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Releases: CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package

8.11.1 - YR Patch

26 Feb 14:02
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YR Client 8.11.1 Patch Notes:

The 8.11.0 release version broke the client for many users on Windows 7 or Linux w/ Wine (and possibly others). This patch simply includes a DLL file that was missing from the previous release.

For those affected, you should download the install package from here and then update to the latest version 8.11.1 when prompted.

For all those unaffected, you should be able to update through the client as normal.

8.11.0 - YR Release

24 Feb 01:26
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YR Client 8.11.0 Release Notes:

Client Updates

Fix: Client Crash when Right-Clicking Map Preview Box

The client would crash when right-clicking the map preview box while the Download custom map button was visible.

Map Updates:

Update client game mode RA2 Ladder Maps with February 2022 RA2 QM Maps
Update client game mode YR Ladder Maps with March 2022 YR QM Maps

New Maps:

[2] Across the Frost by Matsonius
[2] Forward Outpost by Endless
[2] Kelvas Prime by JaladTanagra
[2] Tellar Prime by JaladTanagra
[2] The Backdoor by Snark
[6] Crushed Ice by Instinct
[6] Sharp Blade by Instinct

Map edits:

Disable navy on Darmok
Fix broken tiling on North Waves

8.10.2 - YR Patch

02 Feb 18:32
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YR Client 8.10.2 Patch Notes:

Map Updates

Fix: QM RA2 Armageddon Dog/Eng Eat

Prevent dog/eng eat in RA2 Armageddon game mode for QM.

8.10.1 - YR Patch

31 Jan 22:11
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YR Client 8.10.1 Patch Notes:

Client Updates

Fix: Game Modes

When the host of a game selected a map under a game mode other than Battle, the same game mode was not being applied to the guest players. They were left on Battle game mode only. This was causing issues with launching/playing games.

8.10 - YR Release

27 Jan 22:35
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YR Client 8.10 Release Notes:

Client Updates

Change: Team/Start Mapping rebranding

Previously referred to as "Team/Start Mappings", this feature is now referred to as "Auto Allying" in the client. Hopefully, this will be more clear.

Enhancement: Player Extra Options Notifications - Notify guests and highlight button to show that some options are enabled

When any option in the Player Extra Options area is enabled (not the default), the button to open the Player Extra Options will be highlighted for both the host and guests. Also, when the host enables Auto Allying, guests will be notified in the chat with a message.

Enhancement: Friend List - Ordering

The friends list now lists friends that are online first, then alphabetically.

Enhancement: Main Lobby User List - Ordering

The user list in the main lobby now lists admins first, then friends, then alphabetically.

Enhancement: Private Message List - Ordering

The user list that has sent you private messages is now ordered by online, then friends, then alphabetically.

Enhancement: Skirmish Lobby Settings Save by Default

All settings used in a Skirmish game are now saved and reloaded by default.
Credit: TheMitch2

Enhancement: Guest ability to UNready in game lobby

A guest player now has the ability to click Not Ready (in place of I'm Ready) button when they are in the Ready state.

Fix: Cncnet ban message

When joining the lobby, everyone was receiving the following message:
Cannot join channel #cncnet, you're banned!
Note: This was NOT a ban for anyone, whatsoever. It was a bug.

Fix: Auto Allying - Random sides fix

When enabling auto allying, all non-host players were then being reset to a random side/country. Also, the host was not able to edit the sides/countries of all players other than themselves.

Fix: Recent Players bug

If the file containing a player's recent players got corrupted, it would prevent them from joining/playing any online game.

Fix: RA2 Armageddon - Elite Black Eagles

Elite Black Eagles in the Armageddon game mode did not receive the same buff as non-elite Black Eagles

Fix: Deleting custom maps

Custom maps are able to be deleted in Skirmish lobbies. This was broken after Favorite Maps update.

Remove: Present/Gift/Pumpkin Crates

ACTUALLY remove them...

Map Updates

  • Disable navy on Split Level
  • Add May Day to RA2 maps
  • Enable navy on Fountain of Youth

8.9.1 - YR Patch

15 Jan 21:00
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YR Client 8.9.1 Patch Notes:

Client Updates

Fix: Custom map downloads

Guests were experiencing client crashes when attempting to download custom maps.

Fix: Load/Save Game Options Window

Some hosts were experiencing the load/save game options window popping up with a completely transparent background.

Map Updates

  • Add Dry Heat LE map to YR Ladder Maps

8.9 - YR Release

15 Jan 00:30
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YR Client 8.9 Release Notes:

Client Updates/Enhancements

Feature: Force Random Teams/Starts/Colors/Sides

The host now has the ability to force these items so that players cannot choose them. Open these options by clicking on the small arrow button in the top left corner of the player options area.

