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Attila Sukosd edited this page Mar 15, 2013 · 1 revision


Mylyn does this by making tasks a first class part of Eclipse, and integrating rich and offline editing for repositories such as Bugzilla, Trac, and JIRA. Once your tasks are integrated, Mylar monitors your work activity to identify information relevant to the task-at-hand, and uses this task context to focus the Eclipse UI on the interesting information, hide the uninteresting, and automatically find what's related. This puts the information you need to get work done at your fingertips and improves productivity by reducing searching, scrolling, and navigation. By making task context explicit Mylyn also facilitates multitasking, planning, reusing past efforts, and sharing expertise.

We are experimenting with alternative task/feature tracking engines, thus Mylyn is integrated into the Mobius PVE. The GForge Advanced Server (AS) plugin provides similar (though significantly less powerful and flexible) functionality with the GForge AS, which we are evaluating as well.

The Mobius PVE workspace comes preconfigured with Mylyn

Version: 1 Time: Mon Sep 17 13:49:56 2007 Author: dcochran (dcochran) IP:

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