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A Terraform module for deploying web applications to Fargate the easy way


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Sometimes you have an idea of a script you want to run on AWS. There's a public docker image you can use that has everything you need, and you know the command you want to run. But getting all the boilerplate up and running can be a pain. Enter: Easy Fargate.


  • Sane Defaults
  • Looks up Default VPC/Subnets/SecurityGroups/etc unless told otherwise
  • Create a TaskDefinition
  • Optionally creates a schedule to run the job




  • name - A plaintext name for named resources, compatible with task definition family names and cloudwatch log groups.
  • container_definitions - Container configuration in the form of a json-encoded list of maps. Required sub-fields are: 'name', 'image'; the rest will attempt to use sane defaults


  • enabled - Default true; Enable or Disable all resources in the module.
  • task_cpu - Default 256; How much CPU should be reserved for all of the containers combined (in aws cpu-units).
  • task_memory - Default 512; How much Memory should be reserved for all of the containers combined(in MB).
  • data_aws_iam_policy_document - Default ""; A JSON formated IAM policy providing the running container with permissions.
  • schedule_expression - Default ""; How often Cloudwatch Events should kick off the task. See AWS documentation for schedule expression rules.
  • ecs_cluster_arn - ARN of the ECS cluster to run the scheduled task. Only required if a schedule_expression is set.
  • subnet_ids - Default []; Only used if schedule_expression is set; default is the subnets in the default VPC. If no default vpc exists, this field is required.
  • security_group_ids - Default []; Only required if schedule_expression is set; default is nothing. Will create an outbound permissive SG if none is provided.
  • assign_public_ip - Default true; Set to true if subnet is 'public' with IGW, false is subnet is 'private' with NAT GW. Defaults to true, as required by default vpc.
  • log_retention_in_days - Default "60"; The number of days you want to retain log events in the log group.
  • efs_configs - Default adds no volume mounts; List of {file_system_id, root_directory, container_path} EFS mounts
  • ecs_platform_version - Default 1.4.0; Options at time of writing are 1.4.0 and LATEST
  • tags - Default is no tags; Map of key-value tags to apply to all applicable resources
  • tags_ecs_task_definition - Default is no tags; Map of key-value tags to apply to the ecs task definition
  • tags_security_group - Default is no tags; Map of key-value tags to apply to the security group

Simple Example

A barebones deployment that results in a task that runs every 7 days.

module "simple-task" {
  source                = "USSBA/easy-fargate/aws"
  version               = "~> 3.0"
  name                  = "easy-fargate-simple"
  container_definitions = [
      name    = "my-simple-ubuntu"
      image   = "ubuntu:latest"
      command = ["echo", "\"Hello, world.\""]
  schedule_expression = "rate(2 minutes)"

Complex Example

You may also have a desire to do something a little more complex, such as running an awscli command within your account (which requires IAM permissions), or running a task that needs secrets or environment variables.

module "my-fargate-task" {
  source                = "USSBA/easy-fargate/aws"
  version               = "~> 3.0"
  enabled               = true
  name                  = "my-fargate-task"
  container_definitions = [
      name  = "example"
      image = "ubuntu:latest"
      command = ["bash", "-cx", <<-EOT
         apt update;
         apt install tree -y;
         tree /mnt;
         touch /mnt/one_a/foo-`date -Iminutes`;
         tree /mnt;
         touch /mnt/one_b/bar-`date -Iminutes`;
         tree /mnt;
         touch /mnt/two/baz-`date -Iminutes`;
         tree /mnt;
      environment = [
          name  = "FOO"
          value = "bar"
      secrets = [
          name      = "FOO_SECRET"
          valueFrom = "arn:aws:ssm:${local.region}:${local.account_id}:parameter/foo_secret"
  schedule_expression = "rate(7 days)"
  ecs_cluster_arn     = "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/my-ecs-cluster"
  efs_configs = [
      container_name = "example"
      file_system_id = "fs-12341234"
      root_directory = "/path/on/efs"
      container_path = "/path/within/container"
  data_aws_iam_policy_document = jsonencode(
      "Version" : "2012-10-17",
      "Statement" : [
          "Effect" : "Allow",
          "Action" : [
          "Resource" : [


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Terraform 0.12

Our code base now exists in Terraform 0.13 and we are halting new features in the Terraform 0.12 major version. If you wish to make a PR or merge upstream changes back into 0.12, please submit a PR to the terraform-0.12 branch.

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Please follow this guidelines in all interactions:

  • Be Respectful: use welcoming and inclusive language.
  • Assume best intentions: seek to understand other's opinions.

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A Terraform module for deploying web applications to Fargate the easy way







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