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Running in Parallel


To enable MPI support, follow the steps below:

  1. Generate the Makefile and recompile the code (see Installation for details)

    1. Set CXX_MPI to an MPI compiler (e.g., mpicxx) in the configuration file
    2. Set MPI_PATH to you MPI installation path in the configuration file
    3. Generate Makefile with the following options:
    4. Recompile the code by make clean; make
  2. Launch the code with MPI (consult your system documentation), for instance,

    mpirun -np 10 ./gamer

Hybrid MPI/OpenMP

To enable hybrid MPI/OpenMP, follow the MPI-only prescriptions given above with the following additional steps:

  1. Also turn on the compilation option --openmp and set the OpenMP flag OPENMPFLAG properly in the Makefile

  2. Set the number of threads through the runtime parameter OMP_NTHREAD

  3. The recommended way for launching hybrid MPI/OpenMP jobs can vary from system to system. So please consult your system documentation. Also, check out the Remarks below.

Compilation Options

Related options: --mpi   --openmp  

Runtime Parameters

Runtime parameters: MPI and OpenMP

Other related parameters: none


Hybrid MPI/OpenMP/GPU

The code does not pose any restrictions on the ratio between the number of MPI processes per node and the number of OpenMP threads associated with each MPI process. When using GPUs, the most straightforward way is to set the total number of MPI processes equal to the total number of GPUs you want to use, and then set the number of OpenMP threads per process (OMP_NTHREAD) equal to the ratio between the number of CPU cores per node and the number of GPUs per node.

For example, to run a job using 8 nodes, each of which is composed of 2 ten-core CPUs and 2 GPUs, you could consider adopting 16 MPI processes and 10 OpenMP threads. This will allow different MPI processes to use different ten-core CPUs and GPUs, and different OpenMP threads of the same MPI process to use different CPU cores of the same CPU.

Depending on the system specifications, it might be beneficial to allow multiple MPI processes to access the same GPU. Using CUDA Multi-Process Service (MPS) is recommended for this case and may boost the performance further. For instance, for the example above, you could adopt 32 MPI processes and 5 OpenMP threads. This will allow two MPI processes to share the same GPUs while still allow different OpenMP threads of the same MPI process to use different CPU cores of the same CPU. See also Set and Validate GPU IDs.

Please also check MPI Binding and Thread Affinity carefully.

MPI Binding and Thread Affinity

It is important to ensure that different MPI processes and OpenMP threads access different CPU cores. The recommended setup can vary from system to system. So please check your system documentation. One straightforward way to validate it is to use the Linux command top and type 1 to check whether the CPU usage of ALL cores is close to 100%.

One can also validate the MPI and OpenMP binding by searching for the keyword "OpenMP" in the log file Record__Note. The following example adopts 8 MPI processes and OMP_NTHREAD=10 to run a job on 4 nodes named golub121-124, each of which is composed of 2 ten-core CPUs and 2 GPUs:

OpenMP Diagnosis
OMP__SCHEDULE                   DYNAMIC
OMP__NESTED                     OFF

CPU core IDs of all OpenMP threads (tid == thread ID):
 Rank        Host  NThread  tid-00  tid-01  tid-02  tid-03  tid-04  tid-05  tid-06  tid-07  tid-08  tid-09
    0    golub121       10       0       2       4       6       8      10      12      14      16      18
    1    golub121       10       1       3       5       7       9      11      13      15      17      19
    2    golub122       10       0       2       4       6       8      10      12      14      16      18
    3    golub122       10       1       3       5       7       9      11      13      15      17      19
    4    golub123       10       0       2       4       6       8      10      12      14      16      18
    5    golub123       10       1       3       5       7       9      11      13      15      17      19
    6    golub124       10       0       2       4       6       8      10      12      14      16      18
    7    golub124       10       1       3       5       7       9      11      13      15      17      19

Check the following things:

  • The number under NThread is the same as the runtime parameter OMP_NTHREAD
  • Different OpenMP threads use different CPU cores

To achieve an optimal performance, it is also important to take into account thread affinity and non-uniform memory access (NUMA). Generally, it is recommended to have OpenMP threads running in the same NUMA domain to improve memory affinity. But one still needs to experiment with different configurations to fine-tune the performance. The Linux command lscpu can be used to display information about your CPU architecture. For example, on a node with 2 ten-core CPUs (as the example given above), it shows

CPU(s):                20
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-19
Thread(s) per core:    1
Core(s) per socket:    10
Socket(s):             2
NUMA node(s):          2
NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18
NUMA node1 CPU(s):     1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19

By comparing it with the thread binding information recorded in the log file Record__Note (as described above), it confirms that in this example different threads in the same MPI process do run in the same NUMA domain.

OpenMP Support in GRACKLE

See Library Configurations -- GRACKLE for how to enable OpenMP in GRACKLE.


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