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Releases: golxzn/vulkan-course

[demo] Version 0.1.1 binaries

07 Sep 06:54
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Nothing special, just learnt how to push the constants to the vertex or/and fragment shader.

But actually, the list of changes is here:

  1. Changed the swap chain surface format from VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB to VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, so the gamma correction was disabled;
  2. In the game_instance made the record_command_buffer method and move the command buffer creation to the render function (to apply changes from the constant stuff. It doesn't look like optimal decision);
  3. Update the shaders and add the constant uniform struct to provide transformation matrix.


I'm not sure that the linux version works! I just built it using wsl2

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1

[demo] Version 0.1.0 binaries

06 Sep 03:37
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This release contains nothing interesting, but:

  1. The vulkan instance class;
  2. The device class, which selecting the GPU;
  3. The swap-chain class, which contains of framebuffers;
  4. The pipeline class, which contains of shaders;
  5. And the model class, which isn't actually model. Just a buffer wrapper rn.

There's a game instance class to pack everything together and run, but nothing special.


I'm not sure that the linux version works! I just built it using wsl2