Note: the default Mac python doesn't seem to work. You might want to install Python with Homebrew and you may need to sintall one of more of (using homebrew): libxml2 libxslt freetype openssl libjpeg.
First run buildout:
$ python2.7 $ bin/buildout
To start the web application:
$ bin/pserve development.ini
Browse to the interface at http://localhost:6543/.
Run the Jasmine tests at http://localhost:6543/tests/js/test_runner.html.
Run the Pyramid tests with:
$ bin/test
SASS and Compass are being used. Before running to app, you need to builld the css files by starting 'compass watch' or doing a 'compass compile' (see below).
Both can be installed via Ruby gems:
$ gem install sass $ gem install compass
Compass can watch for any changes made to .scss files and instantly compile them to .css. To start this, from the root of the project (where config.rb is) do:
$ compass watch
You can specify whether the compiled CSS is minified or not in config.rb. (Currently, it is set to minify.)
$ compass compile
Again, you can specify whether the compiled CSS is minified or not in config.rb.
Also see the Compass Command Line Documentation and the Configuration Reference.
And of course:
$ compass help