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Corporate Websites

Yaron Tomer edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 13 revisions

#Anonymous Controller An anonymous controller is used for web pages that are generic -- that are not aware of the recipient visiting them. Note that during the visit of an anonymous controller the recipient might be reviled (by registration of the recipient, or by passing the recipient as a parameter from an external source). Once the recipient is identified the page becomes a personalized page. This is commonly used in corporate websites.

#Corporate Website The following methods and attributes add the corporate website functionality to the anonymous controller.

  1. xmp-remember-recipient – if set, after xmp-register the recipient is stored in a cookie, and following visits to the page will remember the recipient and show personalized info.

  2. forgetRecipient() - if called, clears the cookie, making the page anonymous.

  3. setRecipient(_recipientId_) - makes the page personalized to the specified recipient.

  4. rememberRecipient() - manually force the controller to register the current recipient in the cookie (instead of using xmp-remember-recipient).

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