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Workspace Creation Scenario

Oyku edited this page Nov 27, 2020 · 3 revisions


  • Ayşin Özker
  • 50 years old, female
  • Professor
  • Her research area is general relativity and mathematical physics.
  • She loves to make research so much that sometimes she does not realize how the time flies and forgets to go home.
  • Even when she is not working, she likes to stay on campus and hang out with her students.
  • She chooses her assistants so meticulously that sometimes it takes months for her to decide on who will work for her.

User Story

Three months ago, there have been a new finding about the black holes and Aysin was selected as the head of the project. She wanted to present her finding in the 2020 The 9th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP 2020). Last week, all of her assistants went to a conference which was in China. The city they were staying was quarantined and because of that they had to quit the research. Aysin has to continue the research and also keep up immediately. To do that, she decides to open a private project. After that, she uses the recommendation system to find herself new assistants. She uploads her past studies. Until the end of the project, all collaborators use the platform to complete the project.


  • She registered to the site two years ago to search for a PhD assistant and she found one three months after.
  • She linked her Google Scholar and ResearchGate accounts.
  • She has lots of followers in our platform.
  • The last project they have been working on for the last three months is now on hold.


  • In order to complete the project, she now needs people to help her project.
  • She does not want to find just random people but who can really help her.
  • Also, because of the Corona virus, she wants to work online.


  1. She first enters the website and sees the initial page.

  2. She logs into the platform using her credentials.

  3. After the login process, she will enter the home page of the platform.

  4. Then she clicks to the Create Workspace button to create a workspace for her project.

  5. She fills the required information and creates a private workspace.

  6. To find collaborators, she uses the recommendation mechanism.

  7. Then she reviews and uploads her last research about her project to the workspace.

  8. She sees the commits in the workspace and edits some of them.

Acceptance Criteria Users shall be able to login by using their e-mail addresses and passwords. Users shall be able to create public/private workspace. Users shall be able to invite users to the workspace at Search for Collaborators State. Users shall set the workspace information (which is long & short description, title, labels, related upcoming events, number of collaborators) during the workspace creation phase. Collaborators of a workspace shall be able to upload the related materials such as editable files, plots, PDF files. Collaborators of a workspace shall be able to edit editable files. Collaborators shall be able to create, close and reopen issues and assign any collaborator.The definition of the issue can be found under the Glossary part. System shall provide date information about upcoming events. Recommendation system shall recommend appropriate Registered Users for the projects which are at the Search for Collaborators State.

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