Releases: CombatExtended-Continued/CombatExtended
Releases · CombatExtended-Continued/CombatExtended
Hotfix addressing the below issues. For tracking purposes, the version number of this release is
- Fix a bug where the armor stats do not scale with apparel quality.
Combat Extended 4.7 “Superior Firepower”
- Added support for VFE: Security long range artillery bombardment.
- Added apparel and armor autopatcher.
- Added gun autopatcher.
- New textures and shaderType for melee shields.
- Fixed the melee shield rendering with the incorrect shaderType.
- Fixed a bug where FSX and Promethum weren’t exploding when damaged.
- Fixed an issue where the unfinishedThingDef of ‘Steeled’ items was sometimes appearing made of inappropriate materials.
- Fixed an issue with apparel armor when using Generic Ammo mode.
- Fixed some odd behavior related to the mech ammo beacon from mechanoid sieges.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Antinium
o Bori race
o Edge of Descension
o Erin's Viera
o Mechanized Armor Set
o Mechanoid Bench 3
o Miho, the Celestial Fox
o Moyo - Light in the Abyss
o Reinforced Mechanoids: Tyrikan-Line
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
o WarCasket Gundam Addon
o Yet Another Prosthetic Expansion Mod - Core - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
o Alpha Animals
o Androids
o Anima Animals - Community Pack
o Anima Animals
o Arachne Race
o Combat Enthusiast's Collection
o Dragons Descent
o Erin's Au Ra
o Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - Forked
o Erin's Critter Collection
o High Caliber
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Insectoids
o [FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Animals Expanded
o The Joris Experience
o Starship Troopers Arachnids
o [LF] Red Dawn
o Magical Menagerie
o Mechanite Plague
o Medieval Overhaul
o Midworld Weaponry Expanded
o Moyo from the Depth
o [Pratt] WWII Weapons Pack (Vanilla)
o Rambo Weapons Pack
o Red Horse Faction Collection
o Rimfire
o Rimmu-Nation – Weapons
o Rimsenal Collection
o Save Our Ship 2
o Soviet Armory
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Pirates
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
o Vanilla Ideology Expanded – Dryads
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Frontier
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Quickdraw
- Various adjustments to fragmentation; speed, damage, gravity factor, and explosion angle.
- Removed various unnecessary patches to animal body size.
- Gave humans back their bite attack.
- Decreased flak cannon cooldown and warmup times.
- The Shooting Frenzy inspiration now gives +20% aiming accuracy.
- Explosions now have a three-times multiplier to the suppression they create.
- Melee criticials now automatically do max damage.
- Ideology:
o The Combat Command aura now also applies melee hit chance and shooting accuracy buffs.
o The Berserker ability now gives bonuses to melee parry, critical, dodge, and hit chance.
o Reduced the Shooting Specialist role’s shooting accuracy buff from 3 to 2, but added a 30% buff to aiming accuracy.
o Reduced the Melee Specialist’s role hit chance buff from 3 to 2, but increased the dodge chance buff by 12%, added a 10% crit chance buff, and a 20% parry chance buff. - Royalty:
o Added accuracy bonuses to the Gunlink.
- Updated textures for turrets and RPG-7 ammunition.
- Removed various unused textures from release version to reduce file size.
- Added translation keys to loading screen tips.
- Added translation keys to the bipod gizmo labels.
- EMP grenades can no longer be smelted.
- Added .227 Fury ammo.
- Revised FSX synthesizing recipes.
- Adjusted visual position of Advanced Ammo research.
- Various stat description and tooltip revisions.
- Added recipes for smaller quantities of some rockets and disposable launchers.
- Added the ‘RangedHeavy’ weaponClass to the grenade launcher and disposable rocket launcher.
- Increased market value of the disposable rocket launcher.
- Changed the javelin’s unfinishedThingDef.
- Swapped out all uses of the ‘BiteBlunt’ tool capacity for ‘Bite,’ as the former was skewing DPS calculations. There should be no functional difference in combat.
- Made some improvements to turret reloading behavior for non-player faction pawns. Besiegers should no longer cross the map to grab ammo.
- Added a warning for cases when the weapon toughness autopatcher fails.
- Royalty:
o Added a 0.85 fill value to the Defoliator.
o Reduced the gloomlight fill from 0.6 to 0.35.
