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carlos-ballester edited this page Sep 9, 2014 · 6 revisions


A threat is any action or event with the potential to cause negative outcome(s).

In OPPRIM, a threat represents a particular situation as a combination of the user making the access request, the asset to be accessed, and the set of clues linked to that particular user, asset and device for that given access request.

For example, User A requesting Asset B in a device with no antivirus and connected to an open Wi-Fi would be a particular situation which would create a Threat depicting that situation and named UserAAssetBNoantivirusOpenwifi with an initial probability of it having a bad outcome of 0.5 (50%), unless the threat already existed and had another pre computed probability.

It would also have a bad Outcome attached with a cost equal to the negative value of the cost of the asset being used in the case of that asset being compromised (i.e. if the Asset to be accessed is a document valued in 5000€, the Threat bad Outcome could have a potential cost of -5000€)

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