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Weekly meeting 20.11

markerlich edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

Today's meeting was about the meeting with Rakefet on 19.11 and to start implementing the requirements and the infrastructure of the system.

We started by explaining what was on the meeting with Rakefet and we reviewed the issues that came up at the meeting.

Assignments for next week:

Mark: Continue learning about Angular and to design a few types of questions that will appear in the tests, and deploy with Daniel an example for Rakefet.

Ophir: Finish defining and start implementing the API of the services that he and Daniel created. The API that represents the services that the server-side supplies to the client side.

Ben: Continue learning about Angular and to design a form for filling details of an examinee.

Guy and Peer: Defining the Classes that will be in the Database and the way that they will be represented.

Daniel: Deploy an example for Rakefet with Mark and finish with Ophir the definition of the API of the services. Also, to create the structure of the client side and to upload it.

When working on a task, each teammate needs to create an issue on Git that describes what he is working on. This will organize the work and what each teammate have done.

In addition, each teammate will plan his work for the sesmester and divide it into issues on Git and the team needs to start working on a test plan, each teammate according to his part in the HLD.

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