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Attila Sukosd edited this page Mar 15, 2013 · 2 revisions

Mobius developers primarily use two version control systems: CVS and Subversion. Eclipse comes with a CVS plugin by default. Two primary Subversion plugins are available today: Subclipse and Subversive. After evaluating both options, we chose to ship Subclipse with the PVE, as it is more reliable and has a more appropriate feature set for dependable systems development. No special configuration of our version control plugins has taken place.

The Eclipse PVE developer workspace that we provide via the Mobius Trac server is pre-configured and points (anonymously) to all of the version control repositories relevant to Mobius work, including those hosted by Mobius partners, and those hosted by external sites like SourceForge and our North American colleagues.

The student/instructional/demonstration PVE workspace that we provide does not point to any version control repositories.

Like CDEs, a variety of version control repositories have been used over the past several years as well. Consolidation of these repositories is ongoing. The MOBIUS Subversion repository is hosted as part of this Trac.

The MOBIUS repository is organized in the following fashion at the top-most level:

  • docs documentation relating to the Mobius PVE,
  • jars archives of \java archive files (jar files), both for libraries on which Mobius PVE development depends and releases of Mobius PVE subsystems,
  • libs archives of \java archive files (jar files) and binary libraries, both for libraries on which Mobius PVE development depends and releases of Mobius PVE subsystems,
  • papers scientific papers relating to Mobius PVE design and development,
  • slides slides relating to the Mobius PVE (slides used for teaching about and with the Mobius PVE and underlying technologies, tutorials presented at major conferences, slides relating to published papers etc.),
  • specs archived and new specifications relating to Mobius PVE use and development,
  • src source code for Mobius PVE subsystems, and
  • updates the Eclipse update site for hosting and releasing Mobius PVE

Consolidation and reorganization of the Subversion repository is still ongoing. For example, the jars and and libs directories are being combined and reorganized.

Version: 2 Time: Mon Mar 31 12:58:47 2008 Author: dcochran (dcochran) IP:

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