- Removed integrated patch for ‘[Cosplay equipment] Blue archive,’ as the mod now incorporates its own patch.
- The Better Loading mod has been marked as incompatible for the time being, due to some changes it makes to the game’s initialization process. We’re told Better Loading has a fix for this issue in the works.
- Removed obsolete ModSync file from About.
Combat Extended 4.6 “Murder Loves Company”
- Support for Zenith’s Multiplayer Mod.
- Added a split assembly structure, improving compatibility with code from other mods. This change has reset all Combat Extended mod settings to defaults, so be sure to confirm they’re to your liking.
- Added a stat to identify one-handed weapons.
- Added support for internal ammo cookoff functionality for internally carried ammo and for degrading natural armor, useful for vehicles and the like.
- Added support for explosive projectiles capable of penetrating walls.
- Implemented the partial armor feature for various sets of armor.
- Weapons now have a ‘durability’ stat that determines how much damage they take when used to parry. This is affected by weapon health, quality, material, and the wielder’s skill. For simplicity, this stat is hidden by default, but can be revealed in the mod options.
- Fixed a missing check that could cause infinite explosions in the corner of the map.
- Set Generic Autocannon ammo class to AP instead if FMJ.
- Projectiles for the direct-fire version of the 105mm Howitzer no longer fly overhead.
- Advanced Ammo research is now an industrial instead of a spacer tech.
- Removed duplicate quality stat on carrying gear.
- AI should now friendly fire slightly less with grenades.
- Shields now have an ‘unfinished’ item during crafting, like other apparel.
- Increased the gravity factor of some hand grenades and other thrown projectiles. This should reduce pawns hitting things they’re taking cover behind with them.
- Removed outdated armor penetration stat and added generic ammo for 4.6x30mm.
- Corrected projectile label typos in 7.62x38mmR and 7.65x20mm.
- Removed some outdated SetMakerTags that were preventing some quest rewards from spawning at the correct frequency.
- Removed some outdated patches on Go Juice.
- Fixed an issue with autotargeting with single shot weapons.
- Removed an expensive check for Royalty shields that was constantly running, decreasing performance.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
◦ Communicable Diseases
◦ [Cosplay equipment] Blue archive
◦ [O21] Outland – Core
◦ [O21] Outland - Eastborn Empire
◦ British Weapon Set
◦ Fort's Firefighter gadget
◦ Kemomimihouse Kz
◦ Misc. Turrets
◦ Multiplayer
◦ Opossum Friends
◦ Remote Detonator
◦ RimCities
◦ RimHammer40k –Dreadnought
◦ Saclean Race
◦ Starship Troopers Arachnids
◦ Textiles+ (continued)
◦ VGP Garden Drinks UF
◦ Vanilla Factions Expanded – Classical
◦ Vanilla Storytellers Expanded – Winston Waves
◦ WarCasket Expanded - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
◦ [JDS] Castle Walls
◦ [O21] Frogotten Realms
◦ [RH2] Rimmu-Nation Weapons
◦ ADE Advanced Turrets+
◦ Advanced Mechanoid Warfare
◦ Advanced Mortar
◦ Alpha Animals
◦ Alpha Biomes
◦ Ancient Blade Cyborg
◦ Ancient Human
◦ Android tiers
◦ Android tiers - TX Series
◦ Androids
◦ Androids Expanded
◦ Animal Equipment
◦ AnimalCollabProject
◦ Anthro Race
◦ Anty the War Ant
◦ Apex – Rimworld Legends
◦ Apparello
◦ Arachne Race
◦ Arrow Please
◦ Aspero Race
◦ Astoriel Legacy
◦ Beeralope Squad
◦ Censored Armory
◦ Cupros Alloys
◦ Expanded Materials – Metals
◦ FFGerman Shepherd
◦ Fantasy Metals Reforged
◦ Forsakens
◦ Fortifications – Industrial
◦ Kaiser Armory
◦ Kijin 2.0
◦ LTS Military
◦ Magical Menagerie
◦ Mechanoids Extraordinaire
◦ Medieval Overhaul
◦ Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime ~ HAR ver.
