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GrafDimenzio edited this page Jan 18, 2021
11 revisions
Here are some useful Resources that you sometimes will need for developing or configuring a plugin!
RoleID | Role Name | Health | Team |
0 | Scp173 | 3200 | SCP |
1 | ClassD | 100 | CDP |
2 | Spectator | 100 | RIP |
3 | Scp106 | 650 | SCP |
4 | NtfScientist | 120 | MTF |
5 | Scp049 | 1300 | SCP |
6 | Scientist | 100 | RSC |
7 | Scp079 | 100 | SCP |
8 | ChaosInsurgency | 120 | CHI |
9 | Scp096 | 2000 | SCP |
10 | Scp0492 | 300 | SCP |
11 | NtfLieutenant | 120 | MTF |
12 | NtfCommander | 150 | MTF |
13 | NtfCadet | 100 | MTF |
14 | Tutorial | 100 | TUT |
15 | FacilityGuard | 100 | MTF |
16 | Scp93953 | 2200 | SCP |
17 | Scp93989 | 2200 | SCP |
TeamID | TeamName |
0 | SCP |
1 | MTF |
2 | CHI |
3 | RSC |
4 | CDP |
5 | RIP |
6 | TUT |
ItemID | ItemName | Category | Category ID |
0 | KeycardJanitor | Keycard | 1 |
1 | KeycardScientist | Keycard | 1 |
2 | KeycardScientistMajor | Keycard | 1 |
3 | KeycardZoneManager | Keycard | 1 |
4 | KeycardGuard | Keycard | 1 |
5 | KeycardSeniorGuard | Keycard | 1 |
6 | KeycardContainmentEngineer | Keycard | 1 |
7 | KeycardNTFLieutenant | Keycard | 1 |
8 | KeycardNTFCommander | Keycard | 1 |
9 | KeycardFacilityManager | Keycard | 1 |
10 | KeycardChaosInsurgency | Keycard | 1 |
11 | KeycardO5 | Keycard | 1 |
12 | Radio | Radio | 3 |
13 | GunCOM15 | Weapon | 4 |
14 | Medkit | Medical | 2 |
15 | Flashlight | NoCategory | 0 |
16 | MicroHID | MicroHID | 7 |
17 | SCP500 | SCPItem | 6 |
18 | SCP207 | SCPItem | 6 |
19 | WeaponManagerTablet | NoCategory | 0 |
20 | GunE11SR | Weapon | 4 |
21 | GunProject90 | Weapon | 4 |
22 | Ammo556 | NoCategory | 0 |
23 | GunMP7 | Weapon | 4 |
24 | GunLogicer | Weapon | 4 |
25 | GrenadeFrag | Grenade | 5 |
26 | GrenadeFlash | Grenade | 5 |
27 | Disarmer | NoCategory | 0 |
28 | Ammo762 | NoCategory | 0 |
29 | Ammo9mm | NoCategory | 0 |
30 | GunUSP | Weapon | 4 |
31 | SCP018 | SCPItem | 6 |
32 | SCP268 | SCPItem | 6 |
33 | Adrenaline | Medical | 2 |
34 | Painkillers | Medical | 2 |
35 | Coin | NoCategory | 0 |
Permission ulong | Permission Name |
1 | KickingAndShortTermBanning |
2 | BanningUpToDay |
4 | LongTermBanning |
8 | ForceclassSelf |
16 | ForceclassToSpectator |
32 | ForceclassWithoutRestrictions |
64 | GivingItems |
128 | WarheadEvents |
256 | RespawnEvents |
512 | RoundEvents |
1024 | SetGroup |
2048 | GameplayData |
4096 | Overwatch |
8192 | FacilityManagement |
16384 | PlayersManagement |
32768 | PermissionsManagement |
65536 | ServerConsoleCommands |
121072 | ViewHiddenBadges |
262144 | ServerConfigs |
524288 | Broadcasting |
1048576 | PlayerSensitiveDataAccess |
2097152 | Noclip |
4194304 | AFKImmunity |
8388608 | AdminChat |
16777216 | ViewHiddenGlobalBadges |
33554432 | Announcer |
67108864 | Effects |
134217728 | FriendlyFireDetectorImmunity |
268435456 | FriendlyFireDetectorTempDisable |
Here are all Vanilla RemoteAdmin Commands which are not implemented in the graphical RemoteAdmin
Command | Aliases | Description |
@{message} | /// | Send the Message to all Admins on the Server |
ping | /// | Gives you your ping to the Server |
ffd | tk,tdk | Command to manage the Firendly Fire Detector in game |
Config | /// | Config Command |
SLML_STYLE | /// | I dont fucking know |
Clear {playerid} | Strip | Clears the Inventory of the player |
Doorlist | dl | Gives you a list of all doors |
TIMEDEFFECT {player} {effectname}={duration} | TPFX,TEFFECT | Gives the Player the effect and remove it after the duration |
bc {duration} {message} | ALERTMONO,Alert,BROADCASTMONO,BCMONO,BROADCAST | send a broadcast to all players |
