Added a Data Store Connection Detail sheet to the Portal content inventory to call out the connection parameters for the repositories registered with Portal for ArcGIS (as opposed to ArcGIS Server). Added certificate aliases for the configured certificates on the native ports for Portal and Server in the Key Admin Facts sheet. Added RoleId to the user list in the Portal content and the Role sheet in the Portal content so that it is possible to understand when users are part of custom roles. Now, ArcGIS Data Store is suppressed from the workspace cross reference sheet in the admin Excel (because it does not fit the purpose of this sheet). Added an SPOF warning to the Key Admin Facts sheet when the hostname of a machine in AGE matches the hostname of a file share used for the config-store, server directories, or content. Added Providers, Enabled Providers, and Extensions (SOIs/SOEs) to the adm sheet for ArcGIS Server Sites in the admin Excel. Download: https://github.com/dannykrouk/gisenterprisereporter/releases/download/v4.0.27/gis_enterprise_reporter.zip