◦ More Mechanoids
◦ More Utility Packs
◦ Morgante Mafia Weapons Pack
◦ MorrowRim - Bloodmoon
◦ NewRatkinPlus
◦ Nyaron
◦ Orassans
◦ Pratt WWII Weapons Pack
◦ Pulsefire Turret
◦ Rabbie The Moonrabbit
◦ Revia Race
◦ Rim-Effect Collection
◦ RimWorld - Witcher Monster Hunt
◦ Rimcraft Collection
◦ Rimefeller
◦ Rimmu-Nation - Weapons
◦ Rimsenal Collection
◦ Save Our Ship 2
◦ Tribal Warrior Set
◦ Tsar Armory
◦ T’s Samurai Faction
◦ Vanilla Animals Expanded
◦ Vanilla Armour Expanded
◦ Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded
◦ Vanilla Factions Expanded – Ancients
◦ Vanilla Factions Expanded – Insectoids
◦ Vanilla Factions Expanded – Mechanoids
◦ Vanilla Factions Expanded – Pirates
◦ Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings
◦ Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
◦ Vanilla Ideology Expanded – Dryads
◦ Vanilla Weapons Expanded
◦ Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
◦ Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
◦ Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Lasers
◦ Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Quickdraw
◦ Vanilla-Friendly Animal Surgery
- Reverted some changes to the raid point curve to vanilla.
- Adjusted the armor value curve of the race autopatcher.
- Adjusted shooting/melee skill requirements for the stranger in black and some elite raider pawnkinds.
- AP-I now does 50% less damage when it fails to penetrate the target’s armor.
- Reduced blunt penetration from AP-HE explosive damage by 33%.
- Increased plate armor thickness from 2.5 to 3.
- Increased 40mm Bofors Sabot sharp AP from 87.5 to 175.
- Increase magazine capacity of KPV and M240B.
- Added correct tech level to various medieval ammo types.
- Reduce DMR bipod set up time multiplier from 0.76 to 0.75.
- The bascinet helmet can now be made of ‘Metallic’ materials, instead of just ‘Steeled’.
- The melee shield is now unlocked by Smithing.
- The ballistic shield is now unlocked by Machining.
- Reduced ‘Careful Shooter’ shooting accuracy boost from 1.5 to 1.33.
- Reduced ‘Trigger Happy’ shooting accuracy multiplier from 50% to 75%.
- Gave ‘Trigger Happy’ a 25% decrease to aiming time.
- Increased the speed of various launched grenades by around 20 to 25%.
- Increased the velocity of shotgun beanbag rounds.
- Decreased the base armor penetration of .300 BLK from 7 to 6.
- Decreased the base armor penetration of .22 LR from 4 to 3.
- Decreased the shield breach chance of 6x18 Charged from 1 to 0.2.
- Adjusted the speed of various arrows, crossbow bolts, and sling stones.
- Reverted some changes to Scyther combat power.
- Removed some commented-out patches.
- Increased the crafting cost of vanilla bows, decreased their range.
- Added a bit of night vision to mechanoids turrets.
- Doubled Megascarab blunt and sharp armor.
- Increased spelopede movespeed from 4.3 to 4.6.
- Decreased megaspider movespeed from
- Ideology: Decreased the thickness of the robe, burka, and visage mask.
- Ideology: The broadwrap no longer provides protection to the eyes or nose, and provides only partial protection to the jaw.
- Royalty: Increased the carryweight of Cataphract armor from 80 to 100.
- Set Generic Ammo Def for various charge ammunition sets.
- Added unique generic ammo set for the Taraus judge.
- Various grammar fixes and tweaks.
- Replaced numerous occurrences of outdated patching node checks for a faster, more compact operation.
- Add ammo set for catapults.
- Added direct-fire ammo set for the 155mm Howitzer.
- New HEAT shell to 76.2mm ammo set.
- New HEDP grenade for 35x32mmSR
- Adjusted generic ammo sets for various ammo types.
- Added fire sprite with different orientation for flamethrowers.
- Added new sound of autocannon.
- Decreased minimum range of the molotov from 4 to 2.
- Removed and archived various art assets that are currently unused to decrease overall file size.
- Revised file structure for some apparel items.
- Removed obsolete patches: [CP] Military Furniture, Mister Meeseeks, Right Tool Rebalanced, Vanilla-Friendly Weapon Expansion.
