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Releases: hhd-dev/adjustor

v3.9.2: Add charge_behaviour support

09 Mar 10:56
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Adds support for the charge_behaviour endpoint to control bypass in OneXPlayer devices (and ayaneo in the future).

Full Changelog: v3.9.1...v3.9.2

v3.9.1: Set Z1 Max TDP to 65W

24 Feb 23:33
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Z1 max TDP in turbo is 65w with a hefty boost that takes it up to 70w. So update the UI accordingly and then set the stock tdp slider to go up to 65W.

Full Changelog: v3.9.0...v3.9.1

v3.9.0: Add Z13 support

22 Feb 21:39
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Modify the Asus (Ally) driver to be suitable for laptops and add the Z13 (2025) to it.

Full Changelog: v3.8.1...v3.9.0

v3.8.1: Fix Claw Crash

22 Feb 08:44
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Since the claw uses a subset of TDP plugins, the battery plugin caused it to crash. Fix the crash.

Full Changelog: v3.8.0...v3.8.1

v3.8.0: Add battery capacity/bypass to OneXPlayer

20 Feb 18:02
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Adds a little battery plugin that allows modifying the charging limit/charge bypass if the device has a kernel driver for it. Charge bypass only works on One-Netbook devices.

If you used the previous limit on your ally, it will unfortunately reset.

Full Changelog: v3.7.7...v3.8.0

v3.7.7: More PPD fixes

15 Feb 17:00
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Make PPD emulation use both namespaces instead, as KDE 6.3 uses the new one now and Gnome uses the old one. Then, fixup the AMD tdp controls to update ppd instantly to fix KDE updating lag, and unify the tdp value to ppd/energy controls to use the same map and update it so 18W devices work correctly with the tdp slider.

Full Changelog: v3.7.6...v3.7.7

v3.7.6: Change PPD namespace

14 Feb 17:27
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Seems like KDE powerdevil started using the new freedesktop DBUS namespace instead of hades for PPD, so update it for PPD emulation.

Full Changelog: v3.7.5...v3.7.6

v3.7.5: Legion Go S TDP Bump

07 Feb 19:39
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With stability fixes in place, we can restore the max TDP value of the Go S to the Windows version. Also reset the Ally tdp on adapter changes.

Full Changelog: v3.7.4...v3.7.5

v3.7.4: Limit Legion Go S TDP

31 Jan 18:09
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Limit the TDP of the Go S to 30W, and set the default custom TDP to 25, to minimize sleep issues while they are being looked into.

Full Changelog: v3.7.3...v3.7.4

v3.7.3: Minor Fixup

25 Jan 08:46
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Prevents an unnecessary mode change (should be NOOP).

Full Changelog: v3.7.2...v3.7.3