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Miner's Favor

Mimis K edited this page Mar 25, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • Quest ID: 005
  • Type: One Time
  • Race: all
  • Level: 2
  • Starting NPC: Miner Bolter : 112656 -174864 -611
  • Location : Dwarven Village Territory
  • Reward: 450 Adena


Miner Bolter is a member of the Gray Column Guild and lives in Strip Mine. He asks you to fetch him a few things from the vilage. Per his request, vist Trader Shari of the weapons shop, Trader Garita of the item store, Warehouse Chief Reed and Blacksmith Brunon, and bring back the items that Miner Bolter has ordered for a reward.

  1. Talk to Miner Bolter. He gives you Bolter's Smelly Socks and Bolter's List.
  2. Talk to Trader Garita. He gives you some Mining Boots.
  3. Talk to Trader Shari. She gives you Boomboom Powder.
  4. Talk to Warehouse Chief Reed. He gives you some Redstone Beer.
  5. Talk to Blacksmith Brunon. You will have to give him the Smelly Socks to get the Miner's Pick.
  6. Return all the items to Miner Bolter, for 450 adena.
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