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Bruce MacDonald edited this page Sep 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

Plan: Has some info on the wiki but despite the statement that all information is on the github wiki, none of the planning details are there. I requested access and got it quite quickly. Plan looks pretty good. A small improvement would be to give a bit more detail in the tasks which seem somewhat brief; and have them all use verbs not nouns for tasks.

Demo: Good work. Would be better to show the demo at the start and to manage the time during the demo to maximise the impact of what you are doing (rather than talk about too many details). Maybe you could be sure to work together more.

Wiki: Some good information there. Lacks some things. Could give some more text about what the plans are, and give a coherent description of your project solution including main algorithms. Could record each person's contributions including dates, tasks and hours spent.

Final: Good demo. Nice GUI.

Wiki details a bit less than could be. No record of hours. Worklog almost empty. 6 issues

Not much sense of a report on the wiki, about the project. Just some pages; not clearly organized. Not communicating everything. No link to user manual on the front page. It is in the top level of master.