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tanya-luk edited this page Apr 6, 2016 · 4 revisions

Project Inception


We use a hybrid of waterfall and Scrum processes, as the course demands to work by slow steps and follow the demands , therefore we also combine the practical work every meeting and do a survey about it ,

Initial Feature List

  1. Setting of the students to private\little groups with teachers in specific classes

Initial Planning

  1. deep understand of the costumer side.
  2. initial screens for the app.

Risk Management

Risk Severity Response
1 New Technology Medium Take an online Mean course Build Prototype
2 Inexperienced team Low Use the staff's help and google
3 User's verity of ages Medium Make the app friendly and compatible to all different users
4 Bad understanding in computers from costumer's side Medium Giving good explanation about the new system to the costumer


we will use "Brackats" environment and WordPress.





Version Control


Coding Convention

Initial Architecture

Deployment Diagram