[New] Enabled plugin system for public use
[New] Duping Window for solo doa players
[New] Disables gw automatically adding en-US keyboard layout
[New] Added TS5 module; use /teamspeak to share current channel info to chat
[New] Enabled plugin system for public use
[New] Added marked targets to minimap; use /marktarget to highlight on current target on minimap
[New] Added GwArmory window
[Minor] Move To hotkey has an option to go to target or location, and to move a certain distance away from location
[Minor] Added mission bundles to item filter
[Minor] Added missing doa tendril
[Minor] Added honeycomb, pumpkin cookie, gitb and mobstopper to pcons
[Fix] Fixed honor section of completion window not showing accurate title achievements
[Fix] Fixed issue causing persistent update notification even if you're on the latest version
[Fix] Fixed crash related to chat log
[Fix] Fixed crash when using party stats window before party is ready
[Fix] Fixed crash related to skill images failing to render on-screen
[Fix] Fixed crashes caused by adding non-existent characters to friendlist.
[Fix] Fixed occasional crash when right clicking items or changing character with obfuscator on
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