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Track Performance Tuning for v1.1

Baoying Wang edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 37 revisions


We have got a benchmark in v1.0 on FIX interface.

e2e(us) v1.0 FIX DisruptorBusySpin/5000 ord/Sec v1.1 TCP_bg0.0_lt5000.1(20180120) v1.1 TCP_bg0.0_lt20000.1(20180120)
count 570 38135 37656
mean 2622.309851 99.57961463 144.5254868
std 2577.818449 36.67257949 55.64656159
min 833.247 59.074 64.908
25% 1652.72725 86.788 122.16
50% 2227.8865 90.434 140.392
75% 2816.447 110.855 159.719
90% 3638.2798 125.806 179.775
95% 4569.12775 140.028 192.903
99% 12110.48814 206.76 235.3668
max 35210.053 1844.427 5050.115

note: huge improvement, because v1.1 use TCP directly without the cost of FIX storage IO. v1.1 TCP continue to use FIX format/directionary and also translated to/from qfj message. note: v1.0 use ms previously, because it is slow. us is used in v1.1 since TCP is used directly. note: v1.0DisruptorBusySpin/5000 ord/Sec - background order: 5000 order per second with 10 sockets. 1 latency sender with 1 order per second. note: TCP_bg0.0_lt5000.1 means no bg(background) order. The latency order was sending with 5000/second with single client/socket.

  • See for the detail data.
  • See for the architecture diagram.
  • the above number is FIX PersistMessages=N. Max 4000 order per second for FIX with PersistMessages=Y. It can reach 5000 and higher(how high?) with PersistMessages=N. PersistMessages=Y means it will save the outgoing message to session file before sending out. That is helpful if there is network disconnection to avoid message loss. This single flag is NOT enough. More detail from application level should be considered to guarantee message delivery.

Next, I hope to improve the e2e(end to end) performance, since that is the speed the client can feel.




Why vert.x is used for the TCP?

  1. it is simple. The document is also clean
  2. the performance is good. It is about 51 us with 1024 bytes + delimiter. See : Comparing the current 1000+ us latency, 51 us is good enough currently.
  3. to make dev quick, I re-use FIX format. Because the performance of FIX message marshal/unmarshal is also ok. Marshal(obj->string): 1.6us, unmarshal(string->obj):2.3us. See : Comparing the current 1000+ us latency, 1~2 us is good enough currently.


The 70000 are not accurate, since it cannot afford such highload. It try to send with 70k, but finally just about 50k. Some 60000 are not accurate. For some configuration, it cannot afford 60k. These(70k, 60k) should be removed from report, finally.

TCP/bgX.1/lt1.1 - diff background rate(1 client), with fixed latency rate 1 ord/second

us/TCP/bgX.1/lt1.1 bg50.1 bg500.1 bg5000.1 bg20000.1 bg50000.1 bg60000.1 bg70000.1
count 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
mean 1402 1125 520 522 2031 2724 10831
std 1331 837 910 385 2428 2825 24203
min 365 364 258 295 367 335 345
25% 756 676 333 392 920 1053 6195
50% 1229 1009 378 449 1200 1860 8332
75% 1744 1337 457 520 2026 3133 10279
90% 2118 1662 593 663 4057 6120 13467
95% 2560 2170 795 842 6745 9098 17906
99% 5146 3702 2721 2444 13516 13842 79259
max 16842 12722 15619 5576 21963 18337 456208

TCP/bgX.10/lt1.1 - diff background rate (10 clients), with fixed latency rate 1 ord/second

us/TCP/bgX.10/lt1.1 bg50.10 bg500.10 bg5000.10 bg20000.10 bg50000.10 bg60000.10 bg70000.10
count 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
mean 1262 1779 533 4151 45150 25044 65758
std 979 6209 490 15150 25782 8966 36512
min 360 329 272 318 418 559 767
25% 620 646 368 460 29587 19648 45868
50% 1179 932 428 667 43087 24317 67759
75% 1586 1271 510 1513 56920 29631 87417
90% 1953 1598 728 6383 72865 36308 106403
95% 2532 2364 1011 13437 90925 40954 117545
99% 3782 24834 2629 87705 127213 50873 141203
max 13676 72910 7425 164101 202750 57489 330261

