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DI‐Portal‐GF‐008: Personal Private Workspace

iugaidiana edited this page Feb 26, 2025 · 3 revisions

Design Item ID: DI-Portal-GF-008
Design Item Name: Personal Private Workspace
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Each user in Portal can create personal workspace that will be available only for the current user. Other users do not have read access to the workspace and all groups/package/dashboard inside this workspace. However, owner of personal workspace can give permissions to work with groups/package/dashboard from personal workspace for other users, but permission cannot be given to the entire workspace.

Start Point

  1. User navigates to APIHUB Portal → Private


  1. User opens Private tab
  2. The system shows page with Create Private Workspace button if user does not have private workspace.
  3. User clicks Create Private Workspace button.
  4. The system creates private workspace and opens it.
    • API to create private workspace - POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/space:
      • userId = Login of the current user

Only one private workspace can exist per user and the user who created personal workspace has Admin role for this space.
"User" table in db has column "PrivateWorkspaceId". In case if there is integration with e.g. ADFS, PrivateWorkspaceId is automatically generated for the user by userId. During local user creation, there is an ability to specify PrivateWorkspaceId, but if it is not specified, then it will be generated automatically.

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