Graphics exam done in OpenGL for IMT2531 at NTNU
- Nikolai Åkerholt (473184) - nikolaaa
- Clone repository
- Run CMake
- Set solution properties to single startup project "GraphicExam" (Visual Studio)
- Build with compiler (Debug, Win32)
Note: CMake probably only works on Windows, and I have only built with Visual Studio with CMake
- Go to folder Executable -> Release
- Run GraphicsExam.exe
- - Cycles between camera modes (Glider, First-Person Glider, Free-Roam, and Restricted-Cam)
- I Forward (Free-Roam) or Z movement (Restricted-Cam)
- K Backwards (Free-Roam) or -Z movement (Restricted-Cam)
- J Left (Free-Roam) or X movement (Restricted-Cam)
- L Right (Free-Roam) or -X movement (Restricted-Cam)
- Y Y movement (Restricted-Cam)
- H -Y movement (Restricted-Cam)
- Zoom in and out with scroll-wheel
- Move mouse around to change view orientation
- W Pitch Up
- S Pitch Down
- A Roll Left
- D Roll Right
- , Increase speed
- . Decrease speed
- R Reset to original position
- F Teleport to new random position
- 1 Toggles 'Winter'
- 2 Toggles 'Spring'
- 3 Toggles 'Summer'
- 4 Toggles 'Autumn'
- 5 Pauses seasonal change
- O Toggles contour lines
- ↑ Increase lerp on zones
- ↓ Decrease lerp on zones
- 6 Toggles 'Night'
- 7 Toggles 'Morning'
- 8 Toggles 'Noon'
- 9 Toggles 'Afternoon'
- 0 Pauses time change
- Loading heightmap with usage of stb_image
- Showing proper vegetation with smooth transitions between zones (water - grass - mud - snow)
- Contour lines can be toggled
- 3rd person Glider mode
- First person Glider mode
- Free-Roam mode
- Restricted-Movement mode
- Zoom in/out
- Seasons cycle automatically between Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn
- Season and month is printed on top left corner
- Time-of-day cycles between Night - Morning - Noon - Afternoon
- Time-of-day is printed as a 24 hour clock on top right corner
- Rising water levels in Spring
- Glider model loaded with .obj (extracted with blender from the .blend file)
- WASD for controls (Pitch and roll)
- Speed increase with ',' and decrease with '.'
- 3rd person and First-Person perspective, change with '-'
- 'F' changes the current position of the glider to a random position
- 'R' resets the glider position to it's original position
- Glider showing proper specular lighting
- 'Skybox' rendered around everything
- 'Up' and 'Down' arrows changes the interpolation value between zones
Heightmap Loading
Heightmap Loading
Heightmap Loading
Assimp Materials
Calculating 'up' vector from rotation
Blending for transparency