pm | /// | Permission Manager command |
Offlinaban {userid} {duration} {reason} | oban | banns a player even if he is offline |
hello | /// | Hello World Command |
intercomtext {message} | icomtxt | sets the intercom message |
name {playerid} {newname} | nickname,displayname,nick | sets the displayed name of the user |
Roundtime | RTIME,rt | Gives you the RoundTime |
SETHP {player} {health} | /// | Sets the health of the Player |
speak | /// | You speak in the intercom |
Setgroup {playerid} {group} | /// | sets the player in a group |
Cassie {message} | /// | The message will be announced like the mtfs |
Cassie_Silent {message} | CASSIE_SN,CASSIE_SILENTNOISE,Cassie_sl | Cassie Message without the start sound |
unban | /// | unbans a player |
kill {playerid} | /// | kills a player |
Enrage | /// | Enrages you as ShyGuy |
RELOADCONFIG | /// | reloads the configs |
perm | /// | Gives you your Permission Levels |
groups | /// | Gives you a List of all ServerGroups on this Server |
STOPNEXTROUND | SNR | Stops the Server in the next round |
Sudo {command} | Rcon | Sends a command as ServerConsole |
Contact | /// | Gives you the Contact Email |
Version | /// | Gives you the Server Version |
Here are all Colors that can be used for SynapseGroup
Color |
silver |
pink |
deep_pink |
magenta |
tomato |
crimson |
carmine |
red |
brown |
army_green |
green |
light_green |
emerald |
orange |
yellow |
lime |
pumpkin |
blue_green |
aqua |
cyan |
mint |
nickel |
rainbow |
The color rainbow is a custom one and was originally created by sirmeepington in his Smod2 plugin
Here are some custom roles created by plugins
RoleID | RoleName | Plugin |
30 | SerpentsHand | SerpentsHand |
35 | Scp035 | Scp035 |
56 | Scp056 | Scp056 |
79 | Scp079Robot | Scp079Rework |
Here are some custom items created by plugins
ItemID | ItemName | Plugin |
50 | Tranquilizer | MoreWeapons |
51 | GrenadeLauncher | MoreWeapons |
52 | ShotGun | MoreWeapons |
53 | Sniper | MoreWeapons |
54 | Scp-127 | MoreWeapons |
55 | XLMedkit | MoreWeapons |
56 | Scp1499 | MoreWeapons |
100 | Scp035-Item-KeycardJanitor | Scp035 |
101 | Scp035-Item-KeycardScientist | Scp035 |
102 | Scp035-Item-KeycardScientistMajor | Scp035 |
103 | Scp035-Item-KeycardScientistMajor | Scp035 |
104 | Scp035-Item-KeycardGuard | Scp035 |
105 | Scp035-Item-KeycardSeniorGuard | Scp035 |
106 | Scp035-Item-KeycardContainmentEngineer | Scp035 |
107 | Scp035-Item-KeycardNTFLieutenant | Scp035 |
108 | Scp035-Item-KeycardNTFCommander | Scp035 |
109 | Scp035-Item-KeycardFacilityManager | Scp035 |
110 | Scp035-Item-KeycardChaosInsurgency | Scp035 |
111 | Scp035-Item-KeycardO5 | Scp035 |
112 | Scp035-Item-Radio | Scp035 |
113 | Scp035-Item-GunCOM15 | Scp035 |
114 | Scp035-Item-Medkit | Scp035 |
115 | Scp035-Item-Flashlight | Scp035 |
116 | Scp035-Item-MicroHID | Scp035 |
117 | Scp035-Item-SCP500 | Scp035 |
118 | Scp035-Item-SCP207 | Scp035 |
119 | Scp035-Item-WeaponManagerTablet | Scp035 |
120 | Scp035-Item-GunE11SR | Scp035 |
121 | Scp035-Item-GunProject90 | Scp035 |
122 | Scp035-Item-Ammo556 | Scp035 |
123 | Scp035-Item-GunMP7 | Scp035 |
124 | Scp035-Item-GunLogicer | Scp035 |
125 | Scp035-Item-GrenadeFrag | Scp035 |
126 | Scp035-Item-GrenadeFlash | Scp035 |
127 | Scp035-Item-Disarmer | Scp035 |
128 | Scp035-Item-Ammo762 | Scp035 |
129 | Scp035-Item-Ammo9mm | Scp035 |
130 | Scp035-Item-GunUSP | Scp035 |
131 | Scp035-Item-SCP018 | Scp035 |
132 | Scp035-Item-SCP268 | Scp035 |
133 | Scp035-Item-Adrenaline | Scp035 |
134 | Scp035-Item-Painkillers | Scp035 |
135 | Scp035-Item-Coin | Scp035 |