20180120 - far better performance with

  • revised the test tool
  1. single background java process for both bid and offer
  2. support adjust client number(sockets number) for each test case. e.g. bg1000.1 means 10 order per second with 1 client/socket. Similar for lt20000.30 - 20,000 order per second with 30 clients/sockets.

Here is the latency of end to end (us:10^-6, client ---order--> matching engine ---ER--->client)

us/TCP/sorted by 90/95/99 bg0.0_lt5000.1 bg0.0_lt5000.10 bg0.0_lt20000.10 bg0.0_lt5000.30 bg0.0_lt20000.30 bg0.0_lt20000.1 bg5000.500_lt1.1 bg5000.100_lt1.1 bg5000.10_lt1.1 bg50000.100_lt1.1 bg0.0_lt50.10 bg1000.10_lt1.1 bg0.0_lt50.1 bg50000.10_lt1.1 bg50000.500_lt1.1 bg1000.500_lt1.1 bg0.0_lt50.30 bg1000.100_lt1.1 bg500.100_lt1.1 bg500.500_lt1.1 bg50.100_lt1.1 bg500.10_lt1.1 bg50.500_lt1.1 bg50.10_lt1.1
count 38135 38134 37656 38134 37656 37656 450 450 450 450 22500 450 22500 450 450 450 22500 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
mean 99.57961463 100.7821507 130.592519 163.9468011 139.3938456 144.5254868 376.6583978 396.0750511 510.74952 738.9769289 744.915939 813.7304467 755.6759878 801.8775489 825.3143378 864.3697689 798.7529131 920.48294 1356.324953 1326.381078 1546.853378 1351.5893 1545.298416 1625.965836
std 36.67257949 55.9948512 77.30068698 1306.426497 93.05878391 55.64656159 268.9568754 247.3093754 377.5687467 379.8930982 355.1255613 693.8636553 468.6335422 278.3371913 289.7722662 513.8826661 813.7717477 801.9938681 770.672446 366.0000942 562.3696073 810.2478801 781.2283999 1003.562788
min 59.074 59.074 55.428 59.803 55.792 64.908 236.297 254.53 246.143 341.682 68.555 284.431 74.39 444.151 334.753 407.684 80.953 284.066 382.888 361.374 438.316 431.388 395.287 387.264
25% 86.788 87.153 109.397 78.766 114.138 122.16 308.86325 324.27025 342.2295 592.92925 666.59 578.5255 667.32 636.41525 683.82075 676.89125 568.498 651.822 1158.51125 1164.436 1395.3545 1088.40625 1392.8935 1368.6435
50% 90.434 91.164 123.253 93.352 129.818 140.392 343.8705 361.556 409.5085 701.962 742.439 732.7755 728.217 739.157 771.976 780.9095 771.976 807.165 1303.279 1306.561 1498.005 1233.812 1489.618 1516.4195
75% 110.855 111.584 141.213 114.502 150.602 159.719 383.891 403.67375 538.6875 800.784 811.723 892.85925 807.34725 889.85075 916.4705 939.8085 932.789 1023.5885 1423.2505 1453.517 1641.31525 1413.31325 1638.306 1799.30125
90% 125.806 127.264 161.907 161.907 175.764 179.775 448.162 472.9945 861.9007 946.4634 1052.76 1057.6104 1058.595 1059.2882 1067.9671 1100.0204 1160.334 1265.7193 1579.505 1630.0827 1741.632 1750.1285 1771.5699 2131.0841
95% 140.028 141.121 177.952 248.4584 197.643 192.903 523.40815 543.00895 1010.7706 1084.4313 1091.414 1330.1722 1101.259 1250.7322 1210.47385 1320.8195 1286.86905 1433.9344 1703.30615 1785.9732 1881.9688 2101.34605 2041.9437 2311.8613
99% 206.76 219.523 246.87145 961.47588 302.664 235.3668 911.68304 1274.65715 1545.02759 1516.34755 1154.5 3005.22453 1220.14164 2096.66705 1800.59268 2051.26782 1858.3324 3064.62351 3059.80615 2745.51369 3069.97988 3644.40425 2978.1598 4765.00848
max 1844.427 5219.315 5294.798 187851.209 10841.574 5050.115 5424.616 4759.849 5133.985 7624.583 31485.453 10253.02 46709.822 2512.476 4662.121 10133.048 54774.179 14825.8 15376.431 4156.344 9556.163 14304.707 16009.473 17064.421

