method signatures readFile(n,delim) #Takes file name ( n ) & delimiter ( delim ) returns {[]} RawParse(data) #Reads subsheets from {[]} Data returns {{[]}} DictPrt2d(sdmB,delim) #Prints a 2d Dictionary as delim seperated file RoxPlot(Data,name) #Plots the rox curve for a given file RoxPlots() #Plots the rox curve for all files .csv in cwd FamMgbPlot(Data,name) # FamMgbPlots() # qpcrPlot(Data,f,t,s,g) #Data{{}} askYesNo() QuickPlot(x,y) QuickerPlot(x) GetAssayResults() #returns (ret1,ret2) where ret 1 = {{{{[]}}}}[file][table][sample][gene][cycle] & ret2 = {{{[]}}} [file][table][row][cycle] reading all csv in cwd
scf(Data,f,s,g) getNormalization(Data,f,s,g) getNormalizationMinusNegitive(Data,f,s,g) getPolynomialFunc(xs,ys,i) logFit(xs,ys,i)