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Jie Meng edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 9 revisions

Lunar Wiki

Lunar is a lightweight cross-platform (MacOS, Linux, Windows) script editor for developers.

You can customize auto-completion / goto-definition / tools plugins yourself for any language listed below.

Avs, Bash, Batch, CMake, CoffeeSript, CPP, CSharp, CSS, D, Diff, Fortran, Fortran77, Html, Idl, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Makefile, Matlab, Octave, Pascal, Perl, Po, PostScript, Pov, Properties, Python, Ruby, Spice, Sql, Tcl, Tex, Verilog, Vhdl, Xml, Yaml.

This wiki intend to provide detail technical explanation, and tutorials.


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