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Cognitive Test Structure, Logic And UI

Ophir Katz edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Cognitive tests

in our system are the main feature that helps our client complete her goals.

As stated in the What is Cognitivity? section, a cognitive test is compiled of several test blocks, it has a name, a project and a test manager, which can create, edit, preview, delete and distribute a test.

Cognitive tests are represented in our system in three different layers:

  • The web application.
  • The server side processing.
  • The database.

A Cognitive Test in the Web Application:

Our web application represents the test as it should - a collection of blocks, each containing a collection of questions. The UI presents the test in a very manageable way to the test manager, allowing them to create, edit, preview, delete and distribute a test. The tests are viewed by the test manager in the test dashboard.

The UI also presents a test in a very flat way to the test subject. This helps make the test environment have as little outside distractions as possible.

A Cognitive Test in the Server Side:

The test feature offers many actions by the server to the web application. Every action the test manager has access to is implemented by the server, such as deleting a test, creating one, or even loading a test from a file. This means there must be a representation of a test in the server. And we chose to represent it as a data structure, with all the relevant data (collection of blocks, name, and so on...).

A Cognitive Test in the Database:

The database persists the test with all the information except the blocks, which are persisted separately, and are linked to the test by the server, which has access to the database.

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