3: Most urgent, required features, that should be done and added firstly.
2: Features that are important for the current state of the application.
1: Aesthetical or Quality-of-life changes that should be done.
- Description: Optional
- Possible solution: Optional
- Description: Add proper randomized spawn on 'F' press on plane
- Possible solution: Calculate out from midpoint to ensure it is within the range of the level
- State: Done
- Description: Vegetation is showing, but wanting to smooth/"fade" the vegetation when it is close to a new type
- Possible solution: Some kind of interpolation or something similar to spotlight "smooth"?
- State: Done
- Description: Wanting to display text elements, such as time of day and current season
- Possible solution: Include freetype, and display text in a relative "2D" space
- State: Done
- Description: Due to gaps between different materials being larger and smaller at different seasons.
- Possible solution: For a better look on the terrain, different lerp-ranges for the different seasons would be better.
- Description: Display text on screen representing the speed the plane is going at
- Possible solution: Retrieve speed from plane class and draw with FreeType
- State: Done