Releases: CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package
Releases · CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package
YR Release 8.25.1
- Mayflower map added
- Ladder link fixed
- Game update - reverted due to internal errors.
YR Release 8.25
YR Release 8.24
YR Client 8.23.1
Patch update, map fixes:
Sekigara DMZ: fix bunkers which did not load in ra2 mode
Fix oil placement on well of wealth near bottom right spot
Update blitz map spark with newest version
YR 8.23.0
YR Client 8.21.0
Client Updates
- Remove Present Crates
- Fix borders on a few windows
- Updated discord app ID
- Added Gnu General public license
Ladder Updates
- Show player starting positions on map in summaries (@Belonit / @alexp8 / @GrantBartlett )
Map Updates
- Blitz demo map fix
- RA2 QM maps
Other Updates:
- CI/CD automation for game binaries (@CCHyper)
Added Credits to Readme
YR Client 8.20.0
Client Updates
Map Updates
- Allied Powerplant buff (only applies to YR & RA2 Ladder Maps) - Allied Power Plants will build at 25% faster than it usually does - Blitz Map Updates/Fixes
YR Client 8.19.0
Hello November, pumpkin crates removed.
Client Map Updates
Add missing YR and RA2 QM maps to the "YR Ladder Maps" and "RA2 Ladder Maps" game modes
- Yin Yang (PreCaptured)
- Red Valley
- Heck Freezes Over (Ore in Mid)
- Red Valley
YR Client Patch 8.18.1
Map/Resource Updates
- Fix pumpkin crates - some were reporting issue being able to accurately move to a crate - they were off centered.
- Blitz map updates
- Remove timer from TOE 4v4
- Update surge map image