Hotfix addressing the below issues. For tracking purposes, the version number of this release is
- Fixed a bug where M72 LAWs/Disposable Rocket Launchers couldn't be hauled to a stockpile.
- Fixed a bug where various turrets were available before completing the appropriate research.
- Increased the fillPercent of the Field Gun and Cannon from Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates so that they can fire over embrasures.
- Fixed bugs with the Pulsefire Turret, Censored Armory, and Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security patches wherein turrets were assigned the incorrect ammo and/or default projectile.
- Fixed a longstanding issue where large structures (such as crashed ship parts) were not blocking very much LOS.
- Corrected a miscalculation for the sharp AP of the 40x311mmR (Sabot) round; it's been increased to 175 from 87.5
Combat Extended 4.5 “Hit 'Em Where It Hurts!”
- Added Generic Ammo Mode: Replaces specific calibers with generic ammo types, for players who want a more straightforward ammo management experience.
- Added a utility that automatic patches unpatched pawns (races and animals), making them functional with generated stats.
- Added Bipods, used by various light machine guns and sniper rifles. Firing without them deployed imposes various penalties to range, recoil, and accuracy.
- Added the ability to save and load loadouts between saves, and import/export loadouts between players.
- Added the ability for skilled Melee fighters to target specific body parts in combat, similar to ranged Called Shots, for pawns with 8 Melee skill or higher.
- Armor can now provide different levels of protection to different covered body parts.
- Added a Medium Gun Turret that fires 7.62mm NATO, unlocked by researching Gun Turrets and Precision Rifling.
- Stats for muzzle flash and reload time no longer appear for weapons that don’t use them.
- Fixed an issue where melee attacks weren’t damaging internal organs when they should.
- Fixed incorrect quantity label in 155mm shell recipes.
- Removed inaccurate display radii from various turrets.
- Fixed an issue with grenade melee tools.
- Fixed incorrect work amount for 40 S&W AP ammo recipe.
- Removed a patch that was causing issues with the Character Editor apparel screen.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [FSF] More Psycast Powers
o [LITE] Expanded Materials – Metals
o [RH2] Faction: Task Force 141
o [RH2] Faction: The Rangers
o ADE Advanced Turrets
o ADE Advanced Turrets +
o Alpha Memes
o Anima Bionics
o Archotech Expanded
o Archotech+ (Continued)
o Birds Beyond: Temperate Forest
o Cossacks of the Rim
o Crowns and Regalia
o Cursed Guns
o DOOM - Factions (Continued)
o Dubs Rimatomics
o Farming Expansion
o Feles – Felines of the Rim [1.3]
o Heyra the Horned
o Infused 2 Expansion
o Infusion 2
o Mechanoid Bench 2
o Medieval Quest Rewards
o More Psycasts
o Paniel the Automata
o RimTraits – Medieval Talents
o Seventh Seraph
o The Tuffalo
o Useless Clothes
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
o Vanilla Ideology Expanded – Dryads
o Windows - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [CP] Rimmu-Nation Collection
o [JDS] EFT Apparel
o [JDS] The Forge
o [LF] Command And Conquer NOD Combat Armor
o [O21] Outer Rim Galaxies
o [RH] Faction Collection
o [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Clothing
o [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Weapons
o Alpha Animals
o Ancient Fallot Armory
o Android tiers - TX Series
o Anty the War Ant
o Apex – Rimworld Legends
o Apparello
o Arasaka Corporation [1.3]
o CP DOOM & DOOM Kit Classic
o Dishonored Assassin Mask
o Doom Factions - Expanded
o Dragonian Race
o Eisenhans Power Armor
o Expanded Materials – Metals
o Expanded Materials – Plastics
o Gimmicks
o Half Dragons
o HALO: Rimworld Auxiliary Combat Armory
o Kemomimihouse
o Kit's Gunpowder Weapons
o Magical Menagerie
o Medieval Overhaul
o Midworld Expanded Flak Armor
o More Vanilla Turrets
o Moyo from the Depth
o Nanosuit
o Nearmare Race
o Orassans
o Psi Tech
o Pulsefire Turrets
o Rah’s Vanilla Turrets Expansion
o Ratkin Apparel+
o Ratnik-3 Prototype Armor
o ReGrowth: Extinct Animals Pack
o ReGrowth: Mutated Animals Pack
o Rim Contractors Arsenal
o Rim of Madness – Bones
o Rimefeller
o Rim-Effect Collection
o Rim-Skeletons
o Rimsenal Collection
o RimWorld - Witcher Monster Hunt
o Save Our Ship 2
o Spartan Foundry
o Star Wars – Factions
o Thog’s Guns – More Brulla Pack
o T's Samurai Faction
o Ultratech – Altered Carbon Remastered
o Vanilla Animals Expanded — Caves
o Vanilla Apparel Expanded
o Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Ancients
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Mechanoids
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Medieval
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Settlers
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
o Vanilla Ideology Expanded – Hats and Rags
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Non-Lethal
o Warhammer – Dryad
o Xenohumans - Anthromorphs
- Added a threshold for penalties for weight and bulk from a pawn’s apparel and inventory.
