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Meeting #1 (13.02.2020)

Meltem Arslan edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 5 revisions

1. Details

  • Location: Skype
  • Date: 13.02.2020
  • Time: 22:00 - 23.00


  • Halil Umut Özdemir

  • Meltem Arslan

  • Ertuğrul Bülbül

  • Ahmet Dadak

  • Hasan Ramazan Yurt

  • Burak Ömür

  • Mehmet Temizel

  • Öykü Yılmaz

  • Kerem Uslular

  • Alperen Divriklioğlu

2. Agenda

  • Meet with the team and Introduce ourselves

  • Prepare the communication plan

  • Discussion about the README

  • Select the issue tag and labels (also colors of them)

  • Create issues and assign the appropriate persons

  • Discuss about the research document of Assignment 1

3. Meeting Notes

  • Everyone introduced themselves.

  • We decide that Slack can be more useful for our communication. So we decide to create a Slack workspace.

  • Weekly meetings were set on Thursdays @17:00 at Department. Date and place can be changed in the future.

  • We decide that some labels for priority can be added. For additional label suggestions everyone will find ideas until 16.02.2020 @12:00 and send their ideas on Slack.

  • Alperen Divriklioğlu is selected to edit issue labels.

  • Halil Umut Özdemir is selected to take and upload meeting notes.

  • Kerem Uslular and Mehmet Temizel is selected to create issues of action items.

  • Hasan Ramazan Yurt is selected to create the README file of the repository. The content of the README file can change in the future.

  • The agenda of the meeting should be prepared before the meeting according to discussions on Slack. Everyone will read that week's assignment and be aware of the tasks given.

  • We talked about the research of Assignment 1 and how the document will be created. We decide that everyone make their own research, Meltem Arslan and Öykü Yılmaz will summarize them. Both personal and summary documents will be on the wiki page in GitHub repository.

4. Action Items

Person Action Deadline
1 Ertuğrul Bülbül Create a Slack workspace 15.02.2020 @23:00
2 Ahmet Dadak Prepare the communication plan 16.02.2020 @23:00
3 Hasan Ramazan Yurt Create the README for repository 16.02.2020 @23:00
4 Halil Umut Özdemir Take meeting notes and upload it to repository 15.02.2020 @23:00
5 Everyone Find ideas about the label tags and sends their ideas on Slack 16.02.2020 @12:00
6 Everyone Create a research document for Assingment 1 16.02.2020 @12:00
8 Meltem Arslan Summarize the GitHub repository research 17.02.2020 @23:00
9 Öykü Yılmaz Summarize the git research 17.02.2020 @23:00
10 Burak Ömür Create the wiki page of team 15.02.2020 @23:00
11 Kerem Uslular, Mehmet Temizel Create issues 14.02.2020 @23:00
12 Everyone Write personal effort document 17.02.2020 @23:00
13 Alperen Divriklioğlu Edit issue labels 17.02.2020 @23:00

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