Releases: CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package
YR Client 8.17
YR Client Update 8.17
Auto Disconnect
Thanks to GrantBartlett and dkeetonx, there is now a way to prevent the dreaded disconnect screen! When this option is enabled, if a player disconnects from the match they will be immediately removed and the disconnect screen will not appear
RA2 Spectator bug.
Previously when spectating RA2 mode matches, the sidebar was blurry. It is finally readable!
Team Alliance
The "Team Alliance" game mode has been updated, and will now allow players to place buildings off of any of their teammate's buildings, not just their teammate's MCV.
New Maps!
[2] Lake Yuron by JaladTanagra
New Blitz Map
[2] Surge - Blitz by Iver
Oil Derrick build cameo!
A cameo for the oil derrick has been added to the client. When playing Blitz matches you will no longer see "Missing Cameo" in the build menu.
YR Client Patch update 8.16.2
YR Client Patch update 8.16.1
8.16 - YR Client
YR Client Map Updates
- New gamemode "Blitz" added to the client which has the Blitz maps, a mod for Yuri's Revenge created by RA2CashGames. Join RA2CashGames discord for more details RA2CashGames Discord
Blitz Maps:
8.15 - YR Client Release
YR Client Map Updates
- New maps added to the client for SFJ Ladder
Join the SFJ Discord:
8.14.1 Patch
YR Client 8.14.1 Patch Notes
Client Updates
- Update installer
Map Updates
- Add some missing map authors
- Map cleanup/removal
8.14.0 Release
YR Client 8.14.0 Release Notes
Client Updates
- Minor UI fixes
- Fixed map list not being scrollable with arrow keys
- Fixed map list not updating when loading a custom map using chat command
- Expose ability to sort map list to user
YR Client Changes / Cleanup
- Remove CTF and Demolition game modes
- Remove retired YR ladder maps
- Fix an issue with RA2 Ladder Maps Game Mode
Map Updates
8.13.1 Patch
YR Client 8.13.1 Patch Notes
This patch simply fixes a few UI issues from the 8.13.0 release.
- pink buttons in CnCNet theme
- background on map sharing download window
8.13 - Release
YR Client 8.13.0 Release Notes:
Client Updates
- There was a major overhaul in how the UI is built. If you experience any issues/side effects, please let us know with screen shots and we will address asap. This overhaul should help our ability to enhance the UI in future updates faster and more efficiently.
Backwards Compatibility
- Due to the above UI overhaul, there is no compatibility between this version and the last.
- You will NOT be able see any games listed that are on an older client version. Likewise, those on the older client version will NOT be able to see any games listed for this latest client version.
- Users across versions will still be able to chat in the main lobby.
Map Updates
[2] Sen River by [RU]Poly
[4] Copacobana by [RU]Poly
[8] Winter Wind by [RU]Poly
[8] Mayflower Freezes Over by Burg
- Updated YR Ladder Maps game mode with May YR Ladder Maps
8.12 - YR Patch
YR Client 8.12 Patch Notes:
New Maps
- [2] Permafrost Thyme
- [2] Impasse
- [4] Snow Drop
Create Game mode RA2 Pro 2v2 Maps
Remove "RA2 Armageddon" game mode.