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Catroid without Android device

Stefan Simon edited this page Dec 16, 2013 · 3 revisions

Setup Eclipse with the Android Developer Tools

We recommend following the official Android guide, because really, we couldn't explain it any better.

Set up an emulator

short version to be compatible with catroid

  • choose a AVD name e.g. "Nexus 5"
  • choose a device e.g. "Nexus 5"
  • choose the latest available API-Level, Google APIs are not necessary
  • set at least 64 MiB for a SD-Card
  • enable "Use Host GPU"

long version (updated July 2013)

The Android guide on using the emulator is very comprehensive and contains all the information you need. For Catroid, the section about enabling GPU Support in the emulator is particularly important. Our Stage, where the Catrobat Programs are displayed is using OpenGL ES 2.0 with the support of the great libgdx framework. Without GPU Support, Catroid would crash when you'd try to run the Stage on the emulator.

This screenshot was taken with the SDK Tools 21.0.1. As you can see, it's very easy to enable GPU support for an Android Virtual Device (AVD). Simply tick the checkbox saying Use Host GPU.

It seems like the project will work only on ARM processor emulation. Neither MIPS, nor x86 will not work. Android x86 emulator through Virtual Box seems also to fail to launch application.

AVD with GPU support enabled

To install program on your emulator simply run this command in shell: path\to\your\sdk-folder\sdk\platform-tools\adb install path\to\downloaded\nightly\catroid-0.7.0beta-1104-debug.apk

If you have any more questions you couldn't find an answer for on the aforementioned links, feel free to ask in our Google Group