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GrafDimenzio edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 1 revision


Component is a Unity Feature and it's really useful.

If you dont use the NuGet package: You will need if you want to use them, add UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll to your project dependencies. You can find this file in your Server Directory.

Components are a part of an GameObject and any class can be added as an Component to an existing GameObject like f.e. the Player.

To add a Component to a GameObject you may use the method GameObject.AddComponent<Class>();. To get a Component from an GameObject, you may use GameObject.GetComponent<Class>().

Note: The Class must inherit from MonoBehavoir

In these Components you can store variables foreach Player or execute methods.

Extra: We have the Event LoadComponentsEvent which activates when all the other Components of a Player gets added


using Synapse;

namespace Example
    public class Example : Synapse.Plugin
        public override void OnEnable()
            //As Soon as the Player join and his Components can be added start the method LoadComponents
            Events.LoadComponentsEvent += LoadComponents;

        private void LoadComponents(Synapse.Events.Classes.LoadComponentsEvent ev)
            //Check if the Component somehow already exist
            if (ev.Player.GetComponent<ComponentExample>() == null)
                //If not add the Component to the player

            //Change The value for this One specific Player
            ev.Player.GetComponent<ComponentExample>().my_Variable_i_want_to_store = "Yea i can change it!";
            //Start this method for this One specific Player

        public override string GetName => "YourPluginName";

    public class ComponentExample : MonoBehaviour
        //A Variable every Player gets when he joins
        public string my_Variable_i_want_to_store;

        // A Method which is called when the Components gets added
        public void Awake()
            my_Variable_i_want_to_store = "Hello World";
            Log.Info($"My Awesome Component from Player : {this.gameObject.GetPlayer().NickName} was added :D");

            //Hook a Event in this Player
            Events.ConsoleCommandEvent += OnCommand;

        private void OnCommand(ref ConsoleCommandEvent ev)
            //Checks if the Command Author is the Player of this Component
            if (ev.Player == this.gameObject.GetPlayer())
                //Return the Value of this Component
                if (ev.Command.ToLower() == "myvalue")
                    ev.ReturnMessage = my_Variable_i_want_to_store;

        //A Method which will activate when the Components get Removed (player leave in this case most likely)
        public void OnDestroy()
            Log.Info($"My Awesome Component from Player : {this.gameObject.GetPlayer().NickName} was removed D:");

            //Remove the Event so that no Errors will occure because this object does no longer exist
            Events.ConsoleCommandEvent -= OnCommand;

        //A Method which gets the gameobject from this Component to find out the name and say something in the Console
        public void SayMyVariable()
            Log.Info($"{this.gameObject.GetPlayer().NickName} want to say: {my_Variable_i_want_to_store}");
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