This is the implementation in pytorch of FGSM based Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples(2015)
Use Two dataset : MNIST(fc layer*2), CIFAR10(googleNet)
# Run this commend for more information or help
$python -h
usage: [-h] [--batch-size N] [--test-batch-size N] [--epochs N] [--lr LR] [--gamma M] [--no-cuda]
[--log-interval N] [--epsilon EPSILON] [--dataset-normalize] [--network NETWORK] [--save-model]
[--dataset DATASET]
PyTorch FGSM
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--batch-size N input batch size for training (default: 64)
--test-batch-size N input batch size for testing (default: 1000)
--epochs N number of epochs to train (default: 5)
--lr LR learning rate (default: 0.001)
--gamma M Learning rate step gamma (default: 0.7)
--no-cuda disables CUDA training
--log-interval N how many batches to wait before logging training status
--epsilon EPSILON epsilon(perturbation) of adversarial attack
--dataset-normalize input whether normalize or not (default: False)
--network NETWORK input Network type (Selected: fc, conv, drop, googlenet / default: 'fc')
--save-model For Saving the current Model
--dataset DATASET choose dataset : mnist or cifar
# MNIST Example
# CIAR-10 Example
$python --dataset cifar
Shallow model(fc layer x 2) - epsilon: 0.25
- use default argument(hyperparameter)
- Test Accuracy : 99%
- Adversarial Test Accuracy: 1%
- Misclassification : 9696/10000
GoogleNet - epsilon: 0.25
- use default argument(epoch 20)
- Test Accuracy : 82%
- Adversarial Test Accuracy: 10%
- Misclassification : 9191/10000
- epoch 1000
- Test Accuracy : 91%
- Adverarial Test Accuracy: 12%
- Misclassification: 8775/10000