o Pawns with worn/carried bulk less than 35% of their capacity will not suffer workspeed penalties.
o Starting at 50% of their total bulk capacity, pawns will begin to suffer penalties to melee dodge chance.
o Pawn carrying less than 25% of their total mass capacity will not suffer move speed penalties. Above 25% of their total mass, they’ll begin to suffer a penalty to their melee dodge chance. - Raised the required weapon handling required for Called Shots from 2.2 (Shooting 8) to 2.5 (Shooting 10).
- Stranger in Black now carries more ammo and can spawn with a backpack.
- Changed the autocannon turret caliber from 20mm Hispano to 20mm NATO and adjusted stats accordingly.
- For many high caliber ammo sets, swapped FMJ for AP rounds, making them more effective against heavily armored targets and less overkill against non-armored ones.
- Reduced .44 Magnum base sharp penetration from 8 to 6.
- Increased .454 Casul base sharp penetration from 6 to 8.
- Increased 9x18mm Makarov damage slightly, reduced base sharp penetration from 4 to 3.
- Increased .303 British base sharp penetration from 6 to 7.
- Increased 5.56mm NATO base sharp penetration from 5 to 6.
- Increased 7.97 Mauser base sharp penetration from 6 to 7.
- Increased 105mm HE shell damage from 350 to 370 and added a 105mm HEAT shell.
- Added a small radius of Thermobaric damage to the blast of some larger Incendiary artillery shells (105mm, 155mm).
- Added a Colt .45 Long/.410 Shotgun ammo set for shorter barreled, lower velocity weapons.
- Reduced the mass of the composite vest from 12 to 10.
- Reduced the mass of the binoculars from 3 to 2.25.
- Reduced the mass of the flak jacket from 13 to 11.
- Reduced the mass of the flak pants to 2.5.
- Reduced the worn bulk of the flak vest and flak pants.
- Reduced the amount of ammo carried by tribal chiefs and gave them backpacks.
- Increased the FSX cost for the HE IED, and set damage to 270.
- Reduced the radius of the Incendiary IED from 7 to 5.
- Restored vanilla heat armor value for Steel.
- Increased the speed of horses from 5 to 6.
- Heavy auto turrets and the KPV now require Precision Rifling.
- Ideology: Increased the armor of the Barkskin dryad.
- Royalty: Restored move speed and dodge chance penalties to the Toughskin, Armorskin, and Stoneskin Glands.
- Royalty: Slightly decreased the amount of ammo carried by various Empire pawnkinds and adjusted their loadouts.
- Various manned turrets are now built as structures from the security tab, rather than at the machining table. Added new UI icons for each turret for this purpose.
- Added the M72 LAW as the Disposable Rocket Launcher to give all players access to a suitable anti-tank weapon for killing centipedes and other armored targets.
- Added HEDP ammo for grenade launchers with new art.
- Added AP ammo for high caliber weapons with new art.
- Updated art for various ammo types.
- Restored the Minigun as a craftable and purchasable weapon.
- Restored vanilla research projects for the Autocannon and Uranium Slug turrets.
- Autocannon shells from the High Caliber now have Armor Piercing instead of Full Metal Jacket rounds.
- Removed the MiddleHead layer added by Combat Extended.
- Revised various tool tips and ReadMe file.
- Adjusted the position of some research projects on the research tab.
- Updated some media files.
- Renamed 12x65mm Charged to 12x72mm Charged.
- Added 40x311mmR (bofors) ammo, with new art.
