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Jie Meng edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 1 revision

Tools are luaexec scripts which can be executed like a tool on specified path.

How to write

Write tool scripts and put them to tools.

Unlike plugins, tools are not executed by Lunar build-in luaexec engine, these tool scripts are same as common scripts loaded by Lunar. So they can be not only lua scripts, but also python and other scripts which configured in extension.lua.



Lunar did not implement search & replace function in GUI menu because this tool script can do it well.

print(string.format("Replace text in path <%s>", file.currentPath()))


print("Input target file ext (Empty means all files):")
local ext = strTrim(
print("Ext: " .. ext)

print("Input find text:")
local find_text = strTrim(
if find_text == "" then
    print("Error: Find text cannot be empty")
print("Find text: " .. find_text)

print("Input replace text:")
local replace_text = strTrim(
print("Replace text: " .. replace_text)

local tb = file.findFilesInDirRecursively(file.currentPath(), ext)
for _, v in ipairs(tb) do
    local text = file.readTextFile(v)
    if strContains(text, find_text) then
        local replace = strRelaceAll(text, find_text, replace_text)
        if file.writeTextFile(v, replace) then
            print(string.format("Replace in file %s ok.", v))


print(string.format([[Replace all "%s" to "%s" in path <%s> ok.]], find_text, replace_text, file.currentPath()))

How to use

Open File explorer of Lunar, select directory and use shortcut key CTRL (COMMAND on MacOS) + J open context menu, select Tools->xxx.

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