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Addon Dev – Addon.ini

gtbu edited this page Jul 3, 2024 · 5 revisions

The mandatory Addon.ini

In order for Typesetter to recognize a folder as a plugin, it must contain a file called Addon.ini.

Addon.ini contains all important information for the installation and execution of the plugin.

Create the Addon.ini file in your plugin directory

Content of Addon.ini, Part 1
Addon_Name = 'My First Plugin'
;Addon_Unique_ID = 999
Addon_Version = 1.0
min_gpeasy_version = 5.1
php_version = 8.0    
About = 'My first Typesetter Plugin.'

name = Bootstrap
version = 4


REQUIRED The name of your plugin as it appears in the admin interface. If you want to use non-ASCII characters, make sure Addon.ini is stored in UTF-8 encoding (as you should always do with any Typesetter script).


OPTIONAL This numerical value will only be used once you publish your plugin on You will receive an ID during the publishing process. As long as you don't have one just keep this line commented with a leading ; or #.


REQUIRED It's up to you whether you prefer to start with version 1.0 or 0.1-a1. After the installation, Typesetter tracks the plugin version and suggests updating the plugin if the version number differs from the currently installed one. Typesetter recommends to use Semantic Versioning


REQUIRED This defines from which Typesetter version the plugin can run and prevents installation on older unsupported Typsesetter installations. The term 'gpeasy' derives from Typesetter's former name 'gpEasy'. While support for older typesetter versions is generally appreciated, it requires some developer experience and testing to ensure compatibility. If in doubt, use your current typesetter version number.


minimum php-version (optional but necessary for new plugins)


OPTIONAL Describe the purpose of the plugin and everything you want potential users to know before installing it. The info text is displayed before the installation and later on the dashboard. You can use HTML markup, to highlight important parts. Avoid line breaks.

FrontEndFramework (new since Typesetter 5.2)

name = Bootstrap (or css or other frameork) version = 4 ( or 3 or other )

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