Stanford University @ENCODE-DCC
- Palo Alto, CA
- https://www.encodeproject.org
python-flask-es-test Public
Cherry Lab Python Programming test; based on Flask/Elasticsearch
jsonschema_serialize_fork Public
Forked from lrowe/jsonschema_serialize_forkAn(other) implementation of JSON Schema for Python
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 13, 2019 -
react_boilerplate Public
Forked from yeastgenome/sgd_react_boilerplateAn example react application SGD used by ENCODE.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 20, 2019 -
drafts.ninja Public
Forked from arxanas/drafts.ninjaMagic: the Gathering online draft simulator
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 17, 2016 -
bootstrap-boilerplate Public
Forked from h5bp/html5-boilerplateProfessional front-end template. So much goodness baked in by default
JavaScript UpdatedMay 9, 2013 -
gbrowse-sgd Public
Config and specialized install for SGD Gbrowse, forked from GB 2.29
bootstrap-sgd Public
little mockup of twitter bootstrap with htm5lboilerplate+backbone js and SGD header footers.
INT Public
jQuery interface between YeastMine (intermine) and CytoscapeWeb
cachirulovalleydirectory Public
Forked from iloire/cachirulovalleydirectoryProfessional local community directory created with node.js and redis. Online at: directorio.cachirulovalley.com
JavaScript UpdatedApr 29, 2012 -
SGD-Strains Public
Forked from cdamundsen/SGD-StrainsToy Django implementation to store strain genomes and features
gbrowse2-sgd Public
SGDs config etc for Gbrowse 2 (linked via SVN). Currently branched off of 2.17bugfixed
eclipse-tteditor Public
simple synax coloring plugin for Template::Toolkit using Eclipse