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Customer Meeting #1 (15.02.2018)

Oğuz Kaan Yüksel edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 1 revision

1. Details

  • Location: Boğaziçi Northern Campus - BM, A4
  • Date: 15 February 2018
  • Time: 16:00 - 17:00


  • Gökhan Tekel
  • Hamdi Özgür Akaoğlu
  • Nazmican Çalık
  • İlyas Demirkıran
  • Yusuf Kalaycı
  • Kemal Tulum
  • Galip Ümit Yolcu
  • Oğuz Kaan Yüksel

2. Clarification Questions

2.1. The document says "The users are expected to create pages for both upcoming and already passed events that include the information on the performing artist(s), the venue (location), the date, and the price of the event.". Does this mean that each user will create her own page for an event that she will attend, meaning that there will be multiple pages for each event created by different attendees? Or will there be only one page for each event?

  • A user can create a page for an event and invite her friends or she can join the event via another page created by another user. When searching, the pages will be sorted according to their popularity. We may make a system that detects and merges duplicate pages. In short, ideally there shouldn't be duplicate pages for one event but in practice there may be.

2.2. Are there any requirements on the voting systems? For example; difference of voting systems used for comments and for events or users(like voting out of 10 or voting either 'like' or 'dislike'). Also, there should be requirements on voting rights. Something along the lines of "A user shall not be able to vote a user that she doesn't follow". Otherwise it could cause problems and may not be a meaningful voting system.

  • No requirements on voting systems or voting rights.

2.3. About searching. Will the app have 3 seperately searching parts namely content search, semantic search and location search? Alternatively, it can have all these searching features combined and showing all of these information at once for all searches.

2.4. Is user able to block someone from attending or seeing his/her current or future events? Also is the user able to block some notifications coming from some specific event even s/he chooses to attend that event.

  • A user can block another from seeing her activities, the events she will participate in etc. Whether a user can block another from certain events is an optional feature.

2.5. How many days (months) the passed events will stay in the database/app ?

  • Events shall stay in the database indefinitely. Plus, a user shall be able to create events in the past, these events shall stay indefinitely too.

2.6. Another concern probably related with 1st question is the introduction of a new term "Organizer" into the project. The question is whether the project shall manage the events in terms of selling tickets, ticket control support with QR codes. Such features would probably introduce another set of requirements like regulations in case of a cancellation or fraud for an event.

  • Organizers can have verified accounts. No money transaction will take place. Every attendee should get her own ticket from the authorities.

2.7. Do we need to support multiple languages on the platform ?

  • Yes, at least 2 languages must be supported

2.8. What sort of information are we allowed to gain about our customer? Lets say we wanna be informed of his\her gender, birthdate to serve them in better conditions,are we allowed?

  • Personal information (i.e., gender, age, and homeland) of the users can be used by keeping them anonymous.

An example to clarify: Ayşe is a female who is 22 and lives in Istanbul. We can see the actions (i.e., events that Ayşe participated) of Ayşe, her age, gender and homeland in order to recommend her better events, but as the developer, we shouldn't know that this particular person is Ayşe.

2.9. About the rating system, what should we do? For example: Top 10 activities in İstanbul or Best Activities about people's personel interest. And also , what will we look selecting best rated activities? Vote or Comment based!?

  • It is up to us to figure out.

2.10. What should be the semantic tags? Are there any relations between tags such as Culture->Theatre (i.e Theatre is a sub-tag of Culture)?

  • Yes, there are relations. The specification of the tags is optional.

2.11. Will there be verified accounts (with extra privileges maybe)?

  • Yes, there will be verified accounts of organizers and/or artists.

3. (Optional) Feature Questions

Our customer told us that we can add some features apart from those listed in the description document. These are the ones we thought of:

3.1. Will we take some action to inactive users such as sending an e-mail containing "we missed you" title and event recommendations.

3.2. Is Information of whether the user is currently online or not, public or not. (Maybe the users can select)

3.3. Will each user have right to annotate every pages or will they need extra permission to annotate page info?

3.4. Can a user block another from attending an event?

3.5. Advanced search such as: Theatre in Istanbul

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