Simplified version of a Card Game BANG Introduction to the game:
Players are in the Wild West and since this is a simplified version of the game, everyone fights against each other. In our simplified version of the game, there are no characters, weapons, or many of the other cards from the original game.
Objective of the game:
To be the last one standing.
In our version of the game, there are two types of cards: Blue and Brown.
Blue cards Blue cards remain in front of the player once played and their effects last until they are removed.
2x Barrel 1x Dynamite 3x Jail Brown cards Brown cards have an immediate effect and are discarded immediately after being played.
30x Bang 15x Missed 8x Beer 6x Cat Balou 4x Stagecoach 2x Indians The effects of each card are described below.
Game setup:
The game can be played with 2-4 players. Each player starts with 4 cards from the deck and begins with 4 lives. There is no upper limit to the number of lives a player can have.
Players take turns playing in order. Each player's turn is divided into three parts:
Drawing cards - at the beginning of their turn, the player draws 2 cards from the deck. If they have any effect cards (Jail, Dynamite) in front of them, the effect is resolved first. Playing cards - the player can play any number of cards during their turn but is not required to play any. However, the rule that only one copy of each card can be in front of a player must be followed (e.g. if a player already has Barrel in front of them, they cannot play another). Discarding excess cards - at the end of their turn, the player can only have as many cards in their hand as they have lives. Killing an opponent:
If a player dies, they must return all cards in their hand and in front of them back to the discard pile. If a player is killed by another player, you can come up with a reward for the player who killed them (e.g. they draw 2 cards). This is optional.
Explanation of each card:
Bang and Missed Bang cards are the main way to reduce your opponents' lives. In our simplified version of the game, you can play an unlimited number of these cards during your turn.
If you are the target of a Bang card, you automatically play the Missed card if you have it. If you do not have a Missed card, you lose a life. If you lose all your lives, you are out of the game.
Example turn in our simplified version of the game: Player A plays a Bang card on Player B. Player B automatically checks if they have a Missed card. If they have one, it is played automatically. If they do not have a Missed card, they lose a life.
Barrel Barrel is a card that gives you a chance to dodge a Bang attack. The chance of dodging is 1 in 4.
Example turn: If one of the players aims a Bang card at you and you have Barrel in front of you, you can check its effect, and you may be able to dodge the attack. If you successfully dodge, no further Missed cards need to be played. If you do not dodge, the game automatically checks if you have a Missed card.
Beer The Beer card allows a player to gain one life. The card's effect can only be used on the player currently playing.
Stagecoach With the Stagecoach card, a player can draw two cards from the deck.
Indians Playing the Indians card causes an attack by Indians on all players (except for the player who played the card). Each player discards a Bang card (if they have one) or loses a life.
Cat Balou By playing this card, you can discard a card from an opponent, either from their hand or in front of them.
Example of playing the card: Player A plays the Cat Balou card on Player B. The game offers the option to discard a card from their hand or in front of them, and after the selection, a random card is discarded from Player B. If Player B does not have any cards, a message will be displayed that the card cannot be played on that player at the moment.
Jail This card is placed in front of any other player, and it imprisons them. If a player has Jail in front of them at the beginning of their turn, they must check its effect to see if they can escape or not. The chance of escaping from Jail is 1 in 4. If they do not escape, they skip their turn. If they do escape, they continue with their turn. In both cases, the card is discarded to the discard pile after checking its effect.
Dynamite When played, this card is placed in front of the player. The effect of the Dynamite card is always checked at the beginning of the turn. If the Dynamite explodes in front of the player, they lose 3 lives and the card is discarded. If the Dynamite does not explode, it is passed to the player who played before them (the Dynamite moves in the opposite direction to the game). The chance of the Dynamite exploding is 1 in 8.
If a player has both Jail and Dynamite in front of them at the beginning of their turn, the effect of the Dynamite card is checked first, and then the effect of the Jail card.