- Added new research prerequisites to most grenade launcher ammo.
- Added new black powder ammunition types; cannon ball and mortar grenade.
- Added an additional ammo set to the 105mm Howitzer for direct-fire versions of turrets.
- Restored some vanilla values for raid points and strategies.
- Added a “NoSwitch” weaponTag that can be added to prevent CE’s automatic stowing behavior for weapons when a shooter runs out of ammo.
- Added a new texture for flamethrower projectiles.
- Commented out some content related to Attachments for the time being.
- Royalty: Adjusted the cover height of mechanoid auto mortars.
Hotfix for the phantom dependency on VFE Security.
Combat Extended 4.4 “Boom. Headshot.”
- Add the Called Shot system, allowing skilled shooters to aim for specific parts of the body, such as the head or legs.
- Exoframe: Add a new, late-industrial tech exoframe, allowing your colonists to carry more mass without giving them implants or putting them in power armor.
- New ammunition textures.
- Combat Extended Guns: New 105mm Howitzer.
- Fixed an issue caused by the auto pawnkind patcher trying to give ammunition to pawns that don’t have an inventory.
- Fixed a typo in the 12x65mm Charged (Ion) cartridge recipe.
- Fixed an issue where lasers could not hit targets taller than walls or apply suppression.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [JDS] Castle Walls
o [LF] Red Dawn
o Advanced Mortar (Continued)
o Ancient Humans
o Android Tiers SM7 Overhaul (Continued)
o Anima Animals - Community Pack
o Apex: Rimworld Legends (Continued)
o Argonians of Blackmarsh (Continued)
o Arrow Please (Continued)
o Bulgarian Imperial Uniforms
o Cybernetic Warfare and Special Weapons (Continued)
o Devilstrand Animals
o DOOM - Factions (Continued)
o Dumb’s Dachshunds
o Erin’s Au Ra
o Erin’s Miqo’te
o Expanded Woodworking (Forked)
o Filthy Orc Invasion (Continued)
o FROG Suit Set
o Frontline - Bunkers (Continued)
o Frontline - Additional Guns for Bunkers (Continued)
o Frontline - Trenches (Continued)
o Frontline - Additional Guns for Trenches (Continued)
o Gimmicks (Continued)
o Half Dragons Race
o Mechanoid Master Blaster (Continued)
o Nukes
o ODZ Suits
o Pulsefire Turret (Continued)
o Rambo Weapons Pack (Continued)
o Ratkin Apparel+
o Red Army (Continued)
o Rim-Effect: Asari and Reapers
o Rim-Effect: Drell
o Spidercamp's Horses (Continued)
o Swords (Continued)
o Toolmetrics Redux (Continued)
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients
o Wall Mounted Turrets (Continued)
o Warhammer”ish”: Dryad - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [O21] Outer Rim Galaxies
o Alpha Animals
o Extended Storage
o NewRatkinsPlus
o Orassans
o Rimworld - The Dark Descent
o Save Our Ship 2
o Simply More Melee
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
o Xenohumans Expanded
- Greatly increased blunt penetration of explosions from 10% of the blast damage to 25%.
- Attacks with comparably very low armor penetration no longer deal a minimum of 1 damage to armor, meaning armor no longer be worn down quickly by weak attacks.
- Added support for VFE: Security trenches.
- Added support for RimAtomics Sentinel shield.
- Removed unnecessary and obsolete “BenchBase” ThingDef.
- Assorted minor performance improvements.
- Added a debugging utility to mod options; enable it and shift-click to view various details on pawns, locations, and other items.
- Added 105mm Howitzer ammoset.
- Added Incendiary, EMP, and Smoke rounds to the 155mm Howitzer ammoset.
- Added Names to some mech ammo, so it can be used as a parent.
- A special thanks to Mlies, who allowed us to integrate a number of patches from the various (Continued) mods.
- Patches for the Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack mod were moved to the base mod.
- Outdated and obsolete patches for Area Rugs and Android Tiers ++ were removed.
Combat Extended 4.3 “The Leading Name in War Crimes!”
- Smoke from fires will now gradually settle into ash over time. Additionally, the displayed PPM scale was reduced by a factor for ten, now maxing out at 1280 instead of 12800.
- Manned turrets now use the shooting skill of the pawn manning it, instead of the turret’s innate accuracy.
