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Menu options

gtbu edited this page Jul 31, 2024 · 8 revisions

By default, menus are output with basic html similar to the following:
< ul class="menu_top">
< li class=“li_0 li_title_a”>
< a title=“Title” href=“/”>Title< /a>
< /li>
< li class=“li_1 li_title_b”>
< a title=“Title2” href=“/”>Title2< /a>
< /li>
< /ul>

menu_top : You can change the class used for the topmost < ul> in your template.php filem using the $GP_MENU_CLASS global variable:

< div id="menuwrap">
< ?php
$GP_MENU_CLASS = ‘my_class’;
< /div>

The menus will always follow a hierarchical < ul>… < li>… structure, but you can customize the format the html within each < li>…< /li>. For example, if you want a element within each element you could do the following:

< div id="menuwrap">
$GP_MENU_LINKS = ‘<a href=“{$href_text}” {$attr}>{$label}< /span>< /a>’;
< /div>

== Menu options ==

< ?php
$GP_ARRANGE = false;
‘menu_top’ => ‘nav navbar-nav’,
‘selected’ => ‘’,
’selected_li’ => ‘active’,
‘childselected’ => ‘’,
’childselected_li’ => ‘’,
’li_title’ => ‘’,
’haschildren’ => ‘dropdown-toggle’,
‘haschildren_li’ => ‘dropdown’,
‘child_ul’ => ‘dropdown-menu’,

gpOutput::Get(‘TopTwoMenu’); //top two levels

  • In the pagemanager-menu You can add several classes to LI and ul (menupoint)

== Several independent menus ==

Typesetter allows creation of several menus in the pagemanger-bottom:

  • gpOutput::GetFullMenu(‘m1’); (m0 is standard)

If You want a different skin : the skin of a higher menu must be changed manually in the top left corner under ‘options’

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