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Trial of the Pilgrim

MimisK edited this page Mar 25, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • Quest ID: ``````
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  • Starting NPC: ``````
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  • Reward : ``````


  1. Talk to Hermit Santiago. He is on a farm with Piotur, north of the Orc Barracks. He says those who wish to practice divine powers must understand their nature through the Trial of the Pilgrim. The myths that have been passed down are all false, and you must learn about the gods from the very beginning.
  2. Talk to Seer Tanapi(Orc Village).
  3. Head deep into the Cave of Trials, and talk to Ancestor Martankus, whose soul currently rests in a large store head.
  4. Martankus sends you to kill Lava Salamanders in the Forgotten Temple until you obtain the Essence of Flame.
  5. Once you have the flame, return to Ancestor Martankus and talk to him, then return to Seer Tanapi.
  6. Travel to the Dwarven Village and talk to Gauri Twinklerock.
  7. Talk to Priest of Earth Gerald. You must give him 100,000 adena.
  8. Talk to Wanderer Dorff.
  9. Return to Priest of Earth Gerald to be refunded your 100,000 adena.
  10. Talk to Priest Prim (Giran).
  11. Travel to Talking Island and talk to Priest Petron.
  12. Hunt Nahir in the Elven Fortress on Talking Island, once you get Hair of Nahir, return to Petron.
  13. Talk to Andellia in the Elven Village. She sends you to the Waterfall between the Elf and Dark Elf areas to kill Black Willows.
  14. After you get the Debris of Willow, talk to Uruha, she is right by the Black Willows.
  15. Talk to Andellia again. She tells you to burn the Book of Darkness.
  16. Talk to Wiseman Casian. He can be found southwest of the south Ant Nest entrance.
  17. Return to Hermit Santiago to receive the Mark of Pilgrim.
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