- Fixed a bug that was causing odd behavior from mech breacher raids.
- Fixed a bug that allowed pawns with shield belts to fire ranged weapons.
- Pawns will no longer attempt to reload turrets with ammo that is actively cooking off.
- Fixed a bug that meant flaming arrows always started fires.
- Inactive shield belts will no longer prevent pawns from shooting.
- Removed an obsolete def overwriting MinifiedThing. This was causing issues with Camping Stuff.
Add integrated patches for the following mods:
- [O21] Outer Rim Galaxies
- [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Clothing
- Anthro Race
- Beast Man Tribe
- Comigo's Fancy Floating Turrets
- Evolved Organs Redux
- Forgelings Race
- Forgotten Realms – Lizardfolk
- Forgotten Realms – Minotaur
- Mechanite Plague
- Rah's Vanilla Turrets Expansion
- Ratnik-3 Prototype Armor
- Rim of Madness – Vampires
- Rim of Madness – Werewolves
- Rimedieval - Medieval Royalty
- Slime Rancher
- Solark Race
- T's Samurai Faction
- Twi’lek Race
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Xenohumans Expanded
Updated integrated patches for the following mods: - [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Security
- Gas Traps and Shells
- GeneticRim
- Mining Co. Spaceship
- Moyo from the Depth
- Orassans
- Rakkle the Rattle Snake Race Mod
- Rimmu-Nation2 - Security
- Rimeffect Collection
- Vanilla Animals Expanded
- Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Increased 155mm Howitzer shell radius from 5 to 8.5 and reduced frag count.
- Increased 50mm Type 89 shell damage and reduced frag.
- Reduced incendiary mortar shell blast radius across the board.
- Increased Dryad armor penetration.
- Slightly reduced the weight of various RPG-7 rockets.
- Markedly increased the speed of neolithic, medieval projectiles, thrown weapons, and other slow projectiles across the board.
- Increase the speed and armor penetration of fragmentation, slightly decreased the damage.
- Adjusted the different types of power armor to make them feel more distinct.
- Integrated textures for the Gas Shells and Traps mod.
- Removed unnecessary instances of Class="CombatExtended.AmmoDef" from a large number of projectiles, which should be a net performance improvement.
- Improved the performance of the turret reloading/ammo finding behavior.
- Removed integrated Fallout Collaboration Project patches. These mods are now patched within an external megapatch that can be found on the workshop.
- Updated the github build script.
Combat Extended 4.2 “Made With Fair-Trade Human Leather!”
Added framework for weapon attachment and modification system. Artwork and .xml defs are still being completed, but we hope to have the system live in the near future!
The system will include support for stocks, scopes, foregrips, extended magazines, underbarrel attachments like grenade launchers and shotguns, and more!
- Fixed error associated for flares due to not having armor penetration or a damageDef.
- Removed velocity 155mm howitzer shell.
- Backpacks, gas masks, and tac rigging no longer count as clothing for nudists.
- Fixed TipSetDef typos.
- Fixed image artifacts from some apparel textures.
- Charge lance and turret weapons can no longer become relics.
- Fixed a bug with minified trees.
- Added a missing null check causing pawns without the Tactical Manager comp to behave strangely.
- Mechanoids and non-Humanlike pawns will no longer pick up weapons off the ground.
- Fixed an issue associated with conflicts with VEF and Dub’s Apparel Tweaks rendering
Add integrated patches for the following mods:
- [Fuu] Uncompromising Tribal Faction
- [LTS] Military
- [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Security
- [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Weapons
- Animal Equipment
- Aspero Race
- Astoriel Legacy
- FCP Makeshift Weapons Pack
- FCP Minuteman Equipment Teaser
- FCP Raider Armor and Apparel Teaser
- Fortifications – Industrial
- Kobolds of the Rim
- Martens - Nature's Most Adorable Assassins
- Medical System Expansion 2
- Medieval Overhaul
- Rim-Skeletons
- [Ry] Rimcraft Collection
- Rim-Effect Collection
- Vanilla Expanded Animals – Caves
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
- A Rimworld of Magic
- Alpha Animals
- Alpha Biomes
- Ancient Blade Cyborg
- Android Tiers
- Arasaka Corporation [1.3]
- Bastyon
- Better Infestations
- Censored Armory
- Clay Soldier Race
- Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network
- Forsakens
- Hallo UNSC Weapon Pack
- Idhale Race
- Kit’s Gunpowder Weapons
- Kit’s Roman Weapons
- Littluna Race
- Mantodean Insectoid Race
- Mass Effect – Playable Geth
- Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime
- Mining Co. Spaceship
- More Practical Traits
- Moyo - From the Depth
- Nearmare Race
- Neclose Race
- Nyaron
- Orassans
- Pawnbold Race
- Poleeokwa Race
- Revia Race
- Rim Contractor’s Arsenal
- Rim-Hivers!
