If running a container on a schedule we have the solution for you.
Optional: If the running task is behind NAT then this value should remain false as set by default; however, when running in a DMZ and the task needs to communicate with the WWW then this value should be true.
Required: An existing ECS cluster where the task will be started.
Optional: Add statements to the IAM role of the task allowing `aws ecs execute-command' commands to function properly.
Optional: By default the LATEST
version of the ECS platform will be used.
Required: A cron() or rate() at which the event will be triggered.
Optional: The operational state of the event; can be one of ENABLED or DISABLED.
Required: A set of security group ids assigned to the task by the event.
Required: A set of subnet ids assigned to the task by the event.
Required: A json encoded string containing a set of container definitions for the given Fargate task. See the example below and/or the ContainerDefinition Documentation.
Optional: The number of task to start when the event is triggered; by default 1 task will start.
Optional: The number of vCPU allocated to the task; by default 256 or 1/4 vCPU will be allocated.
Optional: The amount of Virtual Memory in MiB allocated to the Fargate task; by default 512 MiB is allocated.
Optional: The CPU architecture used to lauch the task. One of X86_64 or ARM64; by default X86_64 is assigned.
Optional: The ephemeral_storage size in GiB that is allocated to the task at runtime; by default no additional storage is allocated.
Optional: A set of additional IAM polcies assigned to the execution (start up) role.
task_exec_inline_policies = [
{ name = "inline-policy-name", policy = "json-encoded-iam-policy" },
Optional: A set of additional IAM polcies assigned to the task (running) role.
task_exec_inline_policies = [
{ name = "inline-policy-name", policy = "json-encoded-iam-policy" },
Required: The name given to the ECS Task Definition and used in convention for other provisioned resources.
Optional: The runtime platform of the container; by default LINUX
will be used.
The following is a basic example.
module "your_module_name" {
source = "USSBA/easy-fargate/aws"
version = "~> 5.0"
subnet_ids = data.aws_subnets.target.ids
security_group_ids = data.aws_security_groups.target.ids
task_family = "${terraform.workspace}-your-service-name"
task_cpu = 256
task_memory = 512
ecs_execute_command_enabled = false
ecs_cluster_arn = data.aws_ecs_cluster.target.arn
schedule_expression = "cron(0 5 ? * * *)"
task_container_definitions = jsonencode([
name = "main"
image = "your-image"
command = ["your", "command"]
essential = true
logConfiguration = {
logDriver = "awslogs"
options = {
awslogs-group = aws_cloudwatch_log_group.your_log_group.name
awslogs-region = "your-region"
awslogs-stream-prefix = "your-prefix"
environment = [
{ name = "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", value = "your-default-region" },
task_inline_policies = [
name = "your-policy-name"
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.your_policy.json
resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "your_log_group" {
name = "${terraform.workspace}-your-log-group-name"
retention_in_days = 90
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "your_policy" {
statement {
actions = [
resources = ["*"]
statement {
actions = ["s3:Get*"]
resources = ["*"]
condition {
test = "StringEquals"
variable = "aws:RequestedRegion"
values = ["us-west-2"]
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All contributions are subject to the license and in no way imply compensation for contributions.
Our code base now exists in Terraform 0.13 and we are halting new features in the Terraform 0.12 major version. If you wish to make a PR or merge upstream changes back into 0.12, please submit a PR to the terraform-0.12
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Please follow this guidelines in all interactions:
- Be Respectful: use welcoming and inclusive language.
- Assume best intentions: seek to understand other's opinions.
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