- Code for Software Engineering project
- Autonomous warehouse robot, with user-controllable item spawning and removing
- C++ using V-REP Remote API
- Lua (V-REP custom scripts)
- Git CLI or GUI for cloning repository
- MinGW for building on Windows
- CMake for building on Windows or Linux
- V-REP for opening the scene
- Create folder engsoft\warehouse\CPPremoteAPI\build and open command prompt inside it
- Run "cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .." to create Makefile
- Run "mingw32-make" to build
- Open engsoft\warehouse\warehouse.ttt using V-REP
- Play V-REP simulation, then run warehousedock.exe, warehousebot.exe and warehousebattery.exe
- Create folder engsoft\warehouse\CPPremoteAPI\build and open terminal inside it
- Run "cmake .." to create Makefile
- Run "make" to build
- Open engsoft/warehouse/warehouse.ttt using V-REP
- Play V-REP simulation, then run ./warehousedock, ./warehousebot and ./warehousebattery
- Spawn and remove boxes using the warehousedock.exe interface
- Monitor battery level using warehousebattery.exe
- Red dot: dock #0
- Green dot: dock #1
- Blue dot: robot start
- Yellow dot: recharge
- Robot front box: payload
- Robot rear box: battery indicator
- Inner dock boxes: load
- Outer dock boxes: unload
- Eduardo Scheffer
- Leonardo Luís da Silva
- Matheus Scherma (mscherma): contributor
- Victor Noppeney (Vtn21): owner