtmaar)
- #9129 Remove hardcoded Istio Gateway in Logging component (@pkosiec)
- #9091 Fix the logging service monitor (@rakesh-garimella)
- #9053 Jaeger upgrade docker images to version 1.18.1 (@hisarbalik)
- #8952 switching some kiali/monitoring/tracing images to mirrored images (@a-thaler)
- #9015 Add warning about sensitive info on traces (@suleymanakbas91)
- #9009 Jaeger in Grafana and Grafana 7.0.6 update (@a-thaler)
- #9131 Bump OAuth Clients (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9119 Add oauth domain to CBS (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9185 Bump core & tests images for collapsible categories (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9168 Bump restrict namespaces query & SC fixes (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9167 Restrict Namespace list response (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9159 Update CBS Readme (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9144 Bump moby/moby package in cbs (@dariadomagala)
- #9137 Fix namespace details view (@dariadomagala)
- #9135 Add a missing directive to CBS (@dariadomagala)
- #9115 Console fixes: small texts, notification toast and hiding logs (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9065 Bump status subscriptions (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9080 Reenable Service Brokers tests (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9049 Bump x/text package to v0.3.3 (@dariadomagala)
- #9051 Add deployments subscription (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9062 Update Console after trigger domain refactor, use new success notification (@Wawrzyn321)
- #8945 Update Expose Function tutorial (@magicmatatjahu)
- #8985 [CBS] Refactor eventing domain (@Wawrzyn321)
- #8987 Fix multiple calls on search input change in console (@dariadomagala)
- #9023 Add viewGroup to MicroFrontend (@dariadomagala)
- #8991 Remove suffix from catalog labels in console (@dariadomagala)
- #8947 Add UID field to service (@Wawrzyn321)
- #8972 Set content-type check to cbs (@dariadomagala)
- #9263 Remove 1.13-1.14 migration guide from master (@majakurcius)
- #9256 Fix dead links (@bszwarc)
- #9248 Fix the descriptions for Grafana parameters (@bszwarc)
- #9169 Remove steps to install Kyma on IBM Cloud (@kazydek)
- #9159 Update CBS Readme (@Wawrzyn321)
- #9153 Fix the Application Connector tutorial for generating a CSR (@majakurcius)
- #9092 Add documentation how Application Broker handles API Packages (@klaudiagrz)
- #9100 Add notes about exposing function on Minikube (@kfurgol)
- #9093 Fix dead links (@bszwarc)
- #9087 Fix dead link (@bszwarc)
- #9077 Fix dead link (@bszwarc)
- #8938 Create a separate directory for the Application Connector Compass mode (@klaudiagrz)
- #9041 Add a section on configuring the Runtime to Runtime Agent docs (@majakurcius)
- #9064 Minor improvements in Serverless docs (@kazydek)
- #9026 Remove the doc on Kyma installation through Marketplace (@kazydek)
- #8989 Enable setting max payload size for function (@aerfio)
- #9002 Fix broken links in the official docs (@klaudiagrz)
- #8988 Update sample service deployment links (@colunira)
- #9078 Add Sybit adopter (@magicmatatjahu)
Committers: 42
- Andreas Thaler (@a-thaler)
- Barbara Szwarc (@bszwarc)
- Benjamin Somhegyi (@ebensom)
- Daria Domagała (@dariadomagala)
- Filip Strózik (@pPrecel)
- Hisar Balik (@hisarbalik)
- Jakub Błaszczyk (@Demonsthere)
- Jakub Dziechciewicz (@kubadz)
- Jakub Kabza (@jakkab)
- Jan Sudczak (@parostatkiem)
- Julia Iskierka (@colunira)
- Karol Furgoł (@kfurgol)
- Karolina Zydek (@kazydek)
- Klaudia Grzondziel (@klaudiagrz)
- Korbinian Stoemmer (@k15r)
- Krzysztof (@kwiatekus)
- Maciej Urbańczyk (@magicmatatjahu)
- Maja Kurcius (@majakurcius)
- Marco Bebway (@marcobebway)
- Mariusz Szymański (@Maladie)
- Mateusz Puczyński (@aerfio)
- Mateusz Szostok (@mszostok)
- Michal Kempski (@polskikiel)
- Nils Schmidt (@nachtmaar)
- Paweł Kosiec (@pkosiec)
- Piotr (@pbochynski)
- Piotr Jasiak (@jasiu001)
- Piotr Miśkiewicz (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- Piotr Mścichowski (@piotrmsc)
- Piotr Wawrzyńczyk (@Wawrzyn321)
- Radu Fantaziu (@radufa)
- Rakesh Garimella (@rakesh-garimella)
- Sayan Hazra (@sayanh)
- Suleyman Akbas (@suleymanakbas91)
- Szymon Gibała (@Szymongib)
- Tomasz Gorgol (@tgorgol)
- Tomasz Smelcerz (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- @FWinkler79
- @lauraanddola
- @mikosa
- @strekm
- marcin witalis (@m00g3n)