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DI‐Portal‐PKGVER‐006: Download Operations Group (combined specification)
Design Item ID: DI-Portal-PKGVER-006
Design Item Name: Download Operations Group (combined specification)
Related Design Items:
Related API:
- Export operations group as OpenaAPI documents - (GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType})
- Async document transformation - (POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/build/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType})
Revision History:
Date | Description |
User can download operations included into operations group (with API type = REST) and in the result receive OpenAPI specification with these operations. There are two options of downloading operations group - reduced source specifications (see info about reduced source specification in DI-Portal-PKGVER-005: Download Operations Group (reduced source specifications) and combined specification.
The combined specifications option allows the user to obtain a single OpenAPI specification that merges all operations from the selected operations group into one OpenAPI specification, including all relevant paths, components, and reusable elements from the source specifications.
For example, suppose you have a package version that contains two OpenAPI specifications:
- Specification A contains three operations:
- GET /pets
- POST /pet
- DELETE /pet/{Id}
- Specification B contains two operations:
- GET /users
- GET /users/{username}
The user creates a group that includes the following operations:
- GET /pets
- POST /pet
- GET /users
After exporting the operations group with the combined specification option, the result will be a single OpenAPI file that includes all the selected operations, such as:
- GET /pets
- POST /pet
- GET /users
This file will consolidate operations from both Specification A and Specification B into one OpenAPI specification.
- User navigates to APIHUB Portal → workspace → group → package version → Groups tab
- In Groups tab, the user hovers over required groups, clicks Export button and selects needed format (YAML, JSON) of the specification under 'Download combined specification'.
- The system:
- checks if cache exists with reduced source specifications for the operations from operations group
- API: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType} (response 200 - cache exists; responses 404 - cache does not exists)
- apiType = rest
- buildType = mergedSpecification
- groupName = <name of the exported group>
- format = <exported file format selected by the user>
- API: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType} (response 200 - cache exists; responses 404 - cache does not exists)
- if cache exists, the system exports specification in the required format.
- if cache does not exists, the system executes async build task to transform document
- API: POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/build/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType}
- packageId = current package Id
- version = current version of the package.
- apiType = rest
- groupName = <name of the exported group>
- buildType = mergedSpecification
- format = <exported file format selected by the user>
- API: POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/build/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType}
- the system gets source documents for all operations from the operations group to merge them.
- API: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/groups/{groupName}/documents
- groupName = <name of the exported group>
- API: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/groups/{groupName}/documents
- the system merges documents (see details how information is merged from multiple files and applied information from the template if any. See details in merging rules section below.
- the system exports documents in the required format.
- API: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType}
- packageId = current package Id
- version = current version of the package.
- apiType = rest
- groupName = <name of the exported group>
- buildType = mergedSpecification
- format = <exported file format selected by the user>
- API: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType}
- checks if cache exists with reduced source specifications for the operations from operations group
Client side build:
participant portal
participant api-processor
participant backend
portal ->> backend: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/groups/{groupName}/documents (buildType = mergedSpecification)
backend -->> portal: 404 response (cache does not exist)
portal ->> backend: POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/groups/{groupName}/documents
backend -->> portal: buldConfig
portal ->> api-processor: dispatch buildConfig
api-processor ->> backend: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/groups/{groupName}/documents
backend -->> api-processor: 200 response (list of documents)
api-processor ->> api-processor: build
api-processor -->> portal: buildResult
portal -> backend: POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/publish/{publishId}/status (save buildResult)
backend --> portal: 204 response
portal ->> backend: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType} (buildType = mergedSpecification)
backend -->> portal: 200 response
Server side build:
participant portal
participant api-processor
participant backend
portal ->> backend: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType} (buildType = mergedSpecification)
backend -->> portal: 404 response (cache does not exist)
portal ->> backend: POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/build/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType}
api-processor ->> backend: get free build
backend -->> api-processor: free build
api-processor ->> backend: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/groups/{groupName}/documents
backend -->> api-processor: 200 response (list of documents)
api-processor ->> api-processor: build
api-processor ->> backend: POST /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/publish/{publishId}/status (save buildResult)
backend -->> api-processor: 204 response
api-processor ->> backend: GET /api/v2/packages/{packageId}/publish/{publishId}/status
backend -->> api-processor: return status
portal ->> backend: GET /api/v3/packages/{packageId}/versions/{version}/{apiType}/export/groups/{groupName}/buildType/{buildType} (buildType = mergedSpecification)
backend -->> portal: 200 response
Operations group with REST API type can contain OpenAPI specification template. The OpenAPI specification template is the template that will be used when downloading the combined specification. The following information will be taken from the template, if specified, and applied to the combined specification:
- info: title, version, and description of the API specification
- servers
- externalDocs
- security and securitySchemes
T he template must be a valid JSON or YAML file, have an OpenAPI 3.0 structure and version openapi version 3.0 or 3.0.x (e.g., openapi: 3.0); otherwise else the exporting operations group with combined specification option and with such template will be failed.
If the OpenAPI export template is not in the correct format or structure, the system will return the error message: "OpenAPI export template is incorrect. Template must have JSON or YAML format and have structure of OpenAPI specification. Please fix OpenAPI export template and try again."
Merging rules:
- OAS field: openapi
- Rule: All source specifications must have the same OpenAPI version down to the last character (openapi version from template will be ignored).