note: still on same laptop(loopback network) - win7 64bit. note: from above it can handle 50k order per second. note: the best e2e is on bg0.0_lt5000.1/bg0.0_lt5000.10/bg0.0_lt20000.10. It is about 206.76/219.523/246.87145 us on 99%. Looks like the behavior of assigning timestamp does NOT impact(or just minor) on performance. why? In these cases, background java process is DOWN. That means only matching engine and latency sender are sharing the same laptop. Any other reason?

TODO: deploy the background sender and latency sender to another box in same intranet and try again. That will be slower than above, because the real NIC processing(above is loopback)

20180118 - max throughput vertx TCP performance is about 60k(both matching engine and test tools on same laptop)

  • env : win7 64bit / java 8 / intel i7 6600 2.6GHz
  • 4 java processes - matching engine, background bid(10 sockets), background offer(10 sockets), latency(1 per second)
  • note: only deals from latency process will be recorded with the timestamps for profiling.
  • note: hard to reach 60k on other setup(ok for bg 60k with 10 sockets/clients + 1 latency sernder with 1 clients (1 ord/s). But 50k can be promised for most setup.

The bottleneck is cpu. My CPU is almost 100%

  • engine : 60+%
  • background clients java bid side(30k/sec) : 20%
  • background clients java offer side(30k/sec): 20%

round latency (us:10^-6, client ---order--> matching engine ---ER--->client)

us/TCP/lt1perS bg50pS bg500pS bg1000pS bg5000pS bg10000pS bg20000pS bg40000pS bg50000pS bg60000pS
count 570 570 570 571 570 570 570 570 571
mean 3042 2361 1953 2008 1468 1693 1211 1832 1570
std 3599 1695 1177 1117 942 1213 518 783 951
min 339 430 516 470 358 539 515 580 523
25% 2254 1519 1347 1501 796 1108 941 1350 1193
50% 2654 2002 1762 1829 1390 1389 1122 1643 1401
75% 3116 2740 2259 2278 1799 1779 1349 2160 1715
90% 4011 3837 2788 2916 2345 2673 1632 2665 2193
95% 4938 4698 3365 3508 2956 3435 1808 3169 2487
99% 10329 7827 6242 5940 4642 6823 2883 4248 3728
max 65555 19344 15374 15873 10744 14240 8288 10337 15600

Diagram of performance summary of 60,000 order per second(TCP_bg60000.10_lt1.1_600S_20180120_215413_latency_overall.png). TCP_bg60000.10_lt1.1_600S_20180120_215413_latency_overall.png

20180116 - first drop of v1.1 - replace FIX with VertX TCP(replace inputQ with VertX even loop); New ER is skipped on match.

  • note: FIX interface is still supported, and the testtool for FIX is upgraded with round pattern(not sending next order until recving previous ER), too.
  • note: the test tool will NOT send next order, until receive the match ER. This will help for performance data, since it will avoid stuffing all data to TCP buffers.
  • note: Please make sure the testtool is fast enough to consume the received message from matching engine. Otherwise, all data will be Queued in TCP buffer.