Feature: Team/Start Mappings

Rather than assigning teams to players, this feature allows the host to assign teams to start locations. Using this feature will force random teams. Random starts is encouraged, but not required. This is most useful on maps where there is a definitive top v bottom or left v right. The host can assign all left start locations to team A and all right start locations to team B. When the game launches, all players will be randomly assigned to spawn locations. Then, the mappings as configured by the host will auto assign players to teams. (IE, no more having to ally up at game start after you've determined where you are on the map).

  • "x" - This option can be used to "block" a location from being assigned. This is most useful when on a map larger than the number of players in the game and you want to force left vs right.
  • "-" - This option does not block a location from being assigned, but does not assign a Team to the player that may be randomly spawned there.
  • While random starts is encouraged with this feature, it is not required. There may be a scenario where a game of 8 players has 2 very well known pro players that should be on separate teams. The host can assign those players to opposite sides of the map, ensuring that they are not on the same team. All other players would then be randomly assigned to the remaining locations and auto allied.
  • For Map Creators: These mappings can be defined in a .map file or MPMaps.ini. These definitions allow for "presets" as well. (see screenshots at bottom)

Feature: Favorite Maps - Hosts AND guests can now toggle favorite maps.

  • For hosts:
    • There is a "Favorite Maps" option in the "Game Type" drop down to filter to only favorites.
    • Favorites can be toggled by right-clicking on a map in the map list.
  • For hosts or guests:
    • Favorites can be toggled by right-clicking on the map preview image.
    • Favorites can be toggled by left clicking on the "star" icon/button in the top right corner of the map preview image.

Remove: Holiday gift crates

Map Updates

  • Caverns of Siberia: 2nd gem patch relocated at TR and BR
  • Desert Island: Adjust a few tiles at BR to allow stretch similar to other spots
  • Dry Heat LE: Move gems BR a little further from the cliff
  • Stardusk: Add a PreCaptured tech to opposite corners for easier expansion points. Thicken gems in mid-left and mid-right.


Map definitions for team/start mappings, in a comma delimited list of teams A through D, the blocking option of "x", or the "don't assign a team, but don't block" option of "-", in order of spawn position for the given map.

  • "x" will prevent a location from any player being spawned to
  • "-" will not prevent a player from being spawned here, but no team will be assigned here either. IE, a player spawned here will NOT be assigned to any team.


  • In the screenshot below for Preset 0, team A will be at locations 1 and 2, team B will be at locations 3 and 4, team C will be at location 5 and 6, and team D will be at locations 7 and 8.
  • In the screenshot below for Preset 3, team A will be at locations 1, 7 and 8, team B will be at locations 3, 4 and 5, and locations 2 and 6 are blocked from random assignment.

Presets will be made visible in the client in the order they are specified, the first of which will be the default selected when the map is selected. Definitions for a preset use the preset's name, all lowercase and spaces removed.

For specific .map files, these mappings should be placed in the [Basic] section.


8.8.1 - YR Client

14 Dec 22:38
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YR Client 8.8.1 Patch Notes:

Client Updates/enhancements

8.8 - YR Client

14 Dec 00:18
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YR Client 8.8 Patch Notes:

Client Updates/enhancements

Enhancement: Delete Game Option Presets (Host Only)

In addition to the last update's ability to load/save game options, this update allows you to delete previously saved presets.

Enhancement: Open/Copy Link right click menu option

Right clicking any message in the main lobby that contains a properly formatted link/url, user OR system message, will provide you with the options to Open Link or Copy Link.

Enhancement: Private Message Restrictions

The ability to allow private messages from: All, Friends, or None. (default: All)

Change: Holiday gift crates

Map Updates

  • Add: Holiday Cliffside
  • Remove: Bipolar from YR Ladder Maps

8.7 - YR Client

07 Dec 22:25
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YR Client 8.7 Patch Notes:

Client Updates/enhancements

Feature: Load/Save Game Options (Host Only)

In all game lobbies, online or skirmish, the host can load or save the current game options by clicking on the arrow drop down button in the top right corner of the game options panel.

Feature: Recent Player List

In the Private Message window, there is a new tab for players you've recently played against, showing their names, the game name, and the date/time of the game.

Feature: Right clicking messages in the main lobby

Right clicking a user message in a main chat lobby will provide you with the same options as when right clicking a user in a user list.

Bug: Same name game

If there were two games in the game list with exactly the same name, the second game was not able to be selected.

Bug: Blocking users

Attempting to block users typically failed. The cause was identified and fixed. This goes for all instances of the right click menu option to Block a user.

Removed: Pumpkin crates

Map Updates

  • Add: Facedown LE to YR QM
  • Add: Stardusk, Proving Grounds to YR Ladder Maps
  • Add: Peril
  • Add: Floating Fortress
  • Add: The Path More Traveled By update
  • Add: Heck with Water
  • Add: Bipolar Mountain
  • Add: Darmok
  • Change: Allow SW to be disabled in YR Ladder Maps game mode
  • Change: Stormy Weather number should be [2] not [4] in map name
  • Change: Move starting positing slightly of mcv on Downhill Rush so wall mcv is possible
  • Fix: Tiling errors on Arabian Oasis