- Example:
- valid:
- openapi: 3.0.1 & openapi: 3.0.1
- invalid:
- openapi: 3.0.1 & openapi: 3.0.2
- openapi: 3.0 & openapi: 3.0.1
- valid:
- Error message: The combined specification cannot be downloaded because there are source specifications with different OpenAPl versions. Please resolve the conflicts in source specifications, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- OAS field: info
- Rule: 'info' section will not be merged from source specifications. If group has template, then 'info' section will be taken from this template. If group does not have template or template does not have 'info.title' and/or 'info.version' fields, then combined specification will have:
- info.title =
- info.version = <package/dashboard version>
- Error message: -
- Examples:
Source spec 1:
openapi: 3.0
title: Spec1
summary: This spec1 about some things.
description: This specs describes this and that.
Source spec 2:
openapi: 3.0
title: Spec2
summary: This spec2 about some things.
name: Contact me
url: https://www.example.com/support
Example 1: There is template
openapi: 3.0.1
title: Sample Pet Store App
summary: A pet store manager.
description: This is a sample server for a pet store.
termsOfService: https://example.com/terms/
name: API Support
url: https://www.example.com/support
email: [email protected]
name: Apache 2.0
url: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
version: 1.0.1
Combined specification:
openapi: 3.0
title: Sample Pet Store App
summary: A pet store manager.
description: This is a sample server for a pet store.
termsOfService: https://example.com/terms/
name: API Support
url: https://www.example.com/support
email: [email protected]
name: Apache 2.0
url: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
version: 1.0.1
Example 2: There is template without no title and version:
openapi: 3.0.1
summary: A pet store manager.
description: This is a sample server for a pet store.
termsOfService: https://example.com/terms/
name: API Support
url: https://www.example.com/support
email: [email protected]
Combined specification:
openapi: 3.0
title: <group name>
summary: A pet store manager.
description: This is a sample server for a pet store.
termsOfService: https://example.com/terms/
name: API Support
url: https://www.example.com/support
email: [email protected]
name: Apache 2.0
url: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
version: <package/dashboard version>
Example 3: No template
Combined specification:
openapi: 3.0
title: <group name>
version: <package/dashboard version>
- OAS field: externalDocs
- Rule: If group has template, then combined section will contain externalDocs section from template. If there is no template or template does not have externalDocs section, then system check that externalDocs in source specification are equal:
- if they are equal, then combined specification will have this externalDocs.
- if they are different, then combined specification will not have externalDocs.
- Error message: -
- Examples:
Example 1. There is template: Template
openapi: 3.0.3
info: ...
url: https://example.com
description: Use this link to get more info
Source specification 1
openapi: 3.0
url: https://swagger.io/
Source specification 2
openapi: 3.0
url: https://wikipedia.ord
description: text text
Combined specification
openapi: 3.0
info: ...
url: https://example.com
description: Use this link to get more info
Example 2. No template (or template does not have externalDocs section) and different externalDocs:
Source specification 1
openapi: 3.0
url: https://swagger.io/
Source specification 2
openapi: 3.0
url: https://wikipedia.ord
description: text text
Combined specification (does not have externalDocs)
openapi: 3.0
info: ...
Example 3. No template (or template does not have externalDocs section) and equal externalDocs:
Source specification 1
openapi: 3.0
url: https://wikipedia.ord
description: text text
Source specification 2
openapi: 3.0
url: https://wikipedia.ord
description: text text
Combined specification
openapi: 3.0
url: https://wikipedia.ord
description: text text
- OAS field: servers
- Rule: If there is template, then combined specification will have servers section with servers only from template. If there is no template or template does not have servers section, then system check that server sections are equal in source specifications:
- if they are equal, then combined specification will have this server sections
- if they are different, then return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- OAS field: security
- Rule: If there is template and template has security, then combined specification will have security section with security only from template. If there is no template or template does not have security, then system check that security sections are equal in source specifications:
- if they are equal, then combined specification will have this security sections
- if they are different, then return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- OAS field: components.schemas
- Rule: if source specifications has components.schemas with the same schema key, then content of these schemas must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- OAS field: components.responses
- Rule: if source specifications has components.responses with the same response key, then content of these responses must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge . Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- OAS field: components.examples
- Rule: if source specifications has components.examples with the same example key, then content of these examples must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- OAS field: components.headers
- Rule: if source specifications has components.headers with the same header key, then content of these headers must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- R10:
- OAS field: components.links
- Rule: if source specifications has components.links with the same link key, then content of these links must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- R11:
- OAS field: components.securitySchemes
- Rule: merge securitySchemes from all source specification and template. If source specifications and/or template has components.parameters with the same security scheme key, then content of these security schemes must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- R12:
- OAS field: components.parameters
- Rule: if source specifications has components.parameters with the same parameter key, then content of these parameters must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- R13:
- OAS field: components.requestBodies
- Rule: if source specifications has components.requestBodies with the same request body key, then content of these request bodies must be equal; otherwise return error message.
- Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
- R14:
- OAS field: paths.[path]
- Rule: if source specifications has the same paths, then content of these paths must be equal.
Warning: The described rule implies that CRUD operations within the same path are included in one source specification. I.e., for example, if one source spec has /api/v1/users path and POST method and another spec has /api/v1/users path and GET method, then merge of this path is impossible and the system will return error message. - Error message: Unable to merge <json path>. Two or more specifications from the following list has different content for it: <Specification Title 1>, <\Specification Title 2>,... , <Spec Title N>. Please resolve the conflicts in source specification, republish them and try again. You can also download reduced source specifications and merge operations manually.
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