Discord Media Loader is a small tool for downloading all attachments of Discord servers.
Downloadlatest release or install with winget: winget install -e --id Serraniel.DiscordMediaLoader
Apache License 2.0
- Log into your discord account and gathering information about servers (guilds) and their channels
- Downloading attachments
- You can optionally specify a date. Only newer messages will be scanned
- You can specify a destination path
- You can specify amount of parallel workers
- You can skip existing for speeding up repeated scans (messages still must be scanned)
- .Net Framework 4.6 by Microsoft
First things first: Do not use if you have MFA enabled as long as login is only supported via username and password. That might get you lost your account. A switch to a token based login will come soonâ„¢!
Otherwise you may just do the following steps:
- Login
- Select a guild
- Select a channel
- Select a directory to save the files
- Do other settings if wished
- Press the magic button to download stuff