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hyschive edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 15 revisions

This page covers the following topics:

It is highly recommended that you first follow the demos given in Quick Start.

Running Simulations

To run the code in a serial mode (i.e., no MPI and OpenMP), follow the steps below:

  1. Compile the code (See Installation for details)

    1. Set CXX in the configuration file to a serial compiler (e.g., g++ or icpc)
    2. Set the following arguments when generating Makefile:
    3. Recompile the code by make clean; make
  2. Set the runtime parameters (see Runtime Parameters for details)

    1. Put the required input files (e.g., Input__Parameter) in the same directory as the executable gamer
    2. Set parameters properly
  3. Launch the code

  4. Check the outputs

    • Simulation progress → stdout
    • Simulation log filesRecord__*
    • Simulation snapshotsData_??????

Further readings:

Restarting from a Snapshot

To restart a simulation from a snapshot (e.g., Data_000123), do the following steps:

  1. Set OPT__INIT=2
  2. Create a soft link named RESTART to a targeted snapshot: ln -s Data_000123 RESTART
  3. Run the code as usual


Many runtime parameters can be changed during restart (e.g., number of MPI processes and OpenMP threads, maximum refinement level, refinement criteria, time-step criteria). The next data dump ID will be automatically set to the ID of the restart file plus one (unless specified by INIT_DUMPID).

Terminating or Pausing Simulations

Typically, a simulation ends when reaching either END_T or END_STEP. One can also forcibly terminate a simulation by creating a file named STOP_GAMER_STOP (e.g., using touch STOP_GAMER_STOP) in the same directory as the executable gamer. The program will check the existence of this file after every root-level update. If it is detected, the program will output the final data (assuming at least one of the output options described in Outputs is enabled), delete the file STOP_GAMER_STOP, and then be terminated. Note that this functionality is supported only when the runtime parameter OPT__MANUAL_CONTROL is on.

Similarly, one can create a file named PAUSE_GAMER_PAUSE to pause a simulation. To resume it, simply delete this file.

Taking Notes

One can put simulation notes in a text file named Input__Note. The content of this file will be automatically copied to the top of the log file Record__Note during code initialization. For example,

cat Input__Note
Execution results
head Record__Note
Execution results
Simulation Note




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