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Jonathan edited this page Aug 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Connection Menu

The Connection menu allows the user to run the client as the final user. e.g. : get access to different assets after choosing a specific rules and complex risque policy.

To be able to test the opportunity in good condition. We have to set-up the opportunity first in the panel below logged as an Admin.

2 different credential can be use : Admin and User

Admin Panel

To log as an Admin use : User : admin , Password : admin

Opprim Admin Panel

  1. Select the zone where the user is, Inside or outside the company building.
  2. Select the risk policy that gonna be used. The risk policy as to be create in the Advanced risque policy panel locate in the configure menu.
  3. Select the rule to applied. Rule that define if the asset can be access outside of the company building or not.

Save the configuration.

User panel

To log as a User use the credential you put when you have create a User

Opprim user Install panel

Accept the rule than install.

Opprim asset selector

Select the Asset you wish to access. If Opprim give you the access you should have a pop-up saying the access was granted, see image below.

Access granted

Else the access wasn't granted you would access an other panel.

Opprim User panel

  1. Set the number of hour you can work.
  2. Set the potential loss if you cannot access the asset for your work.
  3. Explain the reason
  4. Add an Asset if needed

After that the Opprim Simulator will check the risque policy and the potential loss and will define if he will give you the access to the asset or not

Access Access

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