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AMRplusplus PublicAMR++ is a bioinformatic pipeline meant to aid in the analysis of raw sequencing reads to characterize the profile of antimicrobial resistance genes, or resistome.
Antimicrobial-drug-use-effect-on-microbiome-and-resistome-of-beef-feedlots PublicThis repository contains all of the code required to replicate the analysis in the manuscript "METAGENOMIC INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF ANTIMICROBIAL DRUG USE PRACTICES ON THE MICROBIOME AND RES…
R 2
- vero-research Public
Microbial-Ecology-Group/vero-research’s past year of commit activity - VARIANTplusplus Public
Microbial-Ecology-Group/VARIANTplusplus’s past year of commit activity - FDA_liver_abscess_trial Public
Microbial-Ecology-Group/FDA_liver_abscess_trial’s past year of commit activity - Full_GI_manuscript_code Public
Microbial-Ecology-Group/Full_GI_manuscript_code’s past year of commit activity - AMRplusplus Public
AMR++ is a bioinformatic pipeline meant to aid in the analysis of raw sequencing reads to characterize the profile of antimicrobial resistance genes, or resistome.
Microbial-Ecology-Group/AMRplusplus’s past year of commit activity - TE_inputDNA_manuscript_code Public
Microbial-Ecology-Group/TE_inputDNA_manuscript_code’s past year of commit activity - PetRisk_manuscript_code Public
Microbial-Ecology-Group/PetRisk_manuscript_code’s past year of commit activity
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