- Rim-Sheks!
- Rimmu-Nation – Weapons
- Rimsenal Collection
- Save Our Ship 2
- Silkiera Race
- The Joris Experience
- Tribal Warrior Set
- Vanilla Bionics Expansion
- Vanilla Factions Expanded – Settlers
- Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Grenades
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Xenoorca Race
- Increased the speed and damage of various thrown and pre-industrial projectiles.
- Added appropriate bulks to various items.
- Added fragmentation to the frag IED and reduced radius from 5 to 4.5.
- Adjusted the cooldown for various melee weapons.
- Flaming arrows and crossbow bolts now start fires where they impact.
- Adjusted range increments for AI automatically switching firing and aiming modes.
- Added CE_PreIndustrialAmmo trade tags to various early ammo types.
- Added 9x19mm Para sub-sonic ammunition.
- Added 37x223mmR anti-tank ammo.
- Added 105x607mmR recoilless rifle ammo.
- Added HumanoidWide body shape for stout humanoid creatures.
- Changed texture names for various apparel items to avoid issues with duplicates from other mods.
- Added BasePawnSimple for tool user pawns than do not use the tactics comp.
- Change the apparel layer of various Royalty and Ideology headwear to MiddleHead.
- Added PreIndustrialAmmo trade tag to Neolithic faction traders.
- AI pawns will now use snapshot when using flare guns.
- Updated About.xml. Android Tier now loads after CE. Rimcraft and Medieval Overhauls before.
Combat Extended 4.1 “Evolving Threats”
- Added extensive improvements to raider and NPC AI in combat:
o When fighting at night, they will deploy flares to illuminate their targets.
o They will deploy smoke when they or their allies are being suppressed.
o They will adjust their aiming and firing modes based upon factors including range to the target and their ammo level.
o They will use grenades and launchers in their inventory against clusters of enemies and static targets in cover.
o They will collect ammo off the ground when running low and will switch weapons or try to find a new weapon if they run out.
o They will now make more effective use of deployed low-shields when available.
o Improved their logic for selecting targets.
o They will not take darkness in account when choosing cover.
o They will now take the opportunity to self-tend in combat.
o They will now equip or remove gas masks based upon the amount of smoke around them. - Added a DangerTracker which should help prevent friendly fire by making pawns less likely to step into an ally’s line of fire.
- New texture for the 90mm flak gun.
- New texture for normal and improvised gas masks.
- New texture for flare ammunition.
- Increased the frequency of colonists automatically updating their loadouts. It was only three times a day, it is now once an hour.
- Resolved some rendering issues related to interactions with Humanoid Alien Races.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Ancient Blade Cyborg
o Arasaka Corporation
o Darkest Night SK Steam
o Project RimFactory - Materials - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [O21] Forgotten Realms
o Alpha Animals
o Android Tiers
o Censored Armory
o Kit’s Gunpowder Weapons
o Magical Menagerie
o Mantodean Insectoid Race
o More Vanilla Turrets
o MorrowRim
o Rabbie The Moonrabbit
o Rim of Madness – Bones
o Rim-Hivers!
o Rimsenal Collection
o Save Our Ship 2
o Sergal
o Star Wars – Factions
o Tsar Armory
o Ultratech: Altered Carbon Remastered
o Xenohumans - Anthromorphs
- 90mm flak gun is now a 3x3-sized structure and costs 500 steel instead of 495.
- Give many raider pawnkinds a chance to spawn with smoke grenades and flares.
- Advanced Optoelectronics research now has Basic Optoelectronics as a prerequisite.
- NPCs can now spawn with plasteel arrows. Reduced the frequency of them spawning with fire arrows.